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* The [[Diane Duane]] ''[[Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' novel ''Dark Mirror'' involves an alien race that's essentially dolphins <small>IN SPACE!</small> (They're not related to the whales <small>IN SPACE</small> from ''Star Trek IV''.)
** The ''Star Trek The Next Generation: Technical Manual'' notes that the Cetacean tanks on board contain the dolphin and whale navigational specialists. This is pretty much shout out to ''Gunbuster'', where cybernetically enhanced dolphins form the main navigational computer of the Eltreum.
** In ''[[<!-- 28novel29%28novel%29 Probe]]'', a sort-of sequel novel to ''StarTrek[[Star Trek]] IV'', the Cetacean probe is traced back to its homeworld-- inhabited by a race of super-dolphins. They had telekinetic powers, what the internal dialog of the Probe calls 'The Voice'. It is stated that they had range and power enough to protect their planet from invasion by a civilization strongly implied to be the Borg. They were not, however, able to prevent these would-be invaders from rendering their star unable to sustain life on their world, so they built ships and, like the humanoids that had dwelt on the land, fled from the known universe. (These humanoids are also implied to have fled from the Borg, but while there are indications they fled a threat and deliberately left false clues to their destination(s) as part of a system of prepared traps, there are no specific descriptions of what the threat was.) -->
** One ''[[Star Trek the Next Generation]]'' novel had a dolphin as a supporting character, which held the rank of commander in Starfleet. At one point, Riker whistles a specific sequence of notes to get its attention, implying he can speak (or at least swear) in Dolphin.
* Duane's ''[[Young Wizards]]'' book series also features Cetacean wizards (the Trek novel contains a [[Shout Out]] to them). Of course, pretty much everyone and everything with more brains than a sponge has Wizarding potential in this setting.
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