Single-Biome Planet: Difference between revisions

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** A mod can create biomes so big they are effectively this. The same mod can also make them so small they are only a few blocks wide.
** A mod can create biomes so big they are effectively this. The same mod can also make them so small they are only a few blocks wide.
*** Before biomes were added to the game, however, the trope was in full effect.
*** Before biomes were added to the game, however, the trope was in full effect.
* Both played straight and spectacularly averted in [[Myst]] IV: Revelation. Spire is revealed to be a literal Cloud World, a series of floating towers apparently orbiting a cometlike body; while Haven has seacoast, jungle, savanna, and swamp within a few minutes' walk of each other.
* Both played straight and spectacularly averted in ''[[Myst]] IV: Revelation''. Spire is revealed to be a literal Cloud World, a series of floating towers apparently orbiting a cometlike body; while Haven has seacoast, jungle, savanna, and swamp within a few minutes' walk of each other.
* [[Knights of the Old Republic]] goes along with the [[Star Wars]] mentions above—while you only ever see one biome of the planets you travel to (in the first game, at least), most of them are at least implied to have other biomes, or have their single biome explained away. Tatooine was {{spoiler|bombed from orbit by the Rakatan,}} turning it into a desert, the "unknown world" {{spoiler|(Rakata)}} is mostly ocean with small islands because of ancient wars, etc.
* ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'' goes along with the ''[[Star Wars]]'' mentions above—while you only ever see one biome of the planets you travel to (in the first game, at least), most of them are at least implied to have other biomes, or have their single biome explained away. Tatooine was {{spoiler|bombed from orbit by the Rakatan,}} turning it into a desert, the "unknown world" {{spoiler|(Rakata)}} is mostly ocean with small islands because of ancient wars, etc.
* Averted by Planet 4546B in ''[[Subnautica]]''. Kind of -- you're lucky enough to have crash landed in a volcanic caldera more than a mile across, which is home to at least a dozen different underwater environments explicitly identified as "biomes". However, it's strongly implied that the variety of these biomes and the creatures that inhabit them is the exception rather than the rule for the rest of the planet, which appears from space to be a near-complete water world, except for its polar areas. {{spoiler|And the Precursor records you eventually find suggest that the creatures inhabiting the caldera (and the caves beneath it) are doomed to eventual extinction.}}