Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Difference between revisions

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* Kelly Ball from ''[[Shameless]]''. Started life off as Kev's annoying sister. After annoying out of everyone in one episode per series (2-4), she was promoted to the main cast as Shane Maguire's boyfriend and has shed her previous image.
* Andy Bernard on ''[[The Office]]'' was introduced as a throughly dislikable sycophant with rage issues. While he's continued to be portrayed as a comically awkward character, his portrayal became more sympathetic during his engagement to Angela (who cheated on him and was otherwise emotionally abusive) and by the time he ended up a main character in the most recent series he was one of the most likable characters on the show.
* Anders and Cally in [[Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series)|the reimagined ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'']]. Anders was disliked for distracting Starbuck from Lee, but got his own characterization arc after {{spoiler|realising he was a Cylon}} and turning out to be more important for several reasons than it first appeared. Meanwhile, even those who liked Lee at first went off him after too much smugness when he left the armed forces. Cally replaced Boomer in the chief's affections and seemed (realistically) tough and bad-tempered. She got her own episode though just before {{spoiler|Tory offed her.}}
* Jenny on ''[[The L Word]]'' was both [[The Scrappy]] and a [[Creator's Pet]] for most fans, but, when the writers caught onto just how disliked her character was, and brought her back as an all out unsympathetic, incompetent [[Jerkass]] director in Season Five, it actually ''boosted'' her popularity. Mia Kirshner's utterly hilarious performance with the new material made her a joy to watch. Ironically, having her go crazy - and ''acknowledging'' her craziness within the show - made fans care about her a lot more than any of the previous efforts to redeem or [[The Woobie|Woobify]] her in earlier seasons.
* Jerri Manthey from ''[[Survivor (TV series)|Survivor]].'' Everyone hated "[[Memetic Molester|Man-Eater Manthey]]" after her appearance in ''Survivor: Australia'' back when Survivor was new and it was the next greatest thing. She received similar treatment after appearing on ''Survivor: All Stars'', when she was booed out of the reunion by the audience. Her third time on the show in ''Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains'', she toned her self down, and was put next to larger than life characters like Coach and Russell Hantz who many fans did not like. She turned into the [[Plucky Girl]] and became a fan favorite near the end before being voted off at the final four. She received a loud applause at the reunion, in contrast to her reception several years prior.