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== Why doesn't anybody at Hereti-Corp take the Hereti-Corp logo off the uniforms of their agents? ==
You know, so that Oasis doesn't just kill them on sight. Hell, you'd think they'd do this even if there was no Override B-1, since news reports about your men blowing up a restaurant ''might'' be bad for business.
** Having Oasis kill their agents was the main ''point'' of opening up the chain of House of Cheese pizza restaurants. Well, that and make money, but mostly to form a sort of nationwide trip-wire system to search for Oasis. Eventually, Oasis would see the Hereti-Corp logo on the restaurants or its employees, freak out over Override B-1, and start killing, and then they'd have a rough idea of what area to start looking for Oasis in. And by that I mean, "flood the area with more expendable guys in Hereti-Corp uniforms until you can narrow down Oasis' location because that's where she's killing people." Hereti-Corp are evil, remember?
** And Hereti-Corp agents are now going undercover as "Innocent Plumbing," so they do seem to be catching on.
== Can someone explain to me the whole "Have Oasis kill Riff in front of Torg thing? ==