Skies of Arcadia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Animated Armor]]: Guardian, the boss of Shrine Island. A tough cookie in its own right -- and you face [[Degraded Boss|more of them]] in the final dungeon, except this time, they're in mint condition.
* [[Animated Armor]]: Guardian, the boss of Shrine Island. A tough cookie in its own right -- and you face [[Degraded Boss|more of them]] in the final dungeon, except this time, they're in mint condition.
* [[An Interior Designer Is You]]: After getting your own pirate base, you can design the buildings in various styles depending on the carpenter you choose to build them.
* [[An Interior Designer Is You]]: After getting your own pirate base, you can design the buildings in various styles depending on the carpenter you choose to build them.
* [[Anti Grinding]]: The bounties level up with you, and exponentially besides. Best not put off fighting them too long...
* [[Anti-Grinding]]: The bounties level up with you, and exponentially besides. Best not put off fighting them too long...
* [[Apocalypse How]]: The Rains of Destruction that stopped the Ancient Civilizations' endless wars [[Captain Obvious|by destroying them]] happened a few thousand years before the game begins and were a class 2. A few Silvites managed to escape this by flying into space, {{spoiler|primarily because ''as the people who caused it'' they decided not to use the appropriate superweapon on their own moon. Their decision to call the Rains a second time resulted directly in modern-day Valua being hit with a Class 0.}}
* [[Apocalypse How]]: The Rains of Destruction that stopped the Ancient Civilizations' endless wars [[Captain Obvious|by destroying them]] happened a few thousand years before the game begins and were a class 2. A few Silvites managed to escape this by flying into space, {{spoiler|primarily because ''as the people who caused it'' they decided not to use the appropriate superweapon on their own moon. Their decision to call the Rains a second time resulted directly in modern-day Valua being hit with a Class 0.}}
* [[Arbitrary Headcount Limit]]: Four characters at a time, three of which are always Vyse, Aika, and Fina. For most of the game, this is [[Justified Trope|justified]] by having the characters come and go as the plot demands, but even after [[Gondor Calls for Aid|Gondor has called for aid]] you can still only bring four people with you, with the rest stuck doing nothing on your airship.
* [[Arbitrary Headcount Limit]]: Four characters at a time, three of which are always Vyse, Aika, and Fina. For most of the game, this is [[Justified Trope|justified]] by having the characters come and go as the plot demands, but even after [[Gondor Calls for Aid|Gondor has called for aid]] you can still only bring four people with you, with the rest stuck doing nothing on your airship.
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* [[Beehive Barrier]]: The Dome of Light that protects {{spoiler|Soltis}}
* [[Beehive Barrier]]: The Dome of Light that protects {{spoiler|Soltis}}
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: [[Playing With a Trope|Played with]] and arguably [[Averted Trope|averted]] because neither girl actively pursues Vyse.
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: [[Playing With a Trope|Played with]] and arguably [[Averted Trope|averted]] because neither girl actively pursues Vyse.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Rupee Larso. Nice kid, [[Father I Don't Want to Fight|doesn't like violence]]... But when you get his HP down below half, he can pull out his Berserk Rupee attack for devastating damage.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Rupee Larso. Nice kid, [[Father, I Don't Want to Fight|doesn't like violence]]... But when you get his HP down below half, he can pull out his Berserk Rupee attack for devastating damage.
* [[BFS]]: Grand Admiral Galacian uses one of these. Looks out of place because nearly every other hand weapon in the game is realistically-proportioned. Vyse's Vorlik Blade certainly isn't ideal for holding in one hand. And the Sky Fang... well, enough said.
* [[BFS]]: Grand Admiral Galacian uses one of these. Looks out of place because nearly every other hand weapon in the game is realistically-proportioned. Vyse's Vorlik Blade certainly isn't ideal for holding in one hand. And the Sky Fang... well, enough said.
* [[BFG]]: Lots.
* [[BFG]]: Lots.
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* [[Broken Bridge]]: As you might expect from a game that gives you the [[Global Airship]] right away, the Broken Bridges in this game are a little more creative than usual, typically requiring you to upgrade your ship or get a better one in order to proceed.
* [[Broken Bridge]]: As you might expect from a game that gives you the [[Global Airship]] right away, the Broken Bridges in this game are a little more creative than usual, typically requiring you to upgrade your ship or get a better one in order to proceed.
