Ridiculously Average Guy: Difference between revisions

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Well, obviously, it's because the writers intend the audience to find him easy to relate to. Of course, considering that he winds up completely and totally overshadowed in almost all things by everyone around him, this fairly easily winds up turning into [[This Loser Is You]]. Pretty much everyone around him will constantly be telling him just what a loser he is, and the Ridiculously Average Guy usually has very little, if anything, to say in his defense- [[Sanity Has Advantages|unless he is]] the [[Only Sane Man]] of the group, and even then...
Of course, despite his aggressive and all-consuming mundanity, [[Marty Stu|he will also likely be central to some world-saving plot, come out on top at the end of every chapter]], and have exceptionally [[The Vamp|beautiful and sexy]], [[Token Mini-MoeLoli|cute and fun]], or [[The Ditz|just plain goofy]] girls hanging all over him and begging to be allowed to fulfill his every fantasy, usually along with one who [[Tsundere|acts like she hates him but will probably wind up with him in the end anyway]].
This trope is most noticeable (and confusing) for how he winds up with these girls, this fate, or those victories. The girls especially... sure, he's a decent guy and all, but often the only explanation seems to be that girls, when offered chances to be with the most handsome, richest, most famous, and in all other ways exceptional guys, actually prefer the dude who's going to give them a life with the absolute fewest surprises and least excitement possible. Can be (and probably has been) an example of [[Wish Fulfillment]] on the part of the writer. Or alternatively done so for the [[Audience Surrogate|male audience]].