Shameless Fanservice Girl: Difference between revisions

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** [[Halle Berry]]'s version in ''[[Catwoman (film)|Catwoman]]'' is even worse, not helped by Berry speaking her lines in a way that suggests an actress in a porn film.
* Male example, Jacob Black from ''[[The Twilight Saga]]''. It's rare that he wears anything except a pair of jeans or shorts. While there is certainly a reason for this (he's a werewolf, and and clothes he puts on won't last long when he transforms) he seems to enjoy the attention he gets, and the filmmakers never seem to get tired of putting him in situations simply to show off Taylor Lautner's muscular, toned six-pack of a torso.
* Silk Specter II, ''[[Watchmen]]''. Even by super-heroine standards, her tight black and yellow ensemble seemed like a fanservice-overdose, designed to emphasize her, uhm, assets. Granted, of course, she shows less skin than her boyfriend does, but then, Dr. Manhattan is usually [[Barbie Doll Anatomy| technically naked.]]
* Harley Quinn, ''[[Suicide Squad (film)|Suicide Squad]]''. This was pretty much the most risque version of Harley to date at the time, with [[Who Wears Short Shorts?|way-too-short-shorts]], a torn t-shirt, and fishnet stockings, not exactly proper attire for a [[Boxed Crook]] sent on a suicide mission. Of course, Harley might get a pass because, [[Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains| well, she's insane.]]
== Live-Action TV ==