Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time/Fridge: Difference between revisions

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=== [[Fridge Brilliance]] ===
<!-- %%For the love of GOD, can we leave the stuff about the one inconsequential mook that's used to handwave Nazim knowing about the sand glass off this page? The film's page has already been locked over it, and the JBM page for the whole bloody series has been locked and redlinked over it. Unless you're trying to get every single page with PrinceOfPersia in it locked, just leave it the goddamn hell alone. -->
=== [[Fridge Brilliance]] ===
* It's a small one, but one of the main themes in the movie is the importance of brothers and brotherhood. In the original [[Prince of Persia]] game, Jordan Mechner (who helped write the film) used photos of his own brother to create the Prince's sprite. Jordan's brother brought the Prince to life. Neat, huh?
** Related to the lack of [[Our Zombies Are Different|sand zombies]]: If Dastan could extract their Sands of Time, he'd probably just [[Game Breaker|abuse the Dagger of Time]] at every pivotal plot point. Perhaps that's why they weren't in the movie?
* {{spoiler|Nizam displayed surprisingly competent swordwork immediately following his [[Villainous Breakdown]], the reason he was such a pushover during the film's climax was because his hands had been burnt in that timeline.}}
=== [[Fridge Horror]] ===
* What difference is there between Nazim and Dastan holding the dagger in the Sandglass. They both wound up back in time like they wanted. What if the present WAS destroyed but a little side effect of time travel is it undoes that... Still BILLIONS of lives are on his head, if only for a moment. And that was the gods' plan. Now their waiting to see if Dastan felt any remorse for killing all life on Earth after his second chance. Heck maybe Sand Demon would pursue him in a sequel who are basically the doomed masses of the alternate future.
** Uh hello! Dastan was trying to stop '''NIZAM''' from killing billions of people by messing with the past. Which I'd like to point out, ''HE DID!'' I'd also like to point out that Dastan wasn't interested in useing the power of the Sandglass, he was just trying to stop Nizam from doing so.
[[Category:Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time]]