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* ''[[Star Wars|Star Wars:]]:''
** The prequel trilogy isconsidered a pretty big step down from the beloved original trilogy.
*** ''[[The Phantom Menace]]'', the first installment of the trilogy, gets a lot of flak from fans for the introduction of the infamous Jar Jar Binks, overuse of CGI and [[Jake Lloyd]]'s performance as Anakin Skywalker.
*** ''[[Attack of the Clones]]'', the second installment, is divisive among fans, with some considering it to be a slight improvement over the first prequel, while others consider it to be even worse. The main criticisms go towards the weak and forced Anakin/Padme love story, Anakin's general emo-ness in that film in particular and the perceived stiffness of [[Hayden Christensen]]'s performance.
***'' However, ''[[Revenge of the Sith]]'', the third and final installment, is a significant improvement over the first two prequels for, and is beingconsidered more on par with the original trilogy, with better visuals and Hayden Christensen improving on his previous performance from the last prequel.
** When it comes to original trilogy, ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'' to is considered to be the weakest installment, though it is still well -liked.
** The sequel trilogy, consisting of ''[[The Force Awakens]]'', ''[[The Last Jedi]]'' and ''[[The Rise of Skywalker]]'' have [[Broken Base|widely varying opinions among fans.]]. Some consider it to be an improvement from the prequel trilogy, some consider it to be just as problematic, and others even consider the prequels to be superior.
* While ''[[Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull]]'' is the weakest ''[[Indiana Jones]]'' film critically (although the strongest commercially), there is a heavy debate among fans as to whether it is better or worse than the series' previous worst film ''[[Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom|Temple of Doom]]'' (which was the weakest commercially, for whatever that's worth). Fans of ''Doom'' claim that the fourth film was too campy and over-the-top, even by ''[[Indiana Jones]]'' standards, and that too much the series was altered in this film ({{spoiler|having aliens instead of mysticism powering the object, Jones marrying Marion at the end, him having a son}} etc.). However, the equally vocal ''Skull'' fans claim that ''Doom'' was too [[Darker and Edgier|dark and gritty]] compared to the other movies' lighter tone, it had copious amounts of [[Squick]] for no real reason other than to be edgy, and [[Replacement Scrappy|replaced the beloved characters Marion and Sallah with the more despised Willie and Short-Round.]]
* While both ''[[The Matrix|Matrix]]'' sequels are hated by the fandom, ''[[The Matrix Revolutions]]'' is considered the weakest for its [[Gainax Ending|underwhelming ambiguous ending]] and forced metaphors taking control of the story.
* While every sequel to the original ''[[Planet of the Apes]]'' suffered from both [[Franchise Zombie|continuing when the previous installment was meant to be the last]] and a smaller budget than the previous one, the last one, ''[[Battle of the Planet of the Apes]]'', is widely considered the absolute nadir.
* While every ''[[Highlander]]'' sequel is viewed as a poor follow-up to the original (at best), ''[[Highlander II the Quickening]]'' currently holds the typical title of worst in the franchise and a shining example of how ''not'' to do a sequel.
* Of the two MGM distributed ''[[Dark Shadows (TV series)|Dark Shadows]]'' films in the early 1970s, the second, ''Night of Dark Shadows'' is generally considered the weaker for several reasons, including the fact that it was not directly based on any plot arc from the anchor series and the fact that executive meddling led to a re-editing that left the continuity of the plot somewhat choppy and confusing. Add to that the absence of Jonathan Frid as fan favorite character Barnabas Collins (though Frid '''had''' been in the first film, and the second featured the as popular David Selby as an alternate version of his regular Quentin Collins character) and the fans stayed away in droves. This killed all hopes for a third film in the series.