The Aliens who abducted Arnie ALSO abducted Becky, and replaced her with an alien replacement

who used her/it's mental powers to convince everyone that she was the same person even though she wasn't. After a couple years, it's mission was over and it was replaced with the real sister, Becky, again.

  • And then came back, then went away, then came back again.

Jimmy is Steven Hyde's son.

The Timing works, sorta. Maybe he unknowingly fathered a child with Samantha?

Several popular TV series are Alternate Universe versions of the Roseanne Universe.

  • Scrubs is what would have happened if the Conners were a wealthy upper-class family instead of lower/middle-class.
  • Big Bang Theory is what happened if Mark/Davids mother had been more nurturing.
    • Except for the fact that his parent in The Big Bang Theory was anything, but nurturing.