S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (series)/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

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If the hideously mutated creatures don't get to you, the anomalies and intense atmosphere will.
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** Bloodsuckers are a nice way to soil your drawers, Controllers use an attack that involves [[Interface Screw]], Snorks can be best described as gas mask wielding monkeys that can kill you easily, and then there's the Pseudogiant, whose presence is similar to that of a T-Rex, despite its accurate description (it's no larger than a buffalo). The fun part? They only account for less than 5% of all the enemies you encounter.
** Clear Sky had some wonderful Bloodsucker moments. The first one you encounter being in the swamp area you start off in. If you wander off the beaten path and are unlucky enough, a variant of Bloodsucker will come charging you from the brush. That was this troper's first encounter with one, promptly fired both barrels from my sawed-off shotgun, turned around, ran, and never returned to that patch of the swamp.
*** Snorks... [[Doctor Who (TV)|'Have you seen my mummy?']] Anyone else?
**** Plus, they are apparently what is left over of the first military stalkers.
*** Hell with that, the Nightmare Fuel in STALKER doesn't require monsters, just realising that ''this is what the end of the world looks like''.
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* One of the most disturbing scenes in the game in spotting the monolith guard at the beginning of the red forest, spinning their head maniacally around a fire. It only gets worse when {{spoiler|the player finds an entire battalion of equally disturbed soldiers in the middle of a destroyed theater at the heart of a deserted and radiation-filled city, doing the same around a huge sculpture of "something".}}
* A section in Shadow of Chenobyl has the player fight through a sewer of military officers and bandits, which is chock full of deadly anomalies. This is one of the first missions. You see the exit and finaly want to get out, but wait, what was that noise just the- HOLY FUCK WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CAMERA WHY DID I JUST LOSE HALF MY HEALTH FUCK ITS LEATHERFACE]]
* It comes as a disappointment to this troper that the underground labs do not take up more space on this page. Okay, picture this. You just fought your way across an extremely dangerous area of the Zone, swarming with bandits, various mutants (including bloodsuckers and snorks, fun times), and boatloads of anomalies, not to mention the radiation. You killed the bandit leader, and made your way to an abandoned factory, to find a blast-type door hidden in a tunnel underneath it. You enter the lab, and it's about 90% pitch black the whole time. There's a dead body literally five feet from the entrance, and a skeleton in the corner. You loot the body (keep in mind you're guaranteed to be on the edge of your 60kg carry capacity already), hear a noise, and turn around. [[Nightmare Fuel|The skeleton seems to have moved about a foot towards you.]] Getting goosebumps on the back of your neck, you turn back towards the staircase to see a floating crate in the air. Cue the crate smashing you in the face, taking out half of your health bar. Bandaging up, you proceed onwards to find snorks, which are {{spoiler|the remains of a military team sent into the lab.}} You take them out, pushing the innate desire to shudder at their [[Hell Is That Noise|ragged, strained, barely audible breathing]] into the back of your mind. After navigating a hallway full of [[Kill It Withwith Fire|burner anomalies,]] you find the corpse of a scientist who used to work in the lab who has a passcode on him. Keep in mind the whole time you're being pelted with anything that isn't nailed down (literally), and the only way to stop it is to kill all of the poltergeists in the lab, which are fast moving and near-impossible to hit, much less kill, especially considering that the only light you're guaranteed to have is your flashlight. Then you encounter a [[Oh Crap|pseudogiant,]] which isn't that big of a problem since you took an AK-74 with grenade launcher earlier in the lab. Or at least you would have, if you could carry any more. After using up what little ammo you may have left (or part of your large stockpile, [[Your Mileage May Vary|it depends]]) on the beast that you could hardly see, you find another passcode. After finally making your way to the room with the documents you need, you find indescribable experiments (evidently on the psyche of the human mind, going by the wires hooked up to their brains, and the Poltergeists) as well as a special poltergeist, that shoots flames at you. But the fun doesn't end there, you then have to fight your way back out of the lab, through a mix of a [[Elite Mooks|Spetsnaz]] strike team, and bandits who showed up wondering what all the commotion was about. [[Sarcasm Mode|Have fun trying to get out of there as fast as you can while being unable to move at any rate faster than a hobble due to wounds and a bulging backpack.]]
