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* Scandal involving an ''[[EVE Online]]'' CSM member using privied information to invest in certain market materials was dubbed "Larkonis Gate" after the member's name. He was then forced to step down Nixon-style.
* Bulletstormgate: A [[Fox News]] article<ref>Particularly, an attributed quote from a psychiatrist in the article.</ref> suggesting that the game ''[[Bulletstorm]]'' would encourage rape has lead to [ backlash from the video game community.]
* Gamergate: Originally started as a sex scandal regarding allegations, that an indie developer slept with journalists for favorable coverage. The censorship of the topic, the [[Streisand Effect]], and the out of of the blue attack on gamers led to a still-ongoing consumer revolt:
* In the [[Batman: Arkham Knight]] City Stories:
** The Riddler tries to create an internet scandal against Batman, using #CrusaderGate. This did not work well for him. It appears that even Gotham's most nastiest internet trolls would not go after the Cape Crusader.
Riddler deleted the e-mails, as his anger and shame squirms through his insides.
** Another story, Jack Ryder ended his column with "JackRyderGate," responding to all the hate mail that he's been receiving. Though, it's more of Jack blowing his own horn.
* In [[Paper Mario: Color Splash]], Mario is attempting to win a key in a contest, where one of the Toad is given a key and dances between four other Toads. Mario finds and reveals that the Toads are cheating by transferring the key to each other during the dance, one Toad christens the incident as "Shufflegate."
== Web Original ==