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[[File:All_Gori_rulers_frescos_Political_virtues_from_the_Plazzo_Pubblico_in_Siena-1024x768-1192_7604Domenico Beccafumi 004.jpg|thumb|400px|The Seven ''Political'' Virtues... [[Sleazy Politician|who kept a straight face?]]]]
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'''[[Determinator|Diligence]]''' - Being Steadfast in Work. Despite the problems that surface, no matter [[Screw Destiny|what stands in their way]], one with this virtue will accomplish their goals and stay true to their core beliefs. If there is work to be done, they will do their best to get it finished, and properly. This is a common trait of [[The Cape (trope)|The Cape]] and those that have [[Jumped At the Call]]. This is also the virtue most likely to be held by the [[Anti-Hero]]. Opposite of [[Lazy Bum|Sloth]].
'''[[Humble Hero|Humility]]''' - Being Modest in Self. What is [[Famed in Story|fame]], but a trapping for the weak? While those with this virtue may not seem like much at first, when all bets are down they will triumph over the loud and crass - if not in sheer power, then at least in poise. This virtue in its purest form is not self-hatred (a common mistake made by those with good intentions but self-esteem problems), but rather a sense of inner knowledge that one does not need to prove their greatness/[[Badass|badassitudebadass]]itude to the outside world to actually be [[Great/Badass|Badass]]. The [[Supporting Leader]], [[The Cowl]], and [[The Drifter]] often personify this trope. When used to an extreme, may result in [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]. Opposite of [[Pride]].
'''[[The Heart|Kindness]]''' - Being Good Towards All Life. [[Think Happy Thoughts|Everything will be okay somehow!]] is the motto of those that follow this virtue. Whether times are good or tough, those holding this virtue true to heart will endure in wishing the best for everyone. Embodied by the [[Broken Hero]] and [[The Pollyanna]] as well as the [[Friend to All Living Things]]. [[Class and Level System|Leveling up]] this virtue to max grants the ability [[Care Bear Stare]]. While this virtue may seem light-hearted, beware: if the strength of this virtue in a cute person is not enough, yet they depend on it in the face of adversity, it will [[Break the Cutie]]. Opposite of [[Green-Eyed Monster|Envy]].
'''[[Turn the Other Cheek|Patience]]''' - Being Peaceful in Goal. A willingness to forgive and show mercy. In the face of adversity they may hesitate, but in the end they will endorse stability, reject revenge, and accept the faults of others without prejudice. This virtue is almost always held by [[The Medic]], [[Actual Pacifist|Actual Pacifists]]s, and the [[Iron Woobie]]. The major fight involving this virtue will involve [[Sheathe Your Sword|sheathing your sword]]. And if, in the end, a true follower of this virtue cannot win the fight on their terms, they will [[Face Death with Dignity]]. Opposite of [[Unstoppable Rage|Wrath]].
'''[[Heroic Vow|Temperance]]''' - Being Controlled in Self. The moral decision slopes encountered through life are slippery, and it is easy to descend into unintended but [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|well intentioned extremism]]. That analogy considered, this virtue is like using [[wikipedia:Crampons|crampons]] made out of justice. Those in command of this virtue realize the legitimacy in several different points of view, and maintain a neutral perspective dealing with issues that might cause [[Heroic BSOD]] in others. This virtue often leads to being able to [[Take a Third Option]]. This virtue is a specialty of a [[Badass Pacifist]] and usually the [[Guile Hero]]. Opposite of [[Villainous Glutton|Gluttony]].
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For the living personification of these virtues, see [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]. For virtues common in villains, see [[Evil Virtues]]. For the evil counterpart, see the [[Seven Deadly Sins]].
== Anime &and Manga ==
== Anime & Manga ==
* In ''[[Karakuridouji Ultimo]]'', there are fifty Douji representing positive traits. Ultimo and the Six Perfects of Buddhism are the strongest of them, fighting against the Douji based on negative traits (including the [[Seven Deadly Sins]]).
