Pure Energy: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Senior Officer:''' The weird thing is, the bodies show traces of...pure energy.
'''Detective Randall:''' Energy? Like, electric, solar, or what?
'''Senior Officer:''' No, Randall. [[This Is Sparta|Just. Pure. Energy.]]
'''Detective Randall:''' [[Dull Surprise|...Odd.]]|"[[The Lazer Collection]] 3" by Dom Fera}}
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* In third edition of ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', non-physical damage types like fire, electricity, and acid, are referred to as "energy damage," in a nod to logic and reason. [[Elemental Crafting|And they all end up being used]] in practically the same manner as Pure Energy anyways.
** Meanwhile, in third edition at least, magic missile spells are made of force, which is basically the same thing as 'pure energy'. Other force effects include the Bigby's line of spells, and a dragon that BREATHES force energy.
* Warp Energy in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' and ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]''. Technically it's ''psychic'' energy, composed of the thoughts and emotions of every sapient being, but in practice it is treated as this trope.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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[[Category:Stock Super Powers]]
[[Category:Magic and Powers]]
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