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** Guilford is known as "The Spearhead of the Empire"
* In ''[[The Record of a Fallen Vampire]]'', the protagonist and {{spoiler|one of the}} titular fallen vampire is Akabara "Red Rose" Strauss. Meanwhile, {{spoiler|his queen, Adelheid, became known as the ''Moonlight of Corrosion'' because of a tragic and bloody incident in the past where she almost annihilated all vampires.}} We also have his Dhampire subordinate, Leticia who garners the nicknames "Lety" and "Mountain Cat", ''and'' there's Strauss's mortal enemy, whose known only by her moniker, "The Black Swan."
* Subverted in ''[[Sakigake Cromartie Koukou|Cromartie High School]]'' when Akira Maeda decides on a new nickname for himself: "The Dragon of Razors". Unfortunately, due to his [[Butt Monkey]] status, no one seems to call him by that name.
** There's also the rock star guy the students call Freddie, since he's a mute and no one seems to know his real origins.
* ''[[Darker than Black]]'' gives us [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|the Black Reaper]], Hei. Notable in that ''[[Only Known by Their Nickname|the only name we know him by]]'' is also a [[Badass Nickname|Badass]] [[Code Name]]; "Hei" is Chinese for "Black."
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* Arguably, all superhero codenames count as this. Only if the owner of the name is respected, though.
* [[Spider-Man]] is referred to as either the Web-slinger or Wall-Crawler, based on his two main methods of transportation. A less common name is "The Arach-Knight", as a pun on Batman's "The Dark Knight".
** Similarly to the first two, Spidey's [[Captain Ersatz]] The Fury from [[Alan Moore|Alan Moore's]] ''[[Nineteen Sixty Three1963]]'' is known as the Roof-Runner.
* [[Superman]], The Man of Steel, the Man of Tomorrow, The Last Son of Krypton, and the [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Big Blue Boy Scout]].
** His cousin, [[Supergirl]], is either the Girl of Steel or the [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Maid of Steel]] as a play on Superman's most common nickname.
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{{quote|'''Harry''': "Not just an affectionate nickname, folks."}}
* In the ''[[Dragonlance]]'' novel "Dragons of Spring Dawning" as the elven princess Laurana leads the Whitestone Armies to a series of incredible victories over the [[The Empire|Dragonarmies]], her long blonde hair and radiant nature earn her the nickname 'the Golden General'.
* [[Gentleman Bastard Sequence|The Lies of Locke Lamora and its sequel Red Seas Under Red Skies]] have [[Magnificent Bastard|Locke]], whose nickname is "The Thorn of Camorr," though the only people who call him that don't know who he is. Rather apropos, considering the fact that he frequently robs them blind.
* The last Duke of Ankh, and self-appointed executioner of the last ''King'' of Ankh, [[Discworld|Stoneface Vimes]]. His great-something-grandson Sam Vimes Sr. starts getting the same nickname after acquiring something of the same reputation re: dealing with authority.
{{quote|'''Vimes:''' ''The'' Regicide. Not sure why people have to call him that. I mean, it was only one king. It wasn't as if it was a habit.}}
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* Randall Flagg in [[The Dark Tower]] and other books "The Man Without A Face" The Dark Man" "The Black Man" "The Walkin' Dude".
* In the [[Gordon R. Dickson]] novel ''Spacial Delivery'', there's a culture of bear-like aliens, Dilbians, who give everyone epithets. The most badass member of the race is known as "One Man" in "one man army."
** A thing to remember about them is that the epithet doesn't always mean what it sounds like it means. "Daddy Shaking Knees" might seem like a name for a coward, but in fact he got it because in an emergency [[Load-Bearing Hero|he held up something heavy for a '''long''' time]] ... and his only sign of strain was that after almost an hour his legs began to tremble just a bit. Also, Dilbians value cleverness, not just physical strength. One Man is very strong, yes — and '''extremely''' smart.
* In the ''[[Black Jewels]]'' series, Daemon SaDiablo earned the name "The Sadist" even though he was a [[Sex Slave]] at the time.
* [[Dark Life]] has Shade. (The other members of the Seablite Gang also only go by their nicknames...but they're less badass. Eel? ''Kale''?)
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== Tabletop Games ==
* The [[Space Marine]]s of ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' actual title is the Adeptus Astartes, and they are also known as the Angels of Death. The Blood Angels are a chapter of Space Marines, who are [[Super Soldier]]s with [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampiric characteristics]] and are known for [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|bloodthirsty assault tactics]]. A [[Magic Knight|Librarian]] of theirs is named [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Mephiston]], and is known by ''them'' as "the Lord of Death".