** The Valuans went a little overboard with this in Ixa'Taka: a gargantuan ''chainlink fence'' strewn between two cliffs. Once Vyse sends them packing, the wall is dismantled.
** The Valuans went a little overboard with this in Ixa'Taka: a gargantuan ''chainlink fence'' strewn between two cliffs. Once Vyse sends them packing, the wall is dismantled.
* [[But Thou Must]]: You can't change the plot by refusing to do things, but you can drop your Swashbuckler rating by trying.
* [[But Thou Must!]]: You can't change the plot by refusing to do things, but you can drop your Swashbuckler rating by trying.
** It's worth a playthough just to pick all the incompetent-sounding choices. Aika comes out sounding like [[Hypercompetent Sidekick|the real hero!]]
** It's worth a playthough just to pick all the incompetent-sounding choices. Aika comes out sounding like [[Hypercompetent Sidekick|the real hero!]]
** Eventually, though, the game starts offering up win-win decision trees. Sorry, but thou must.
** Eventually, though, the game starts offering up win-win decision trees. Sorry, but thou must.
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** This is why the optional Gamecube battles are so time-consuming. Most of your skill points will likely be spent on re-casting Delta Shield, Justice Shield et. al over and over again.
** This is why the optional Gamecube battles are so time-consuming. Most of your skill points will likely be spent on re-casting Delta Shield, Justice Shield et. al over and over again.
* [[Contrived Coincidence]]: The Duccat's Island portion overall.
* [[Contrived Coincidence]]: The Duccat's Island portion overall.
* [[Convection Schmonvection]]: The final part of the [[Convection Schmonvection]] dungeon involves you dumping water on a [[Lava Pit]] to cool it off ''so that you can walk on top of it.''
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: The final part of the [[Convection, Schmonvection]] dungeon involves you dumping water on a [[Lava Pit]] to cool it off ''so that you can walk on top of it.''
* [[Cool Ship]]: The Delphinus has elements of both a [[Cool Boat]] and a [[Cool Plane]], given how ships work in this game.
* [[Cool Ship]]: The Delphinus has elements of both a [[Cool Boat]] and a [[Cool Plane]], given how ships work in this game.
* [[Crystal Prison]]: The Silvite Elders [[Inverted Trope|intentionally]] seal themselves in these as a form of {{spoiler|life support}}.
* [[Crystal Prison]]: The Silvite Elders [[Inverted Trope|intentionally]] seal themselves in these as a form of {{spoiler|life support}}.
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** [[The Big Guy]]: Drachma.
** [[The Big Guy]]: Drachma.
** [[The Chick]]: Fina.
** [[The Chick]]: Fina.
* [[Fixed Forward Facing Weapon]]: The ''Delphinus'' is armed with the Moonstone Cannon, which is basically an [[Expy]] of the classic [[Space Battleship Yamato|Wave Motion Gun]].
* [[Fixed Forward-Facing Weapon]]: The ''Delphinus'' is armed with the Moonstone Cannon, which is basically an [[Expy]] of the classic [[Space Battleship Yamato|Wave Motion Gun]].
** {{spoiler|Zelos}}' 'eye', which is eerily fixed on the Delphinus during your fight.
** {{spoiler|Zelos}}' 'eye', which is eerily fixed on the Delphinus during your fight.
* [[Floating Continent]]: Every single one, in fact, though Soltis has been on the actual surface for a while now.
* [[Floating Continent]]: Every single one, in fact, though Soltis has been on the actual surface for a while now.
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* [[Homage]]: As the game opens, Fina is captured by a Valuan ship in a sequence reminiscent of ''[[Star Wars a New Hope]]''.
* [[Homage]]: As the game opens, Fina is captured by a Valuan ship in a sequence reminiscent of ''[[Star Wars a New Hope]]''.
* [[Hufflepuff House]]: Different varieties of Blue Pirates, from the Dyne family to Centime, Gilder, and Clara. All of them join {{spoiler|the final fight against Galcian}}.
* [[Hufflepuff House]]: Different varieties of Blue Pirates, from the Dyne family to Centime, Gilder, and Clara. All of them join {{spoiler|the final fight against Galcian}}.
