Screw the Rules, I Make Them/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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'''Belasabashaethalikahl''': You cannot be here... there are rules!
'''Belasabashaethalikahl''': Gods cannot be in the Real Universe!!!
'''Belasabashaethalikahl''': You--
'''MalaliceMalizia'''<ref>not-Malal[ice]</ref>: Shut up, worm. I altered the very concepts of the Multiverse itself long before the happening of the cell that spawned the race...
'''MalaliceMalizia''': that created the race...
'''MalaliceMalizia''': that created the race...
'''MalaliceMalizia''': ...that fucked you into existence.
|''Eatatau'', {{spoiler|#465Opus Diaboli (II)}}. }}
{{quote|''There had been an unseen observer of all this. It was of course entirely against the rules, but Trymon knew all about rules and had always considered they were for making, not obeying.''|[[Terry Pratchett]], ''[[Discworld/The Light Fantastic|The Light Fantastic]]''}}