Rule of Scary: Difference between revisions

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* [[Stephen King]] loves this trope- why the hell is a dog/clown/car/laundry press/platoon of green army men toys/pair of chattering teeth trying to kill people? Why is that kid's dad {{spoiler|turning into a giant germ from drinking expired beer}}? Where did that man-eating oil slick come from? The answer: Who cares? It just happened, and it's ''scary''.
** And explaining where some of these horrors came from would probably have made them less frightening.
** One of the themes of ''[[From a Buick 8]]"'' actually is that some things will never be understood.
** In discussing his early novel ''Firestarter'', Stephen King once wrote that he was unhappy with his clumsy attempts to explain where the antagonist's pyrokinetic powers came from, and ultimately decided that the 'how and why' of his scary ideas didn't interest him as much as the scary ideas themselves.
** Most monsters from Stephen King books can just be [[Handwaved]] as having come from a different dimension. This is usually the most in-depth explanation they ever get anyway.