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Played by Geoff Lazer Ramsey
=== Grifisms (Associated Tropes): ===
* [[Badass Driver]]: While he has shown considerable motor skills in seasons one to five and is the Red Team's designated driver, by ''Revelation'', he has completely owned and adopted this trope. He just has trouble ''stopping'' driving sometimes.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]] One of the few reasons he ever gets off his lazy butt for someone else (when he isn't being ordered to do something), is his Sister. He is very protective of her.
** [[Captain Crash]]: Specifically, he's a little fuzzy on the whole concept of "landing":
{{quote|'''Grif:''' "Sure! That just means 'stop flying', right?"}}
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: Church claims he is this... though [[Unreliable Narrator|Church may have been mistaken, exaggerating,]] or only comparing Grif to the other Reds.
** On the other hand, he did quickly earn several promotions once he was assigned to a new unit that apparently didn't let him slack off as much. Of course, once put back with the other Reds, he quickly degenerated into his old habits and was demoted by Sarge. (Sarge might not have actually had the authority to do this... but Grif's too lazy to care.)
* [[Butt Monkey]] Of the Red team when Lopez isn't around.
* [[The Chew Toy]]
* [[The Chew Toy]] Sarge, Simmons, the Blues, Tex, everyone pretty much rags on him all the time. Course he does the same to them.
* [[The Lancer]]: Fills this role for the Reds, until in ''Revelation'' when he becomes [[The Heart]].
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Pretty much every Red Team plan involves sacrificing him in one way or another.