Roadside Picnic: Difference between revisions

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* [[Came Back Wrong]]: People buried in the zone reanimate, but they can't think for themselves, only imitating people near them. Even more strangely, severed body parts will still act on their own.
* [[Changing of the Guard]]: Zig-zagged. Redrick's the POV character for the first two chapters, only to be replaced by a middle-aged engineer named Richard Noonan in the third chapter, who, in-turn, is replaced with Redrick in the final chapter.
* [[Eldritch Location]]: the Zone itself. [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|So. Very. Much.]]
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Subverted. In the first chapter Redrick states that no one stalker (including [[Smug Snake]] Burbridge 'The Vulture') will never bring [[Grey Goo|"witches jelly"]] out from Zone. {{spoiler|In the second chapter Redrick and Burbridge are doing exactly that.}}
* [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]: "Alien" here means "mostly incompatible with Terran life". Where to start? There's a heavy fog that turns your bones into jelly. A spider-web that gives you a heart attack hours after you've touched it. Spots where [[Gravity Sucks|gravity is hundredfolds stronger than normal]] (in other words, step in and go splat on the floor)... A "meat grinder" that... um... well, guess... The Zone is littered with the bodies of scavengers that serve as marks for where you shouldn't go.