Quickly-Demoted Woman/Playing With

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Basic Trope: A female character of significant rank or status who exists solely to lose said rank or status to a male character barely five minutes into the story... and long before she can get any decent characterization.

  • Straight: Alice is the current commander of Hawk Squadron. She's gotten pregnant, and is required to take mandatory maternity leave. Alice greets Bob, a fellow officer who's worked his way up the ranks and is ready to take over a squadron, and introduces him to his new subordinates. Although Alice is mentioned a few times in later episodes, she never returns.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is the current commander of Hawk Squadron. She busts the chops of new hotshot pilot Bob for his insubordinate attitude. Then the enemy attacks. Alice turns out to be a Pointy-Haired Boss whose weak feminine emotions leave her unable to make critical decisions in a crisis. Bob's made of sterner stuff, comes up with a plan, and rallies the troops. At the end of the episode, Bob is the acting commander, and Alice is a glorified secretary and Bob's default love interest.
  • Justified: Some women really do choose to leave promising careers to raise a family, or are promoted beyond their level of competence. And it's quite possible that their replacement is male.
  • Inverted: A male character of significant rank or status is introduced, then cedes that rank to a female character very quickly.
    • Alternately, Alice is removed from focus by being promoted.
  • Subverted: Bob turns out to be a horrible leader, and Alice is called back from her leave to retake command.
  • Double Subverted: But Bob's incompetence was just him feeling guilty for taking Alice's job--once she reassures him that it's okay, Bob's back in the big chair.
  • Parodied: Bob wanders into a meeting of the Ladies' Gardening Club and the members immediately depose President Alice in favor of him, despite Bob having no gardening experience. "Everyone knows that having a penis makes you a natural leader!"
  • Deconstructed: Bob's taking over Alice's position is seen as an usurpation by the troops. Alice earned her rank through hard work, while Bob just assumed command on his own say-so. This causes tensions to rise in the squadron, ruining the teamwork. Also, following Bob's example, other ambitious officers consider overthrowing him in the same manner. Furthermore, the female members of the team resent the Unfortunate Implications that come from a woman being demoted solely, as they see it, in order to cede authority to a man who lacks her experience and tenure, thus leading to tension on that score as well.
  • Reconstructed: Bob is just that more awesome a leader than Alice, and after scoring a major victory under his orders, it's agreed that he's the best man for the job after all.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice and Bob wrest control of the squadron back and forth on a semi-regular basis.
  • Averted: Female characters introduced with significant rank or status tend to keep that status over the course of the series, all promotions and demotions are based on factors other than gender.
  • Enforced: "We want to show that there are female leaders in the future military, but Bob really fits our idea of a squadron commander more. How about we make the previous commander Alice?"
  • Lampshaded: "Why does an XY chromosone pattern seem to trump seniority in this squadron?"
  • Invoked: Bob actively tries to undermine his new boss Alice in hopes of taking over her job.
  • Defied: Bob is informed that he cannot jump into command in this way; the regulations forbid it.
  • Discussed: "What you want to bet Bob is taking over from Alice by the end of the day?"
  • Conversed: "Ooh, Hawk Squadron has a female commander! Too bad it won't last, this kind of show always puts a man in charge."

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