Romance of the Three Kingdoms (novel)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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(Crowning Moment of Awesome)
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* [[Badass Decay]]: In the first few chapters of the novel, he displayed some serious fighting skills and was able to duel Lu Bu alongside his brothers. Later on, he became more of an [[Iron Woobie]].
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: Lampshaded by one of Sun Quan's officers.
* [[Designated Hero]]
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: His rarely seen fighting style.
* [[Gonk]]: If you take his description in the novel literally, it is hard to believe he was even human.
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* [[Badass]]
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Badass Boast]]: "I am Zhang Fei of Yan! Who dares to challenge me?!"
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: During Liu Beis conquests of Shu and Han Zhong.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Screaming Warrior]]: Weaponized this in one battle to terrify the Wei troops.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Goes from an incredibly strong drunkard to a crafty general.
* [[You Shall Not Pass]]
=== Zhao Yun ===
A former servant of Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan. He joins with Liu Bei when the latter is fleeing from Yuan Shao. A member of the Five Tiger Generals.
* [[Badass]]
* [[Badass Grandpa]]: Later on.
* [[Bishonen]]: Pretty much every adaptation makes him one.
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: Quite a lot. Him plowing through Cao Cao's army to rescue Liu Chan is still a highlight.
=== Ma Chao ===
The eldest son of Ma Teng, the ruler of the Liangzhou region in northwest China. When his father is assassinated by Cao Cao, Ma attempts to fight off the Wei army on his own, but fails and is forced into the service of Zhang Lu. He would eventually defect to Liu Bei's force, where he would become one of the Five Tiger Generals.
* [[Anti-Hero]]
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=== Huang Zhong ===
A veteran general who has to deal with being discriminated against because of his age. Famous for his ability with a bow. The last of the Five Tiger Generals.
* [[The Archer]]
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A master strategist, politician, scholar, and inventor, possibly the greatest of his age. He joined with Liu Bei after Liu made three visits to his cottage, and served him and his son loyally until his death. Rose to the position of Prime Minister of Shu.
* [[Automatic Crossbows]]: An invention of his.
* [[Batman Gambit]]
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
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=== Wei Yan ===
Defected from Han Xuan because of Han's shoddy treatment of Huang Zhong and his own desire to serve Liu Bei. Served Liu Bei loyally and skillfully, but after Liu Bei's death he became dissatisfied. Zhuge Liang was able to keep a leash on him, but on Zhuge's death he revolted and was evetuallyeventually killed.
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]
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An officer under Tao Qian who joined Liu Bei when Tao left his city to Liu. Protected Liu Bei's family from Lu Bu.
* [[Officer and a Gentleman]]
* [[Beware of Hitch-Hiking Ghosts]]
* [[Non-Action Guy]]
* [[Officer and a Gentleman]]
=== Mi Fang ===
Brother of Mi Zhu. When Wu invaded Jing province, he defected to avoid a threatened punishment from Guan Yu.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]
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Another officer of Tao Qian that Liu Bei inherited on Tao's death.
* [[Ambassador]]: He is usually the guy to go on diplomatic missions for Liu Bei.
=== Ma Dai ===
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A cousin of Ma Chao, who served under him. He served in Zhuge Liang's Southern and Northern Campaigns, often playing crucial roles.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Plays not such a big role in most parts of the book, but has the tendency to end up in pretty much every "Characters I want to see in the next ''[[Dynasty Warriors]]'' game" list. [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|And voila, he did, for DW7]].
* [[Dude in Distress]]: He was one of two Shu officers defeated and captured by Lady Zhurong.
* {{spoiler|[[Not My Driver|Not My Boat Captain]]: When Meng Huo flees to what looks like a Nanman ship, Ma Dai is actually the captain.}}
=== Liu Feng ===
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A bandit who quits banditry to serve Guan Yu. Briefly survived the fall of the Kingdom of Shu.
* [[Chaste Hero]]: When he kidnaps Liu Bei's wives, his partner wants them to marry the two women. When Liao realizes who he's kidnapped, he kills his partner and returns the wives, along with his partners head, to Guan Yu as an apology.
=== Jiang Wei ===
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=== Cao Cao ===
Minister of Han. While young, a sage told him he was "a good subject in peaceful times; a crafty hero in a troubled land." This prediction was borne out: as the land became more and more divided, Cao amassed more and more power until even the Emperor was afraid of him.
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]
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* [[Historical Villain Upgrade]]: And how!
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Happens a couple of times to him.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]] / [[Smug Snake]]: Because the book was compiled from different sources (including history, folklore, and other popular works of fiction), Cao's character fluctuates between these two extremes.