** Let's not forget the humble (but numerous) [[Redshirt Army|Imperial Guard]]. Guardsmen are notoriously [[Cannon Fodder|expendable]], but some have survived long enough to get a reputation. Case in point, the only regiment from planet Tanith narrowly escaped the obliteration of their homeworld, and they're still kind of pissed. Their official designation is the Tanith 1st - generally followed by a defiant chorus of "First and Only!" They also get tagged as [[Gaunt's Ghosts|Gaunts Ghosts]], thanks to their commander's rare appreciation for stealth (and survival). Mention Tanith and you get blank looks, but even [[Smug Super|Space Marines]] have heard of Gaunt's Ghosts.
** Lest we forget, Gaunt's Ghosts aren't the only Imperial Guardsmen of note. There's also Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken, [[Game Breaker]] and named after his adamantium hand. And Gunnery Sergeant "Stonetooth" Harker, so named due to his rumored habit of chewing glass instead of tobacco.
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* Tommy Vercetti from ''[[Grand Theft Auto Vice City]]'' earned the nickname "The Harwood Butcher" after a particularly nasty incident in Liberty City in 1971. Tommy was quickly gaining power in the city so his boss, Sonny Forelli, sent him to "kill a man" in the Harwood district of Liberty. Turns out, that man was actually 11 hitmen who were sent to kill Tommy. Long story short, Tommy kills each and every one of those hitmen, earning him the nickname "The Harwood Butcher" and 15 years in jail.
* Subverted in ''[[Super Robot Wars Original Generation]] 2'' where Ibis Douglas has the [[Badass]] nickname "Shooting Star"; this is actually an insult as she is a terrible pilot, and the nickname is a reference to the fact that she is constantly crashing her giant robot (in other words, like a shooting star, she's always plummeting to the Earth!). In a parody, her Rival, Sleigh Prestly gains the nickname "The Scarlet Comet" as a joke on Char(partialy because Shooting Star is one of Amuro's Nickname).
** But Ibis [[Took a Level Inin Badass|proves herself worthy]] of such a cool name as the game goes on.
** Alternate universe Kyouske is known as the "Steel Beowulf", partially cause he leads the Beowulfs and is so damn strong.
*** It's actually just "Beowulf", and it's a codename rather than a nickname (Steel Beowulf is the title of Kyouske's Leitmotif). He is, however, inhumanly strong, not to mention [[Complete Monster|plain evil]].
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* In ''[[Fallout 3]]'', you get a title that changes depending on your level and alignment - a low-level Good character might be called The Vault Martyr, while a high level Evil character might be called The Ravager. To contrast, a high level Good character may be called The Wasteland Savior, and will be depicted in your Pip-Boy as a kind of Messianic figure. Typically, this only comes up when Three Dog is reporting your exploits.
* Legate Lanius of ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'' is known as The Monster of the East. [[Authority Equals Asskicking|For]] [[Blood Knight|good]] [[Kill'Em All|reason]].
** His [[Implacable Man|hardier]], [[General Ripper|fiercer]] and [[You Have Failed Me...|recently]] [[Unperson|made]] [[The Atoner|contrite]] predecessor, Joshua Graham, is known commonly as The Burned Man ([[Kill It with Fire|no points for guessing how he got it]]). He was known as the Malpais Legate before that, but it's uncommon knowledge by now.
* ''[[Skies of Arcadia]]'' ties this to your [[Karma Meter]], giving the main character Vyse different titles as his fame increases; the best title a player can earn is "Vyse the Legend".
* [[Game Breaker|Orlandu]] of ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' received the nickname "Thunder God Cid" (or T.G. Cid for short).
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* The Red Cyclone, [[Street Fighter|Zangief]]. Later on, we'd get the [[Double Agent]] Crimson Viper.
** As a matter of fact, Capcom bothered to give such an epithet to all the characters of the license in the ''Street Fighter World Warrior Encyclopedia''. Ryu and Ken, for instance, are respectively the "Eternal Seeker" and the "Fire of the Rising Dragon", while Crimson Viper is labeled as "Miss Perfect".
* Iron Tager from ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'' is known to some as the Red Devil, though he's not proud of it.
** Ragna the Bloodedge, also known as The Grim Reaper and {{spoiler|his brother}} Major Jin Kisaragi, the Hero of Ikaruga.
* ''[[Tekken]]'' has Sergei Dragunov, "The White Angel of Death" - possibly a nod towards [[wikipedia:Alfredo Astiz|Alfredo Astiz]], "The Blonde Angel of Death."
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* Ian Thorpe a.k.a. "Thorpedo".
* Brazilian soccer player Givanildo Vieira de Souza got the nickname "[[The Incredible Hulk|Hulk]]" during his playing times in Japan. He embraced said nickname and wears it on the back of his shirt.
* Professional ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' players often get nicknames beyond the screennames they use when competing. Perhaps the best known is SlayerS_Boxer, known as "The Terran Emperor" (real name Lim Yo Hwan). Others include NaDa "The Genius" or Iloveoov "Cheater Terran".<ref>a reference to his skill at building massive armies very quickly, not actual cheating</ref>
* In [[Boxing]]:
** [[Muhammad Ali]]: The Greatest