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Meanwhile, equivalent male-male (and female-female) mentor/mentee relationships are not only possible but are surprisingly common throughout all of history. This variant of the trope originates in ancient Greece, with their custom of homosexual pederasty in which the participants are called "erastes" (lover) and "eromenos" (beloved). A very similar system developed independently in Japan, where the partners are the ''nenja'' ("man who loves") and his ''wakashu'' ("young person").<ref>''Wakashu'' technically covers any boy between early childhood and adulthood, and was also used outside of relationship contexts, but by the end of the Edo period it pretty much meant "[[Uke]]".</ref> High-ranking Chinese courtiers and Buddhist monks also took younger male lovers fairly often, but in a less formal system than in Greece and Japan.
See also [[Senpai Sempai-Kohai]], [[Hot for Teacher]], and [[Mentor Ship]]. If a female mentor particularly enjoys the power she has over the man, it's [[Mistress and Servant Boy]]. See also [[Seme]] and [[Uke]], where male homosexual relationships are concerned.
At one time this page was limited to heterosexual relationships, and we used to catalog the exclusively homosexual variation under the name [[Lover and Beloved]], but that page has been combined with this one on the grounds that it's the ''relationship'' that's the important part, not the genders of those participating in it.