* [[Hundred Percent Heroism Rating]]: One of the few benefits of a high Swashbuckler Rating is that NPC shopkeepers- especially on Sailors' Island- will gush over your celebrity status. Still won't give you a discount though. In addition, getting the title Vyse the Legend - which involves getting [[Hundred Percent Completion]] - unlocks an optional boss fight and a few other perks.
* [[Hundred-Percent Heroism Rating]]: One of the few benefits of a high Swashbuckler Rating is that NPC shopkeepers- especially on Sailors' Island- will gush over your celebrity status. Still won't give you a discount though. In addition, getting the title Vyse the Legend - which involves getting [[Hundred-Percent Completion]] - unlocks an optional boss fight and a few other perks.
* [[Improbable Power Discrepancy]]: The [[Bonus Boss|Bonus Bosses]] in ''Legends'' are a particular [[Egregious]] example, but there's plenty of lesser examples too.
* [[Improbable Power Discrepancy]]: The [[Bonus Boss|Bonus Bosses]] in ''Legends'' are a particular [[Egregious]] example, but there's plenty of lesser examples too.
* [[In the Name of The Moon|In The Name Of The Moons]]: You'll hear it a lot.
* [[In the Name of The Moon|In The Name Of The Moons]]: You'll hear it a lot.
* [[Industrial Ghetto]]: Lower City. They built the warships here, and workers are treated like dogs.
* [[Industrial Ghetto]]: Lower City. They built the warships here, and workers are treated like dogs.
* [[Inexplicable Treasure Chests]]: Justified in the sewers, of all places. The weapons merchant in Maramba knows the story of how they came to be there.
* [[Inexplicable Treasure Chests]]: Justified in the sewers, of all places. The weapons merchant in Maramba knows the story of how they came to be there.
* [[Its the Journey That Counts]]: Daccat's "treasure"... Or so it would seem, at first. Actually [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] since you can sell the "treasure" later for 20,000 gold.
* [[It's the Journey That Counts]]: Daccat's "treasure"... Or so it would seem, at first. Actually [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] since you can sell the "treasure" later for 20,000 gold.
** The real point of the exercise is to reunite Vyse, Aika, and Fina. See? Greed really ''is'' good.
** The real point of the exercise is to reunite Vyse, Aika, and Fina. See? Greed really ''is'' good.
* [[The Jimmy Hart Version]]: The [ Armada Battle] theme sounds very similar to the first part of ''[[Mega Man 8 (Video Game)|Mega Man 8]]'s'' [ Wily Tower 3].
* [[The Jimmy Hart Version]]: The [ Armada Battle] theme sounds very similar to the first part of ''[[Mega Man 8 (Video Game)|Mega Man 8]]'s'' [ Wily Tower 3].
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** One interesting example: {{spoiler|After defeating Galcian on the Hydra, Galcian retreats into the control room, [[Villain Exit Stage Left|which detatches itself from the rest of the ship.]] Vyse comments, "I thought he was too arrogant to have an escape pod!"}}
** One interesting example: {{spoiler|After defeating Galcian on the Hydra, Galcian retreats into the control room, [[Villain Exit Stage Left|which detatches itself from the rest of the ship.]] Vyse comments, "I thought he was too arrogant to have an escape pod!"}}
** A girl in Yafutoma, after giving you some random fact, remarks on how she finds it strange that she would [[Welcome to Corneria|say something so obscure to someone that she doesn't even know.]]
** A girl in Yafutoma, after giving you some random fact, remarks on how she finds it strange that she would [[Welcome to Corneria|say something so obscure to someone that she doesn't even know.]]
* [[Last Disc Magic]]: Once Vyse acquires his own ship, "Prophecy" and "Blue Rogues" appear in the battle menu (but only if your Spirit's at max). Not exactly "last disc" magic since it's unlocked roughly at the game's halfway point, alleviating its cheapness.
* [[Last-Disc Magic]]: Once Vyse acquires his own ship, "Prophecy" and "Blue Rogues" appear in the battle menu (but only if your Spirit's at max). Not exactly "last disc" magic since it's unlocked roughly at the game's halfway point, alleviating its cheapness.
* [[Last Villain Stand]]: As long as Galcian has Soltis, he's still in the game, even with his fleet destroyed.
* [[Last Villain Stand]]: As long as Galcian has Soltis, he's still in the game, even with his fleet destroyed.
