Potent Pheromones: Difference between revisions

After reading the discussion page, I edited the description so it clarifies that Potent Pheromones have more diverse uses than just enthralling people. Does this make it different enough from Charm Person to justify its existence now?
(After reading the discussion page, I edited the description so it clarifies that Potent Pheromones have more diverse uses than just enthralling people. Does this make it different enough from Charm Person to justify its existence now?)
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'''Potent Pheromones''' are a superpower involvingthat uses theone's natural chemicals to induce an abnormal emotional or physical response in another person. The typical example would be [[Smells Sexy|pheromones causing an intense desire for a person]], usually a woman, having an effect that would lead to something close to [[Mind Control]]. TheHowever, this power can alsogo affectbeyond organismsmerely inbrainwashing someone into becoming a lovestruck pawn happy to do their master's bidding: more creative uses of pheromones can include using them to mark a target to unleash hordes of bugs or other wayscreatures on, mentallymaking andpeople physicallyviolently ill, poisoning people, or even empowering them with a strength boost or superpowers.
People with the [[Super Senses|Super Sense]] of smell ([[The Nose Knows]]) can be vulnerable to this power.