Shut UP, Hannibal: Difference between revisions

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(split "comics" into "comic books" and "newspaper comics", pothole texts, markup)
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== [[ComicsComic Books]] ==
* Lampshaded in ''[[Peanuts]]'', when Charlie Brown is being attacked by Lucy, and he begins to explain to her how violence is never the answer to anything. Lucy just slugs him and says "I had to hit him quick-- he was starting to make sense!"
* Snoopy gives one to Lucy when [ she questions the importance of National Dog Week.]
* A staple of comic books, of course. [[Superman]] does it a lot.
** One of the best was in the first story arc of the 90's JLA. The Justice League are finally able to fight back against the Hyperclan, a group of White Martians who have dominated the entire world by mind control and the JLA themselves with their powers. Superman has a slugfest with Protex, the leader of the Martians, and we have this little exchange between the two very different aliens:
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'''General Zod''': (''loses his temper and the perfectly calm demeanor he had the whole story'') I would have found a way! }}
* Done comically in ''[[Young Justice (comics)|Young Justice]]''. Robin, Superboy and Impulse have all been sent into manifestations of their greatest fears. Robin's is a direct spoof of [[The Silence of the Lambs]], with the Joker parodying Lecter ("[[Getting Crap Past the Radar|I can smell you, runt.]]") and lecturing Robin. The heroes discover that the best way to deal with these fears is for them to switch places. After Superboy and Impulse's fears have been dealt with, Robin realizes with horror that they left Impulse alone with the Joker. When they get there they find that Impulse has nearly driven Joker to (even more) madness by simply asking "Why?" over and over again.
* Averted during the [[Mark Waid]] run on ''[[Flash]]'': run, there was a really epic storyline called "The Return of Barry Allen". It involved the Reverse Flash, Professor Zoom, being a lot faster than Wally. Zoom gives a [[Break Them by Talking]] , and Wally keeps trying to do this, but Zoom's so much faster he dodges/beats the crap out of Wally each time without breaking his lecture.
* This happened a ''lot'' during the [[Green Lantern]] Arc "Sinestro Corps War". Primarily between Hal Jordan and his [[Evil Counterpart]] [[Big Bad|Sinestro]].
** Most recently during the "Rage of the Red Lanterns" Arc. After killing Green Lantern {{spoiler|Laira, previously converted to the eponymous Red Lantern Corps}}, [[Big Bad|Sinestro]] barely finishes taunting GL Hal Jordan - 'Look at that Jordan, another broken promise.' - when the hero grabs Sinestro by the collar, flies them both to the top of the Red Lantern Power Battery, and using the ring straps him into an 'electric chair.' This act unsuprisingly {{spoiler|leads to his initiation into the Red Lanterns.}} Less than 3 pages afterwards, {{spoiler|he pulls the switch}}.
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* [[Atomic Robo]] was once captured by a Soviet mad scientist and forced to endure a lecture that took up an entire ''page'' of the comic, explaining why this scientist wanted to destroy the human race in agonizingly trivial detail. Robo's summary hit all the major points.
{{quote|'''Atomic Robo:''' So you're building a big dumb bomb to show everyone who the greatest scientist blah, blah, blah.}}
* When the [[Incredible Hulk|The Incredible Hulk]] fought Maestro, his [[Evil Counterpart]] from a [[Bad Future]], and started losing, Maestro started a speech about how he knew his every move. Hulk's response? "Sing soprano, [[Motor Mouth]]" and [[Groin Attack|punching Maestro in the groin]].
* In Garth Ennis' recent ''[[Dan Dare]]'' mini-series, he gives the eponymous space hero a pretty good one; Dare is captured by his arch-nemesis The Mekon, who has Dare dragged before him in chains and begins a lengthy [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] about why resistance to his glorious new army and regime is pathetic and futile before Dare calmly interrupts him with "We alway fight squalid little men like you. There's really nothing more to say." And promptly ignores him in favour of chewing out [[The Dragon]], [[The Quisling|the quisling Prime Minister]], instead.