** The ''really'' fun part? This is your ''introduction'' to the labs.
* The ENTIRE trek in Call of Pripyat through the underground tunnels from Jupiter into Pripyat. 4 squad members + the player versus: a 3-mile hike through poison gas-filled abandoned power plant tunnels, filled with [[Goddamned Bats|hamsters]], snorks, anomalies and zombies. And that's '''before''' you're attacked by wave after wave of heavily armed fanatical Monolith troopers, including snipers from walkways dozens of feet up. Did we mention it's pitch black the entire time?
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* Bandits. As someone who is regularly antagonized, [[This Troper]] always consoles himself with the idea that if he had a bullet-proof suit, a shotgun and a few grenades, nobody would dare touch him. Then, the Bandits come along and ask you for your artifacts. "Oh, sure. Hey, is that a Chimera!?" POW! You've got a new brass crown. It takes guts to do that... and they're not on your side.
* In Call Of Pripyat, Vano is one of the more friendly characters, always smiling and cheerful. In one quest, you need to help him take out some Monolith in a bookstore. As he stands outside the store, he is likely to be attacked by wild animals, so to prevent the quest from failing before you even start, the developers made him invulnerable and had him ignore enemies while he waits for you. How could this become terrifying, you ask? [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imoMRuVYMFM Look. Look and weep while you still have eyes and a soul.]
* Burers, I feel, deserve a special mention. In my humble opinion, they are the [[Demonic Spiders]] of Call of Pripyat. When they were removed from ''Shadow of Chernobyl'', [[Even Evil Has Standards|the developers were being merciful]]. ''No longer.'' Imagine the telekinetic abilities of a Poltergeist with the mind-blast abilities of a Controller. Then give it the capability to paralyze you and rip the gun out of your hands and pummel you to death. Not that it does you much good anyway, because they can use their telekinesis to deflect ''bullets''. And using the old anti-Controller tactic of throwing a grenade at their feet won't work either. They are fast, they could run away. But they won't. Instead, they will use their telekinesis to raise your grenade up to the point where it explodes harmlessly, just to crush any hope you had of killing them. The best solution is to [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|run right up to it and stab it with your knife until it dies, hopefully.]] And the best part of it all? You rarely run into just one of them, they come in ''pairs''. I have faced Chimeras, Controllers merely annoy me and I laugh at Snorks. But I will never, ''ever'' get over the chill when I know one of ''these'' is within thirty feet of me.
* The Monolith faction. [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] is a good way to describe them, though they are also religious fanatics who display a devotion to their skewed "faith" that could make the [[Halo|Covenant]] take pause. One of the crazy bastards in ''Call of Pripyat'' starts giving a ''sermon'' while his comrades start slaughtering you and your friends. As if that was bad enough, they somehow have access to the best arms and armor in the zone, including [[Magnetic Weapons|Gauss rifles]].
* The Jupiter factory complex in Call of Pripyat. It is an insanely large abandoned factory complex with fully modeled interior of most of the buildings. The majority of the rooms has no lightning, and certain rooms in the complex have hidden anomalies in them. Due to the often murky weather and the color pallet used in the game, it makes the entire place looks significantly more menacing than it seems. To this troper's surprise, only dogs appear throughout the entire complex, but the game tends to avert your ability to adapt to such setups when the player gets jumped out of the blue by a {{spoiler|mercenary squad conspiring against a science team you're working for}}.
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[[Category:Video Games/Nightmare Fuel]]
[[Category:STALKERNightmare Fuel]]
[[Category:HighS.T.A.L.K.E.R. Octane Nightmare Fuel(series)]]