• Glurge: Despite the general reception of this movie as one giant series of Heartwarming Moments and in general as Sweet Dreams Fuel, many autistic people hate this movie for its usage of Raymond as a tool to teach the neurotypical hero a lesson about not being a Jerkass and then shoving him back in the institution and also for its spawnage of the practice of neurotypical people asking an autistic person, "Are you like Rain Man?" Mentioning this movie on a website for autistic people will ignite a flame war, that's how glurge-y many autistic people find it.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Besides Charlie's entire character arc, Raymond leaning his head against Charlie's. (Of course, it's also a monster of a Tear Jerker...)
  • The Woobie: Raymond. If you don't feel sorry for what he is afflicted with, you have no soul!