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First-Person Peripheral Narrator: Difference between revisions

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* This is probably what Milanor of ''[[Yggdra Union]]'' was intended to be, but because Yggdra winds up being the viewpoint character of most of the game (right down to our getting her internal monologues), he just winds up being a rather useless side character [[Creator's Pet|who gets a disproportionate amount of lines]] for someone who's not all that important.
** Then Yggdra gets kidnapped. [[Ascended Extra|Who will be the one]] [[Knight in Shining Armor|that lead the team to rescue her?]] That's probably the only time the player's playing Milanor as a full time hero.
* ''[[Ar Tonelicotonelico 2II: (VideoMelody Game)of Metafalica]]'s'' main characters are Luca and Cloche. The player, Croix Bartel, is a supporting character who acts as their mental therapist and love interest.
* Keiichi in ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]]'' is actually only the second most important character. He's certainly [[The Hero]], but the story isn't about [[The Hero]]. {{spoiler|The story is actually about the often overshadowed Furude Rika, which is kept a secret until the end because the only thing she doesn't know about the plot is the reason it's even necessary.}} This makes for an interesting case where Keiichi is not actually a ''full'' example of the trope because the actual protagonist is incredibly passive while undeniably being the focus of the story.
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