Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers: Difference between revisions

"fan fiction"->"fan works"
("fan fiction"->"fan works")
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{{quote|''"A slayer's life is simple. Want? Take. Have."''|'''Faith''', ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''}}
|'''Faith''', ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''}}
Let's face it, in some worlds [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|Humans Are Bastards]], and the only reason these [[Crapsack World]]s have a semblance of civility and law is fear of reprisal. So what happens when your typical misanthrope gets a hold of [[Phlebotinum]], a [[Ring of Power]], is [[Viral Transformation|bit by a werewolf]] or discovers they're a mutant with [[Stock Super Powers]]? Blow <s>up</s> off society and do whatever they want!
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== Anime &and Manga ==
== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Pretty Sammy|Magical Project S]]'' Subverted by [[The Hero|Pretty Sammy]] when she tried to break the rules, a classmate informs her that even Magical Girls have to abide by the rules.
** [[Dark Magical Girl|Pixy Misa]] does this all the time. It's no surprise being that [[Beneath the Mask|she represents what a Misao without moral bounds would do]]. Even after her [[Heel Face Turn]], she still does things like stealing a NASA space shuttle.
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* [[The Authority]], though for their case it might be more of 'Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers - And I Will Make New Rules!'
== [[Fan FictionWorks]] ==
* [[Death Note|Light]] in ''[[The Prince of Death]]'' decides to be more of a [[Jerkass]] than usual when L is having a meeting with the Kira Taskforce and [[Crazy Jealous Guy|isn't paying enough attention to him.]] [[Attention Whore|He regains L's attention]] by telling the room full of cops he's the original Kira (and instigating a (cat)fight with Naomi by [[Evil Gloating|gloating]] [[Kick the Dog|over the fact that he killed her boyfriend]]) [[Story-Breaker Power|knowing full well that there is absolutely nothing they can do about it now that he has become a literal God of Death]]:
{{quote|'''Light''': I was hoping for something a little more entertaining... But I'm bored. This is pointless! You've already caught the Kira that killed her dear boyfriend. Just tell her!