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{{quote| "A police whistle on Bow Sreet. For a moment I felt a connection, ... with the night, the streets, the whistle and the smell of blood and my own fear, with all the other uniforms of London down the ages..."}}
''Rivers of London'' is a series of books which follow the career of Peter Grant, Detective Constable and apprentice wizard, as he tackles supernatural crime in London along with his superior officer, and Master Wizard, Detective Chief Inspector Nightingale. Written by former ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' writer Ben Aaronovitch, two books have been released so far, with a third set to launch soon.
== The books are: ==
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* [[IC Number]]: Referenced and explained.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: When Peter and Nightingale discover they're up against a black magician in book two, Peter points out that the term "black magician" is problematic, particularly since Peter is of African descent and is thus, in a sense, himself a black magician. Thereafter he uses variations on "ethically challenged magical practitioner" instead.
* [[Instant Sedation]]: Peter wants something that does this, Dr Walid explains there is no such thing (although he can come up with something that will work reasonably quickly at the expense of common sense and basic safety). That would be [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etorphine |etorphine hydrochloride]] - an opioid derivative a thousand times stronger than morphine, commonly used as a general anesthetic for large animals and perfectly capable of causing fatal respiratory arrest in very small doses. Dr Walid helpfully supplies Peter with auto-injectors of Narcan (an opioid antidote) as well as a card to give paramedics in case of accidental exposure.
* [[Jerkass]]: Tyburn, oh is she ever. And A [[Manipulative Bitch]] to boot.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Peter.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Peter again.
* [[Lesbian Cop]]: Detective Sergeant Stephanopoulis, described as a "terrifying lesbian". She's also an [[Old -Fashioned Copper]] and the only joke ever told about her sexuality is "do you know what happened to the last sod who made fun of Stephanopoulis? Neither does anyone else, they haven't found the body yet".
* [[Lethal Chef]]:
** Molly acquires more than a bit of this trope in book two. As long as she is cooking traditional Victorian style food she is top notch, but when she tries branching out into anything else it all goes a bit wrong.
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* [[Merlin Sickness]]: {{spoiler|Nightingale}} was born in 1900, aged normally until the 1970s, and then for reasons that are still not clear began getting younger again. The effect is only on his biological age, however; his memory works normally.
* [[Mundane Solution]]: Villain example when {{spoiler|Punch decides to [[Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him|just shoot]] Nightingale}}.
* [[My Grandson, Myself]]: Mention is made in ''Moon Over Soho'' of {{spoiler|Nightingale}} having pretended to be his own son in order to attend an old colleague's funeral without raising awkward questions. Mostly, though, he gets by by keeping to himself and not having protracted interactions with anybody who isn't part of the [[Masquerade]].
* [[The Obi-Wan]]: Nightingale fulfils this role to Peter. Although he verges on [[Obsolete Mentor]] a couple of times, especially when it comes to modern police methods, and this is a particular bone of contention at the end of ''Soho'' when the issue of [[Inhumanable Alien Rights]] and due process through the courts, versus just killing sentient non-human possible criminals comes up.
* [[Old -Fashioned Copper]]: DCI Seawoll.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: See that page for details.
* [[Perception Filter]]: Possessed by the [[Big Bad]] of ''Soho''.
* [[Police Procedural]]: The books are as much procedural as they are [[Urban Fantasy]]. Only the coppers have to not only apply the law of the land to the non-human community same as they would with regular humans, but also maintain [[The Masquerade]] too.
* [[Powder Keg Crowd]]: The patrons at the Royal Opera. Mr. Punch, mind-controlling several police officers via the ghost of Henry Pyke, incites the crowd to riot and burn down most of Covent Garden.
* [[Psychic -Assisted Suicide]]:
** The [[Big Bad]] of ''Soho'' tries this on Peter to force him to jump off a roof.
** Tyburn tried something similar in book one to to try and force Peter to drink from her fountain to put himself in thrall to her. {{spoiler|The practice he got in then helped him resist the bad guy of ''Soho''.}}
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