* [[The Man]]: One of his many official titles.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Played straight, but also famously averted after he accidentally kills his father's sworn brother after suspecting treason:
{{quote|'''Cao Cao:''' Better I betray the world than the world betray me.}}
* [[Regent for Life]]
* [[Repetitive Name]]: Only when transliterated. In his native language they merely sound ''very'' similar.
* [[Speak of the Devil]]: The Chinese version of the proverb is "Speak of Cao Cao and he shall appear".
* [[Unfortunate Name]]: His name is unfortunately close to a Chinese word for fucking.
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* [[Friendly Enemy]]: Of Guan Yu.
* [[Memetic Badass]]
* [[Please Spare Him, My Liege]]
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* [[The Archer]]: The winner of Cao Cao's archery tournament.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: His first appearance is saving the emperor from bandits.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: Of Guan Yu.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: When Guan Yu attempts to turn him to the side of Shu, he states that his public obligations outweigh his private friendship with Guan.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Of Guan Yu.
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=== Yu Jin ===
One of the Five Generals of Wei. After a meritorious career, he was sent against Guan Yu, who captured him due to his obstinacy and jealousy of Pang De. He died of illness after being ridiculed by Cao Pi for being captured.
* [[Badass in Distress]]
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=== Guo Jia ===
AdvisorAdviser to Cao Cao, responsible for many of his early victories. He would die of illness in his thirties while on campaign, and Cao Cao would lament his absence at the Battle of Chi Bi.
* [[My Death Is Just the Beginning]]: He leaves instructions in his will that end in the deaths in the final two sons of Yuan Shao.
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=== Xun Yu ===
AdvisorAdviser to Cao Cao. He was highly favouredfavored, often acting as Cao Cao's steward when he was away on campaigns. However, he opposed Cao's ascent to dukeship, and was forced to commit suicide.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]
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=== Xu Shu ===
AdvisorAdviser to Cao Cao. Originally served Liu Bei, but was intrigued against and came to Cao's court against his will. He promised to never make a plan for Cao.
* [[Evil Chancellor]]: Towards Cao Cao.
* [[The Strategist]]: Albeit more during his tenure with Liu Bei.
=== Sima Yi ===
AdvisorAdviser to Cao Cao and his heirs. He would later plot to usurp power from the Cao family.
* [[Evil Chancellor]]
* [[I Shall Taunt You]]
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* [[The Strategist]]
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=== Sun Quan ===
Sun Ce's brother and heir. He took Wu to its largest boundaries, eventually declaring himself Emperor.
* [[Dude in Distress]]: Is frequently needing rescue.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Subverted. His attempts to lead his army from the front just wind up with the entire enemy army targeting him, and his favouritefavorite officers being forced to risk life and limb to get him out of danger.
=== Lady Wu ===
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=== Zhou Yu ===
AdvisorAdviser to the Sun family. He was especially close to Sun Ce, who was his blood brother. After Ce's death, he served Sun Quan capably, but was never able to keep up with the wiles of Zhuge Liang.
* [[Always Second Best]]: To Zhuge Liang.
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=== Lu Su ===
Strategist of Wu, famous for his generosity. He is Zhou Yu's eventual successor as chief strategist of Wu.
* [[The Watson]]: For Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang's plots.
=== Lu Meng ===
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* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
* [[Cool Boat]]: Gan Ning was called "The Pirate of the Silk Sails", because his ship only used silk sails.
* [[Nice Hat]]: During a famous night raid on a Wei camp, Gan Ning and his men stuck white goose feathers into their helmets so as to be able to tell each other apart. The raid went off without a single casualty for Wu.
* [[The Rival]]: To Ling Tong
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* [[Always Second Best]]: To Gan Ning.
* [[Embarrassing Rescue]]: By Gan Ning.
=== Zhou Tai ===
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=== Taishi Ci ===
An officer of Wu. He joined after having been defeated in Liu Yao's service.
* [[The Archer]]
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== Other Factions ==
=== Zhang Jiao ===
A taoistTaoist mystic leading a rebellion against the Han Empire, kickstarting the end of the Dynasty.
* [[Religion Is Magic]]
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* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]
* [[Regent for Life]]
* [[Villainous Glutton]]
=== Li Ru ===
Dong Zhuo's most trusted advisoradviser. He is the one who kills the deposed Emperor Shao, his consort, and his mother. He is executed after Dong Zhuo's death.
* [[Kick the Dog]]
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=== Diao Chan ===
A singing girl who is roped into bringing down Dong Zhuo by her adopted father by playing him and Lu Bu against each other.
* [[Honey Trap]]
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* [[Lady of War]]
[[Category:Romance of the Three Kingdoms]]