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* [[Buddy Cop Show]]: See [[Odd Couple]].
* [[The Cameo]]: Jeremy Piven and Don Cheadle (who took it under the condition he would get a brief sparring moment with Chan) in Part Two, and [[Roman Polanski]] in Part Three.
* [[Camp Gay]]: The store attendant in the sequel, played by Jeremy Piven. Should have been offensive. [[Crosses the Line Twice|Instead]], it managed to be ''hilarious''. Even more so in the [[Hilarious Outtakes]] where he goes off on a tangent about doing naughty things to Jackie Chan. Jackie's limited English didn't allow him to realize the inappropriate comments being made and Chris dissolved into laughter.
** In the same outtakes, he says to Chan "If I didn't [[Camp Straight|have a girlfriend]], I would be [[Bi the Way|all over you]]!"
** It probably helps that he's a sort of [[Spiritual Successor]] to Serge from ''[[Beverly Hills Cop]]''.
* [[Ceiling Cling]]: Parodied in the second film.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Literally. Carter carries a second gun in the first film that's first played for laughs after he is disarmed; pretty much saves his life at the end.
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Carter requests that Lee teach him the gun disarming skill Lee used on him earlier. Carter uses it later on a mook and even lampshades it "Didn't know I could do that, did you?"
* [[Cowboy Cop]]: Both Carter AND Lee. Especially Carter; he causes massive property damage, uses highly questionable investigation techniques, and doesn't bother hiding the fact he smokes weed.
** Lee is implied to normally be a [[By-The-Book Cop]], but in each movie he's in such extreme (and often personal) circumstances that the book has gone out the window.
* [[Crowd Hockey]]: The detonator in ''Rush Hour 2''.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Carter is generally loud, rude, and almost gleefully engages in [[Uncle Tomfoolery]] but proves to be a competent investigator and ''insanely'' fast on the draw in the first movie and defeats two accomplished martial artists who gave Lee trouble in 2 and 3.
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* [[She's All Grown Up]]: Carter has this reaction In Rush Hour 3 after seeing Soo Yung for the first time in nine years. Surprisingly, he doesn't hit on her.
** In fact he acts as something of a [[Papa Wolf]] towards her.
** The scene actually makes it pretty clear that he's ''disturbed'' to find her so attractive, to judge by the rather panicky expression on his face when he hugs her.
* [[Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Trailer]]: For [[Paedo Hunt|obvious reasons]], [[Roman Polanski]]'s role in part three as a French customs agent was kept pretty quiet.
* [[Soul Brotha]]: Carter.
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* [[T-Word Euphemism]]: Played with in ''Rush Hour 3''. Carter and Lee are interrogating a man who speaks only French, so they enlist a nun, who's fluent in French, to translate. So, naturally, when she translates the prisoner's taunts, she summarizes with, "And he called you the N-word." For the rest of the scene, Carter and Lee ask her to translate things like, "Tell this piece of S-word that I'll kick his A-word," complete with brief stops to determine the spelling of some of the words.
* [[Uncle Tomfoolery]]: Carter, especially in the later movies.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: [[Jean -Claude Van Damme]] was offered the role of the villain in part three. Imagine seeing him and [[Jackie Chan]] fight...
** [[Eddie Murphy]] was also originally supposed to play as Carter, but turned the role down to work on another project.
* [[Who's on First?]]: In ''Rush Hour 3'', this was done in a dojo when Carter was speaking with Master Yu and Sifu Mi.
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[[Category:Buddy Cop Show]]
[[Category:Zoic Studios]]
[[Category:RushMultiple HourWorks Need Separate Pages]]