Rule of Perception: Difference between revisions

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m (update link)
("fan fiction" -> "fan works")
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Detective Conan]]'' often has people whose actions the audience is suppose to know, but whose specific appearance is unknown to the other characters, rendered as all-black silhouettes even in places where there would be no shadows (even outdoors in the middle of the day).
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* [[Doctor Strange]]'s [[Astral Projection|astral self]] is represented by a 'ghosted' version of himself with various other visual effects. Whether other characters can see him is indicated by dialogue. He also has visual indications when spellcasting, usually in the form of a [[Power Glows|glow around his hands]].
== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ==
* ''[[My Immortal]]'' is blissfully unaware of the Rule of Perception, as a result of which characters often seem to materialise out of nowhere.
== [[Film]] ==