Reviews:The Menu (2022 film)

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This is a very stupid movie.

HLIAA14YOG (talkcontribs)

You know, it's the year of the lord 2022 and I think the only things Hollywood has produced and I have watched that I do not hate since 2019 was the Sonic of the Hedgehog movies, that I think says something about how a giant loudspeaker for a certain American political party Hollywood has become. Maybe there was something that did no (I'm going to check the Northman someday, but the director's talk about how he apparently made it to criticize white supremacy makes me want to run away to Siberia or the Saara so I can stay away from "western" "civilization" and its obsession with "race", but others people told me he failed at making that point; just kidding, I'm too poor to be able to afford that, ha!).

This one of those intellectual try-hard movies where the plot seems to have been taken from some morning cartoon and they added blood on it to seem mature, because god forbid sex on Hollywood on "current year"(oh who we are kidding, Hollywood hates the idea of some men in the crowd may be liking what they are seeing, so the only nudity allowed is a male one, but not even that here). It is supposed to make some point about class, but I wasn't born with a chip of my shoulder against people who earn more money than me(I earn a minimum wage), so all I got was people making idiotic decision while Ralph Fiennes(I never saw that guy on a good movie) does a castrated version of Salo. It is so castrated here on Brazil it earned a +16 rating. I will not spoil the ending but it reminded of an ending of a certain Spongebob episode, which brings me back to the point this whole thing is an infantile socialism for kids book with blood added on to not get a PG rating.

I will praise one thing is that it looks good, but cinematography and costumes are wasted on this crappy plot. It reminded of when I tasted hamburguer for the first time and I realized only looks good, but the taste is horrible by biting. 3 out of 10 is the best I can give.

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