Return to Oz/Nightmare Fuel

Rock King From Hell
  • The Wheelers in their introduction, they were Laughing Mad, human headed things with wheels that creaked very loudly, complete with high pitched calls.
    • The wheeler's threat: " You'll have to come out eventually and when you do... we'll cut you up into little pieces and throw you in the deadly desert!"
  • The head scene when Dorothy went to retrieve the Powder of Life from the 31st head of Mombi in a corridor of heads. When she finally opens the door and gets the powder, the head comes to life and says "Dorothy Gale" in a Creepy Monotone, then the other heads wake up to scream loudly as she runs away from the headless Mombi.
  • When The Nome King loses his shit and and becomes a huge one eyed giant intent on eating the main cast.
    • The death scene of the Nome King as he begins to decay rapidly after eating his one weakness, a chicken egg.
  • In addition, to the Nomes themselves which are demonic, but the scariest ones are the ones that reach out at the Scarecrow, but it is from a first person perceptive; so it looks like they're trying to get you.
  • The Deadly Desert. It surrounds all of Oz, and if you touch even a toe in it, your body turns to sand. One of the Wheelers has this happen to him to demonstrate as Dorothy and company fly precariously over it in the Gump.
  • Outside of the more fantastic scares of Oz, there's the fact that Dorothy gets there after escaping a mental hospital where she was about to get electroshock therapy. Let me say that again: Dorothy, a little girl, was about to get electroshock therapy.
    • The mental hospital was creepy enough on its own. At first, it seems like a perfectly nice, reputable place. Then we see the rest of it. It's got all the staples: dirty, dimly lit hallways, creepy orderlies, an even creepier nurse, and a doctor who seems a little too enthusiastic about trying his new therapy on a preteen girl. And then there are the "damaged" patients who've been locked in the cellar...