Resident Evil (video game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Bold Inflation]]:
** Barry Burton is particularly prone to this.
** Even Wesker gets a moment of this earlier on, where he seems to be channellingchanneling Barry:
{{quote|'''Wesker''': STOP IT! Don't OPEN that DOOR!}}
* [[Bond Villain Stupidity]]: {{spoiler|Assuming killing Jill and Chris was part of his plan (which is debatable) he had several chances to put a bullet in their heads in several scenes, but was done in by his own vanity and arrogance, flaws that would define his character in later games.}}
* [[Boring but Practical]]: With the Handgun in the REmake, it can actually be better to aim ''downwards'' at the knees of Zombies when shooting them than at their heads. The chance to blow out a kneecap seems to be slightly better than getting a head-shot, and (somehow) this also instantly kills them ''and'' prevents Crimson Head transformation.
* [[Bowdlerize]]: The intro cutscene was heavily censored and altered by taking out scenes with blood in the Western releases. The PC version, some PAL releases of Director's Cut, and some copies of the US release of the Saturn version contained the original FMV. Notably, Chris' intro and ending were altered which originally has him [[Smoking Is Cool|lighting a cigarette]].
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* [[Facial Horror]]: Lisa stitched together the faces of her assorted victims, wearing them like as a mask. In later playthroughs, you do get a brief peek at her real face.
* [[Failure Is the Only Option]]: In the original you could not save Richard. The only difference getting the serum to him on time makes is whether you get his radio or not. In the REmake, you can save him, but he suffers a [[Plotline Death]] shortly afterwards.
** Even if {{spoiler| you know Wesker is bad news}}, there's no way to exploit that information.
* [[Foreshadowing]]
** Chris' and Jill's S.T.A.R.S. membership cards at the character select screen have Brian Irons' (the police chief from ''Resident Evil 2'') signature on them.
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* [[Hidden Supplies]]: The save points in the game are mostly hidden, out-of-the-way places with good lighting and calming music where your supplies are stashed. After you've been battling zombies for a while finding a safe place to relax can be an incredible relief, enough so to make players reluctant to leave.
* [[His Name Is--]]: Enrico is shot by an unseen assailant ({{spoiler|Wesker}}) moments after he reveals there's a mole.
* [[Hell Hound]]: The zombie hounds aren't from Hell, but the way they viciously attack sure suggsts it.
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: {{spoiler| Lisa in the remake. The first time you encounter her, you lack the proper weapons to even ''fight'' her, and your only recourse is to flee. Even when you ''do'' have the right weapons, she can't be killed via conventional means, and only dies when the mansion itself is torched.}}
* [[Hot Amazon]]: Jill, according to Brad.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: Chris is much larger than Rebecca and Barry is much larger than Jill.
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** Forest (AKA the One Dangerous Zombie) can match the main character in running speed, hits harder, and intentionally pops up at the least opportune times. <small>(Also he's covered in grenades and if you shoot him he goes plooey.)</small>
* [[Let's Split Up, Gang!]]: Three of the S.T.A.R.S. make it to the mansion together then promptly decide to split up. Seems like a bonehead move {{spoiler|[[Fridge Brilliance|until you remember that it was Wesker's order and he's working against the others]]}}.
* [[Loads and Loads of Loading]]: The original version suffered from this; every time you opened a door, went up stairs, climbed a ladder, etc., there was about a five second lapse.
* [[Lonely Piano Piece]]: There literally is a piano in the Spencer Mansion, and Jill and Rebecca use it to melodically play ''Moonlight Sonata''.
* [[Lost Forever]]: In the REmake, once the self-destruct in the laboratory is triggered (only if Barry or Rebecca are alive), a [[Point of No Return]] is created due to the entry elevator being disabled which prevents you from backtracking to the mansion and other areas. If you missed the {{spoiler|MO Disk in the tiger statue}} and you saved your game at this point, then rescuing your partner becomes impossible. In ''Real Survival'' mode, all items in item boxes not in the laboratory also become inaccessible when the self destruct is triggered.
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* [[The Starscream]]: {{spoiler|Albert Wesker}} is an inversion of the trope. Wesker is the leader of the entire S.T.A.R.S. unit, and {{spoiler|Enrico Marini}} is the second in command to Wesker. {{spoiler|Wesker ends up gunning down Enrico down in cold blood while the latter is distracted. From behind, no less.}}
* [[Sequel Difficulty Drop]]: Players coming from RE 2 and 3 will be surprised when healing items are extremely scarce and it takes more than half a clip to down a zombie.
* [[Snakes Are Evil]]: The Yawn, a colossal snake infected with the T-virus, possibly one of the most terrifying enemies in the whole series.
* [[Suicide Attack]]: The [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|One Dangerous Zombie]] (i.e. Forrest). Upon unlocking him, Forrest chases you around the mansion while wearing a grenade-covered vest.
* [[Sunglasses at Night]]: Wesker. Apparently simply for [[Rule of Cool]] or to establish his [[Badass]] credentials.