** Once he's killed, {{spoiler|Ramirez}} decides the world must burn for not accepting Galcian as its rightful ruler.
** Once he's killed, {{spoiler|Ramirez}} decides the world must burn for not accepting Galcian as its rightful ruler.
* [[Legitimate Businessmens Social Club]]: To outsiders, Pirate Isle is listed on maps as "Windmill Isle." A heroic example.
* [[Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club]]: To outsiders, Pirate Isle is listed on maps as "Windmill Isle." A heroic example.
* [[Leave No Survivors]]: Let's just let Galcian explain:
* [[Leave No Survivors]]: Let's just let Galcian explain:
{{quote| '''Galcian''': I don't think they're foolish enough to resist. However, if something should happen... Burn the village and kill them all. Let the bodies rot in the sun and leave one of our flags to set an example for others who may defy us.}}
{{quote| '''Galcian''': I don't think they're foolish enough to resist. However, if something should happen... Burn the village and kill them all. Let the bodies rot in the sun and leave one of our flags to set an example for others who may defy us.}}
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* [[Magic Skirt]]: Fina's skirt only flutters up to her knees when she uses magic. (Aika's goes higher, but she has shorts.)
* [[Magic Skirt]]: Fina's skirt only flutters up to her knees when she uses magic. (Aika's goes higher, but she has shorts.)
* [[Magitek]]: Those previously mentioned [[Green Rocks]] power everything even vaguely mechanical in this game, with the exception of a few scattered windmills.
* [[Magitek]]: Those previously mentioned [[Green Rocks]] power everything even vaguely mechanical in this game, with the exception of a few scattered windmills.
* [[Medieval European Fantasy]]: With [[Steampunk]] and [[Schizo Tech]] thrown in for flavor.
* [[Medieval European Fantasy]]: With [[Steampunk]] and [[Schizo-Tech]] thrown in for flavor.
* [[Mega Twintails]]: Maria in ''Legends''.
* [[Mega Twintails]]: Maria in ''Legends''.
* [[Mind Control Eyes]]: Characters who are confused in battle get these. Also happens to characters who are hit by Ramirez's "Silver Nightmare" S-Move in the final boss battle.
* [[Mind Control Eyes]]: Characters who are confused in battle get these. Also happens to characters who are hit by Ramirez's "Silver Nightmare" S-Move in the final boss battle.
* [[Mix and Match Critters]]: The Dheerse, Alupas and Rabbats discoveries. The Dhabus used for transport in Nasr seem to be a mashup of camels and T-Rexes with a dash of elephant thrown in.
* [[Mix-and-Match Critters]]: The Dheerse, Alupas and Rabbats discoveries. The Dhabus used for transport in Nasr seem to be a mashup of camels and T-Rexes with a dash of elephant thrown in.
* [[Metal Slime]]: Loopers.
* [[Metal Slime]]: Loopers.
* [[Mordor]]: The Valuan continent is a craggy, crater-pocked hellhole under the oppression of permanent thunderstorms. The ruined landscape is also partly due to rampant moon stone mining. So in a sense, it qualifies as Types 1 ''and'' 2.
* [[Mordor]]: The Valuan continent is a craggy, crater-pocked hellhole under the oppression of permanent thunderstorms. The ruined landscape is also partly due to rampant moon stone mining. So in a sense, it qualifies as Types 1 ''and'' 2.
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* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: Clara, who is absolutely determined to marry Gilder whether he likes it or not. He doesn't. In her defense, she's pretty much the nicest stalker imaginable. Not so nice is Vigoro and his obsession with Aika. Note that his first meeting with her had him trying to ''rape her''. The game plays further instances of them meeting as comedy.
* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: Clara, who is absolutely determined to marry Gilder whether he likes it or not. He doesn't. In her defense, she's pretty much the nicest stalker imaginable. Not so nice is Vigoro and his obsession with Aika. Note that his first meeting with her had him trying to ''rape her''. The game plays further instances of them meeting as comedy.
* [[Standard Status Effects]]: No surprises here.
* [[Standard Status Effects]]: No surprises here.
* [[Sucking in Lines]]: The Moon Stone Cannon AND the Harpoon Cannon, the latter despite the fact that it is a wholly projectile based weapon.
* [[Sucking-In Lines]]: The Moon Stone Cannon AND the Harpoon Cannon, the latter despite the fact that it is a wholly projectile based weapon.