* [[Supergirl]] was savagely beaten up and kidnapped by [[Domestic Abuser|Powerboy]]. He says a big speech about how much he loves her, that he knows best, and that the beating was her fault for making him angry. Supergirl [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|blasts him with heat vision, calls him out that he's an asshole and that no one should ever hit someone that they love, then drops his house on him]]. He tries to escape, while still ranting, but Supergirl catches up to him and [[Groin Attack|kicks him in the groin]].
* In ''[[Shotgun Opera]]'', main character Sterling has a good response to a "you don't deserve her" speech: "F** K YOU. I'm not about to roll over and die!"
* [[Spider-Man]] gave a more literal Shut UP, Hannibal to Norman Osborn in [ The Siege storyline.]{{Dead link}} It's since become something of a [[Memetic Mutation|Meme]] in Comic Book Forums.
* In the last issue of ''[[The Punisher|The Punisher: Welcome Back, Frank]]'', Punisher kills the [[Big Bad]]'s [[The Dragon|Dragon]], [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|scaring off her remaining henchmen]], and starts pouring gasoline through her house. Even then, she tries to [[Break Them by Talking|demoralize him]] about hypocritical his [[Pay Evil Unto Evil|"war on crime"]] is, how he's no better than her, etc. As Punisher starts leaving, she tells him he's damned. His response:
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'''Ramona:''' No, I'm pretty sure you're worse, dude.
'''Scott:''' You're definitely worse. }}
* A hero-to-reporter example: [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]] delivers this to John Pillinger, a man who is interviewing him in regard to the weapons Tony designed for the military ''over a decade ago'', when Tony was ''nineteen''. Over the course of the inverviewinterview, Pillinger is clearly determined to make Tony out to be as unsympathetic as possible; he interrupts Tony at every turn, gives Tony no chance to expand on his answers, and more or less dismisses ''incredibly'' significant medical breakthroughs as meaningless just because they aren't available in ''third-world countries''. He also brushes aside the fact that Tony hasn't designed weaponry for the military in over ten years, and has in fact put his efforts and resources into venues that could improve the world.
The real kicker comes when Tony, rather than attempt to make excuses for the damage the weapons he once designed have done, flat-out admits that he knows that no matter what he does, he will always have blood on his hands—and Pillinger reacts as if Tony ''has'' given some long, rambling explanation to excuse himself from responsibility. Tony ends his statement by saying, with obvious sincerity, that he's trying to be a part of making the world a better place regardless. Pillinger responds with a caustic "...I see."
However, at the end of the session, Pillinger asks Tony why he agreed to the interview. Tony responds ''beautifully''.
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** Next there is Deadpool's encounter with Batroc. You can't expect to use Popinjay in a sentence and not have Deadpool mock you. Subverted in that Batroc proceeds to kick Wade's ass for this. He makes the mistake in pushing Deadpool's cripple/friend out of a window, followed by another Shut UP, Hannibal moment, and Deadpool wiping the floor with Batroc.
** In the same series, Deadpool delivers a Shut UP, Hannibal to the Messiah, the bringer of peace to the world. Why? Because the peace the Messiah brings is Peace through lack of free will. Coincides with [[Groin Attack|kicking Captain America in the nuts]]. All Canon.
* In the finale of the first arc of the ''[[Spawn]]'' spin-off ''Sam & Twitch'', Twitch has caught criminal responsible for all murders in that story. She gives him very good [[Hannibal Lecture]] about how she will go free thanks to her [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections|connections]] and, at worst case, will have to keep low profile for few months. And how she will then come back and slowly, for years, destroy his life and kill everybody he loves. At first it looks it worked as Twitch puts his gun down, but he immediately points it at her again and starts telling her her laws. When she continues to lecturing him {{spoiler|Twitch shoots her}}.
* In ''[[Birds of Prey]]'', the villain Mortis has been [[Mind Rape|mind-raping]] [[Black Canary]] with visions of all the people she has regrets about, only to have this happen:
{{quote|'''Mortis:''' "Your friends have dumped you again, haven't they? ''Haven't they?''"
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* Superman's ''only line'' in ''[[Lex Luthor: Man of Steel]]''. After the more benevolent [[Perspective Flip]]ped [[Villain Protagonist]] we've seen of Luthor throughout the series, it hammers home the fact that Lex's justifications for committing atrocities in the name of "exposing" Superman as a threat are really twisted, and that he really is the bad guy.
