Uploads by Lee M

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Current version
01:51, 14 January 2016 Dj-hilda.jpg (file) 10 KB Ed Kline: Hilda, leader of the beewolf raiders from the ''Dreamwalk Journal'' spinoff webcomic ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' (alternative image) Yes
01:41, 14 January 2016 DJ-DUSK.jpg (file) 10 KB Dusk by Ed Kline. A female wasp from the ''Dreamwalk Journal spinoff webcomic ''Nightshade the Merry Widow''. Yes
21:17, 4 November 2015 Bael.jpg (file) 8 KB Ed Kline: Lord Bael, the god of planet Cyeatea, from the ''Dreamwalk Journal'' spinoff webcomic ''Nightshade the Merry Widow''. Yes
23:53, 18 October 2015 Dreamwalkjournal-bee-wasp-and-ooman-px.jpg (file) 27 KB Ed Kline: Theta (male honeybee) and SueMac (wasp) discuss Danny (ooman). Scene from the webcomic ''Dreamwalk Journal''. Yes
23:46, 18 October 2015 Canubis.jpg (file) 27 KB Ed Kline: Canubis, male giant dragonfly from the webcomic ''Dreamwalk Journal''. Yes
23:38, 18 October 2015 ZAVOODY.jpg (file) 80 KB Ed Kline: Zavoody, feisty teenage redlip ant from the webcomics ''Dreamwalk Journal'' and ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' Yes
23:35, 18 October 2015 CLEOME .jpg (file) 7 KB Ed Kline: Cleome, green orbweaver spider from the webcomics ''Dreamwalk Journal'' and ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' (new facial design) Yes
23:31, 18 October 2015 AMIANTHIUM.jpg (file) 111 KB Ed Kline: Amianthium, female green orb weaver spider from the webcomics ''Dreamwalk Journal'' and ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' (new facial design) Yes
23:26, 18 October 2015 NIGHTSHADE.jpg (file) 119 KB Ed Kline: Nightshade, eponymous (not to mention venomous) black widow spider from the ''Dreamwalk Journal'' spinoff webcomic ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' Yes
23:24, 18 October 2015 DILL.jpg (file) 58 KB Ed Kline: Dill, female Cyeatean honeybee scientist, from the webcomics ''Dreamwalk Journal'' and ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' (new image) Yes
23:23, 18 October 2015 LEONURUS.jpg (file) 115 KB Ed Kline: Queen Leonurus, Cyeatean honeybee from the webcomics ''Dreamwalk Journal'' and ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' (new image) Yes
23:21, 18 October 2015 DAMIANA.jpg (file) 34 KB Ed Kline: Damiana, female Cyeatean honeybee from the webcomics ''Dreamwalk Journal'' and ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' (new image) Yes
23:17, 18 October 2015 THETA.jpg (file) 103 KB Ed Kline: Theta, male Cyeatean honeybee from the wencomics ''Dreamwalk Journal'' and ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' Yes
23:16, 18 October 2015 DJ-FLEUR.jpg (file) 33 KB Ed Kline: Fleur, human dreamwalker from the webcomics ''Dreamwalk Journal'' and ''Nightshade the Merry Widow'' (new image) Yes
23:14, 18 October 2015 DANNY.jpg (file) 37 KB Ed Kline: Danny, human dreamwalker from the webcomic ''Dreamwalk Journal'' (new image) Yes
23:13, 18 October 2015 SUEMAC .jpg (file) 62 KB Ed Kline: SueMac, fire wasp from the webcomic ''Dreamwalk Journal'' (new image) Yes
01:24, 9 October 2014 Stormrunners-characters.jpg (file) 50 KB Markus, Lilith and Ssuara from ''The Stormrunners'', slightly censored. Yes