* [[Super Prototype]]: The Delphinus. It's completely unique, and is far more powerful than the standard Valuan warships. Later, the Spectre-class battleships appear, and are basically slightly less streamlined versions of the Delphinus that lack the [[Wave Motion Gun|Moon Stone Cannon]]. As Enrique notes that the Delphinus is the first of a series of similar ships, it can be expected that these are the mass-produced models of the same ship.
* [[Super Prototype]]: The Delphinus. It's completely unique, and is far more powerful than the standard Valuan warships. Later, the Spectre-class battleships appear, and are basically slightly less streamlined versions of the Delphinus that lack the [[Wave Motion Gun|Moon Stone Cannon]]. As Enrique notes that the Delphinus is the first of a series of similar ships, it can be expected that these are the mass-produced models of the same ship.
** This is supported by the presence of a Spectre-class model in Vyse's office, which was supposedly based on the Delphinus.
** This is supported by the presence of a Spectre-class model in Vyse's office, which was supposedly based on the Delphinus.
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** [[Shifting Sand Land]]: Nasr.
** [[Shifting Sand Land]]: Nasr.
** [[Ship Level]]: Alfonso's battleship in the prologue.
** [[Ship Level]]: Alfonso's battleship in the prologue.
** [[Slippy Slidey Ice World]]: Glacia is an aversion. It's an ice world, but it's not slippy slidey.
** [[Slippy-Slidey Ice World]]: Glacia is an aversion. It's an ice world, but it's not slippy slidey.
** {{spoiler|[[Space Zone]]}}: Great Silver Shrine.
** {{spoiler|[[Space Zone]]}}: Great Silver Shrine.
** [[Techno Wreckage]]: The outer rim of Soltis.
** [[Techno Wreckage]]: The outer rim of Soltis.
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* [[Weapon of Choice]]:
* [[Weapon of Choice]]:
** [[Cool Sword]]: Vyse.
** [[Cool Sword]]: Vyse.
** [[Precision Guided Boomerang]]: Aika.
** [[Precision-Guided Boomerang]]: Aika.
** [[Power Fist]]: Drachma.
** [[Power Fist]]: Drachma.
** [[Morph Weapon]]: Fina.
** [[Morph Weapon]]: Fina.
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** Although it's only mentioned in passing, most of the moons have notable effects on the lands they orbit. The Red Moon radiates so much heat, that the lands under it are turned into scorching deserts, while the Purple Moon radiates cold which freezes the lands under it. The Yellow Moon generates perpetual thunder storms, and the Green Moon somehow causes animal and plant life to flourish. The Blue Moon apparently generates strong winds. Only the Silver Moon has no apparent effect on the environment of the land it orbits.
** Although it's only mentioned in passing, most of the moons have notable effects on the lands they orbit. The Red Moon radiates so much heat, that the lands under it are turned into scorching deserts, while the Purple Moon radiates cold which freezes the lands under it. The Yellow Moon generates perpetual thunder storms, and the Green Moon somehow causes animal and plant life to flourish. The Blue Moon apparently generates strong winds. Only the Silver Moon has no apparent effect on the environment of the land it orbits.
* [[What the Hell, Player?]]: After you return home from your first adventure and Aika splits off, you can peek through a hole in her wall covered by a piece of tissue... if you want to be called a [[Handsome Lech|pervert]]. It's so blatantly [[Schmuck Bait]] (the Schmuck being ''you'' the player, as the scene doesn't happen unless you investigate it) that even Vyse wonders why she put it there, after [[Accidental Pervert|falling for it himself]] of course.
* [[What the Hell, Player?]]: After you return home from your first adventure and Aika splits off, you can peek through a hole in her wall covered by a piece of tissue... if you want to be called a [[Handsome Lech|pervert]]. It's so blatantly [[Schmuck Bait]] (the Schmuck being ''you'' the player, as the scene doesn't happen unless you investigate it) that even Vyse wonders why she put it there, after [[Accidental Pervert|falling for it himself]] of course.
** This also tends to happen whenever you choose an unfavorable [[But Thou Must|dialogue choice]].
** This also tends to happen whenever you choose an unfavorable [[But Thou Must!|dialogue choice]].
* [[When Things Spin Science Happens]]: The Silvite Elders' life-support machines.
* [[When Things Spin Science Happens]]: The Silvite Elders' life-support machines.
* [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]]
* [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]]