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** Why isn't there a ''[[Nightmare Fuel]]'' section for fan art? [[Squick|Makes sense]]...
*** [[Rule 34]], dude, [[Rule 34]].
* The ''Resistance'' games for [[Play StationPlayStation 3]]. America joins the war in Britain with not the slightest idea the Chimera exist. A few days later, Hale, the only person the Brits have seen to been resistant to the virus, is taken back by the Americans to join the Sentinels... a unit of men resistant to the Chimera. This troper is having a hard time deciding whether this will be explained more in Resistance 3, as R2 seems to hint, or is simply an [[Ass Pull]], given how different Resistance 2 was, stylistically.
** Also: the battleships, furies, and kraken. The Chimera had to tunnel under the English Channel to invade Britain. One would think they would have brought forth the battleships and sea-going critters rather than bothering with the tunnels.
** Speaking of style, why does the US have things that '''shouldn't'' be in the 50's I know it's and Alternet history but really.
* Why didn't Square name ''[[Final Fantasy II (Video Game)|Final Fantasy II]]'' "the fantasy after the final one", "the new fantasy" or "afterfantasy"?
** Or ''We Lied''?
** Because it wouldn't make as much money. Duh. ;)
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