* The [[Shonen]] manga series ''[[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]'' has the seven protagonists (battling for the right to inherit a powerful [[The Mafia|mafia]] family) embody the [[Seven Heavenly Virtues]] (in opposition to the antagonists, who embody the [[Seven Deadly Sins]]).
* On the [[A Magic Contract Comes with a Kiss|Pactio]] Cards in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' there are several informations describing the partner. Among them the one called Virtus can be one of cardinal or theological virtues.
== Comic Books ==
* A ''[[Justice Society of America]]'' storyline featuring the [[Shazam|Marvel Family]] introduced the Rock of Finality, [[Evil Counterpart]] to the Rock of Infinity. Within the Rock were statues of the Seven Sacred Virtues of Man, which presumably trapped the [[Anthropomorphic Personifications]] of the Virtues in the same way as their counterparts trap the Sins. Justice replaces Chastity, just as Injustice usually replaces Lust in the Seven Deadly Enemies.
== Film ==
* In ''[[Quest for Camelot]]'', the introduction to Camelot itself is accompanied by [[Crowning Music of Awesome|a chorus of all]] of the [[Knight in Shining Armor|Knights of the Round Table]] singing about unity of purpose. They go on to take their places at the table, each lifting their shield to honor their king, and then lowering it as they declare the virtue they most embody. There are far more than seven virtues listed, but 'faith', 'trust' (not exactly the same thing), 'strength', 'courage', 'kindness', 'balance', 'dignity', and 'honor' are listed, among others. Note that the main character's father laid down his shield on 'honor', and the villain laid his down with a shout of 'ME!'.
== Literature ==
* In Dante's ''[[Divine Comedy]]'', the seven virtues appear as beautiful maidens dancing around Beatrice's chariot in her triumphal procession at the end of Purgatory.
* From [[Terry Pratchett]]'s [[Discworld]]:
* From [[Terry Pratchett]]'s [[Discworld]]:* In the country of Lancre, one family went and named their daughters after the [[Seven Heavenly Virtues]], Faith, Hope, Charity, Prudence so forth. And out of a misinformed sense of continuity, named their sons along the lines of Bestiality, Anger (among others). Subverted, because each of the daughters came to embody the sin opposite of her virtuous name. Meanwhile, despite everything else, Anger is a kind and calm man, while his brother Bestiality is kind to animals.<br /><br />In ''[[Discworld/Going Postal|Going Postal]]'', the (now) Eight Virtues are Fortitude, Patience, Chastity, Charity, Hope, Silence, Tubso and Bissonomy. Few people practice Tubso and Bissonomy in the busy modern world, because no-one remembers what they are.
** In ''[[Going Postal (Discworld)|Going Postal]]'', the (now) Eight Virtues are Fortitude, Patience, Chastity, Charity, Hope, Silence, Tubso and Bissonomy. Few people practice Tubso and Bissonomy in the busy modern world, because no-one remembers what they are.
* The ''Psychomachia'' (The Battle for the Soul of Man), by the Latin poet Prudentius, was written to depict the battle between the virtues and vices for the souls of mankind. Faith fights [Paganism], Chastity fights Lust, Patience [[Sheathe Your Sword|'fights']] Wrath, and so on.
* ''The Allegory of Love'' by [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]] references many of the virtues listed in ''Psychomachia''. Among them are: Orthodoxy, Humility, Patience, and Self-Control in opposition to, respectively: Discord, Pride, Wrath, and Luxury.
* In Garth Nix’s ''[[Keys to the Kingdom]]'' series, the [[Seven Heavenly Virtues]] are exemplified by the seven pieces of the Will, although an alternate system is used with the four Cardinal Virtues and the three Theological virtues. In order of appearance; Fortitude, Prudence, Faith, Justice, Temperance, Charity, and Hope. These characters are highly unbalanced and are supposed to become more reasonable as they merge into one entity.<br /><br />Dame Primus, the entity they merge into, is nothing of the sort at first. Charity's joining her does make a bit of an impact though. {{spoiler|And when Hope joins in, she becomes God.}}
** Dame Primus, the entity they merge into, is nothing of the sort at first. Charity's joining her does make a bit of an impact though. {{spoiler|And when Hope joins in, she becomes God.}}
* The ''[[Anne of Green Gables]]'' books contain a passing reference to a woman who named her three daughters Faith, Hope, and Charity: "Faith didn't believe in anything, Hope was a born pessimist, and Charity was a miser."
