Real Life/Tropes F-N: Difference between revisions

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* [[Gambit Pileup]]: When you've got over 200 states and polities competing for every possible advantage, as well as countless factions ''within each one'', it's more or less inevitable.
* [[Game Favored Gender]]: For most of history it's been men, thanks to a widespread belief that [[Men Are Better Than Women]]. [[Society Marches On|This is rapidly changing though]], as more and more servers are realizing that men and women have somewhat different stats but are overall fairly balanced, and have changed the rules to accommodate this. This is averted in many situations as well, such as when [[Men Are the Expendable Gender]] (usually in warfare).
** This is closely related to [[Difficulty by Region]] as well, and women are favouredfavored for certain classes (Education, Nursing, and Childcare, for example). This is slowly changing though as men come into (or back into, in some cases) these classes.
* [[Game Within a Game]] - Too many to count, of literally every genre. Most have no effect on gameplay as a whole, however, unless you're ''really'' good at one. That fact doesn't stop many players to ignore the main game and focus on these minigames though.
* [[Gay Option]]: Until recently, those who were found to have taken this option were ostracized at best. Nowadays you're allowed to take this option with little or no repercussions [[Difficulty by Region|provided you live in the right area.]]
* [[Genius Cripple]]: Professor Stephen Hawking.
* [[Genre Busting]]: Pretty much everything before the human race came along.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: So-called common sense, though of course, it's not nearly widespread enough to vitiate the drama.
* [[Genre Shift]]: Depending on the season, server, and player, you can get everything from action, drama, romance, comedy, tragedy, and post-modernism, in the space of a few seasons.
* [[Gentle Giant]]: Blue Whale, which happenhappens to be the largest confirmed race in [[Real Life]]. Whale Sharks and Basking Sharks also qualify.
* [[Geo Effects]]
* [[Get On With It Already]]: Characters in Real Life can spend up to twelve years learning the background and physics of the world. Some additional skill trees take even more time to learn, depending on person to person.
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** Somehow the Author has been allowed to include some of the [[Rule 34|raunchiest]] sex acts, incalculable amounts of [[Gorn|vio]][[Cold-Blooded Torture|lence]] and other family-unfriendly activities for ''hundreds of millions of years.''
* [[Ghibli Hills]]: Some regions, but they are few and far between. And diminishing.
* [[The Ghost]]: "[[That's What She Said|She]]". Your character never meets her, but a lot of other characters know her, and she sure is talkative, and has an odd habit of [[Foreshadowing]] other characters' lines. She also says a lot of suggestive things, and apparently, many youthyouths in the United States, especially young males, have had some sort of run in with her, being that most people will remember what she said at any given moment. {{spoiler|If you ask who "she" is, you will be informed that she is, in fact, [[Your Mom]].}} See also: "Them" or "They".
* [[Give Me Your Inventory Item]]: Muggers.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Humans are far from the toughest creatures on the face of the planet, but have invented powerful weapons to compensate for their poor defense. Thus, a human with a shotgun has a decent chance of slaying a bear in a fight, but if that bear manages to take the damage and keep going, despite heavy penalties to movement and HP, then it can quickly wipe out the human who attacked it.
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* [[The Good Guys Always Win]]: Sadly, occasionally subverted. The [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment]] prohibits us from wisely listing examples.
* [[Government Conspiracy]]: There are some unconfirmed theories and several confirmed ones throughout the ages. Most are extensively disproven.
* [[Grand Finale]]: There is fan speculation on whether the series will end with one, but in the meantime, many of the most memorable arcs ended with this. Probably the most recent would be the ''very'' popular [[World War II]] arc which ended with {{spoiler|the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki}} according to some but with D-Day and {{spoiler|Hitler's suicide}} to others.
* [[G-Rated Sex]]: Averted, oh so very hard.
** [[That's What She Said]]
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* [[Griefer]]: From school bullies and petty vandals, through murderers and rapists, all the way up to international terrorists and rogue states, there are plenty of players who like to make things miserable for others.
* [[Grim Up North]]: Very few characters live in the Arctic Circle at all, and among the creatures that live there are [[Everything's Worse with Bears|fierce white-furred bears]]. Also inverted, as the ''South'' Pole is much worse.
* [[Groin Attack]]: A favorite of the female characters vs the males. It's actually just as effective on females, but it's not used so much the other way around, because of the "[[Wouldn't Hit a Girl|No Hitting Girls]]" thing. Oh, and males can do this to anotherother males, mind you (and females versus females)
* [[Groupie Brigade]]: Members of the Artist class and/or Musician subclass will be pursued for sex or relationships by members of the [[Fan Girl|Groupie]] [[Fan Boy|Class]].
* [[Growing Up Sucks]]: But most agree it's worth it.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: And to make it worse, there are lots of different guides with different advice!
** It's gotten to the point that to work out anything new about [[The Verse]], you're actually ''expected'' to spend several years studying the fan community's extensive archive of guidebooks.
* [[Guns in Church]]: Strangely, this is sometimes acceptable in actual churches where they have security guards or permit visitors to have them provided they are holstered appropriately. In some cases, this has actually prevented attempted shootings because [[Too Dumb to Live|the attempted shooter got taken out by the armed parishioners]].
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