Shot in the Ass: Difference between revisions

(M*A*S*H pothole)
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* In [[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]], the owner of the "Drunken Huntsman" explains the name of his shop as coming from an incident when he and his brother had gone hunting after consuming "a bit too much mead." When they separated, his brother, in his inebriated state, mistook him for a deer...and shot him in the "rump" with an arrow.
** At least it wasn't [[Memetic Mutation|his knee]].
* In the relaunch of ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'', poor Wedge is not only shot in the ass (the wound isn't as bad as he thinks) he's ''bitten'' there by angry guard dogs. Although, to his credit, he did manage [[We Need a Distraction| to lead them away from Cloud.]]
== Web Original ==