{{quote|'''Superman:''' You're wrong. I ''can'' see your soul.}}
* The Captain Britain & [[MI 13]]MI13 tie in with the Secret Invasion storyline of Marvel comics revealed that the global invasion force was just a cover for pretty much every Super-Skrull they had to invade Britain and steal all the Earth's magic straight from the source. After succeeding at killing Captain Britain and taking control over Earth's source of magic, the Super-Skrull Sorcerer Supreme stands over a woman who is, at the time, a civilian. A simple Muslim Doctor standing in the way. The Super-Skrull describes how Britain will be erased from existence, so that it had never been. When the Skrull empire takes us as slaves, ''then'' we would know ''true'' pride and glory. Cue the return with Excalibur.
{{quote|'''[[Captain Britain]]:''' I think you'll find, we already do. We just don't like to make a fuss.}}
* Hero-to-hero example - in 200th issue of [[X Factor]] Guido gets into a fight with [[Fantastic Four|The Thing]], who tries to provoke him by mocking his superhero career. Guido just tells Ben that he played in a better football team. It worked a little too well, because enraged Ben beat the tar out of him.
* In a ''[[Doonesbury]]'' strip, Uncle Duke, then U.S. ambassador to China, delivered a magnificent (although '''deceitful''') one to a tour guide who kept trying to guilt-trip him about how often foreigners had destroyed Chinese cultural sites.
{{quote|'''Duke''': Now, hold on a minute, Zhang! -- Who was it that built these palaces in the first place?!
'''Zhang''': The ''people'', sir! The emperors enslaved them and ...
'''Duke''': ''Exactly!'' And that ''enraged'' the emerging egalitarian sensibilities of the western nations! So they put the offending edifices to the torch!
'''Zhang''': Oh... I guess I owe you an apology, Mr. Duke...
'''Duke''': I guess you do!}}
== Fan Works ==
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{{quote|'''The Joker:''' Tell me something, my friend -- ever dance with the devil by the pale moonlight?
'''Green Goblin:''' Yeah, he told me you're gay. }}
* In the ''[[Homestuck]]'' fanfic ''[[We're All Doomed]]'', {{spoiler|a}} future Gamzee is able to shut down {{spoiler|his murderous past self}}'s tirade with one word: {{spoiler|1=HoNk}}.
* The ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'' fanfic ''[[Digital Prey|Digital]] [ Prey]'' has Renamon do this a couple times to [[Egomaniac Hunter|Stalkermon]], though the first time doesn't work out too well for her.
{{quote|'''Stalkermon:''' I must say I am impressed; very few Digimon have managed to evade my Sniper Shot attack, much less several times in a row. You may well prove to be worthy prey yet.
'''Renamon:''' Shut up! I do not care about your damned hunt; I am only doing this for the sake of my tamer. }}
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== Music ==
* Occurs in the title track of [[Oingo Boingo]]'s ''Only A Lad'', in response to Johnny's excuses for the crimes he commited in his life:
{{quote|''Hey there Johnny you really don't fool me
''You get away with murder and you think it's funny
''You don't give a damn if we live or if we die
''Hey there Johnny boy, I hope you fry! }}
== Newspaper Comics ==
* Lampshaded in ''[[Peanuts]]'', when Charlie Brown is being attacked by Lucy, and he begins to explain to her how violence is never the answer to anything. Lucy just slugs him and says "I had to hit him quick-- he was starting to make sense!"
** Snoopy gives one to Lucy when [ she questions the importance of National Dog Week.]
* In a ''[[Doonesbury]]'' strip, Uncle Duke, then U.S. ambassador to China, delivered a magnificent (although '''deceitful''') one to a tour guide who kept trying to guilt-trip him about how often foreigners had destroyed Chinese cultural sites.
{{quote|'''Duke''': Now, hold on a minute, Zhang! -- Who was it that built these palaces in the first place?!
'''Zhang''': The ''people'', sir! The emperors enslaved them and ...
'''Duke''': ''Exactly!'' And that ''enraged'' the emerging egalitarian sensibilities of the western nations! So they put the offending edifices to the torch!
'''Zhang''': Oh... I guess I owe you an apology, Mr. Duke...
'''Duke''': I guess you do!}}
== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==