* The three theological virtues are poisonous to [[Our Vampires Are Different|the White Court]] in ''[[The Dresden Files]]''. They are also embodied by the three swords wielded by the Knights of the Cross: Fidelacchius (faith), Esperacchius (hope), and Amoracchius (love).
== Religion ==
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* This is also related to the "Fruits of the Spirit", also from the New Testament: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They are so named because the belief is that the Spirit will grow (like a fruit) these qualities in you.
* The Charge of the Goddess names the eight virtues as wisdom, beauty, strength, power, mirth, reverence, compassion and humility.
== Tabletop Games ==
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** Pagan: Energetic, Generous, Honest, Lustful, Proud.
** Wotanic: Generous, Indulgent, Proud, Reckless, Worldly.
* In the ''[[New World of Darkness]]'', all characters have both Vices and Virtues. Virtues (such as Charity or Faith) take much more work than [[Seven Deadly Sins|Vices]] to fulfill, but fully restore Willpower when pulled off, as compared to Vices which damage the [[Karma Meter]] (but boost the Willpower stat).<br /><br />The Virtues on their list don't precisely match the list given here, let us note. In alphabetical order: Charity, Faith, Fortitude, Hope, Justice, Prudence, Temperance.
** The Virtues on their list don't precisely match the list given here, let us note. In alphabetical order: Charity, Faith, Fortitude, Hope, Justice, Prudence, Temperance.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' doesn't have seven, but it does provide Four Virtues which structure the moral merits and failings of all sapient characters. They are Compassion, Valor, Conviction, and Temperance. Compassion encompasses Charity, Kindness, and Patience. Temperance corresponds to Chastity and Temperance. Conviction includes Diligence, but is more. Valor really doesn't correspond to anything on the list of Seven.
== Theatre ==
* In the musical ''Camelot'', Mordred has a song about "The Seven Deadly Virtues", which he lists as Courage, Purity, Humility, Honesty, Diligence, Charity, and Fidelity.
== Video Games ==
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** In ''[[Ultima|Ultima VII part 2: Serpent Isle]]'', the (now extinct and vanished, respectively) followers of Chaos and Order each had a set of virtues: Tolerance, Enthusiasm and Emotion for Chaos, and Ethicality, Discipline and Logic for Order. Interestingly, these are not considered opposites to each other, but instead complement each other in Balance, which is considered optimal. (Logic and Emotion creates Rationality, etc, making the virtues of Balance.) Conversely, embracing one while rejecting the other causes imbalance and becomes "anti-virtues": Emotion without Logic is Insanity, and Discipline without Enthusiasm becomes Apathy.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XI]]'' contains seven bosses (as a group named Jailers of the Sea or Jailers of Virtue) named after the virtues. In order of kill, they are Jailer of: Temperance, Fortitude, Faith, Justice, Hope, Prudence, and Love.
* ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'' -- The—The Ultimate Legendary Epic Weapon of the Turtle Tamers is the Flail of the Seven Aspects, representing seven good traits of turtles: Strength, Wisdom, Protection, Tenacity, Fortitude, Valor, and Patience. It can attack seven times in one round.
* In ''[[Daemon Bride]]'', each of the Angel side Brides represents one of the seven virtues. Michael represents Righteousness, Uriel represents Courage, Rafael represents Wisdom, Gabriel represents Love, Zadkiel represents Loyalty / Faith, Metatron represents Fidelity / Chastity, and Haniel represents Prudence.
== Web Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Sins]]'' has personifications of the seven heavenly virtues as some of the characters. In a subversion, they tend to suffer their virtues rather than embody them, and most are bitter about it (when not outright morally questionable).
== Real Life ==
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