Six Feet Under/Tear Jerker

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Tear Jerkers in Six Feet Under include:

  • Six Feet Under ends with Claire driving off to New York to start a new life. As she drives, she imagines how everyone's lives might turn out... and, since this is Six Feet Under, it ends with the deaths of everyone in the main cast. Set to "Breathe Me" by Sia.
  • The episode after Nate dies. When Brenda hands Maya over to Ruth and tells her she'll be happier with her
  • The final montage. The last episode is full of tearjerking moments before it as well: everyone toasting for Nate and especially Maya toasting for her Daddy, Brenda and Ruth's conversation on the stairs, and the very beginning, which isn't a death, unlike in all the previous episodes, but a birth.
  • The episode where David takes upon his shoudlers the responsability of organising the funeral of a gay bashing victim. SOB.
  • When Nate buries Lisa. Alone. In the middle of nowhere.
  • Claire's breakdown in Nate's arms after Gabe blows her off.
  • Bernard's death and the silent reaction of the Chenowiths.

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