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== A Very Potter Musical ==
* Would you believe that a [[High School Musical|Zac Efron]] poster figures heavily into the plot?
* The musical sting from ''[[Seinfeld]]'' plays when Ron walks in a few times. Continues in the sequel.
* "Aren't we an [[The Odd Couple|Odd Couple]]!"
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* Voldemort's pre-''Avada Kedavra'' speech to Harry is straight from the finale of ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]''. Ironically, this seems to be the one dramatic moment the audience doesn't reflexively laugh at.
** Ginny tells Harry, "We kissed at the Yule Ball, and, well, I thought we were going to be together forever.... but we're not." This is almost identical to what Aang says to Katara in The Ember Island Players (though he refers to the invasion of the Fire Nation).
** And the scene when Ron and Hermione first kiss is the scene between Aang and Katara before the fire nation invasion where Aang kisses Katara. The dialogue leading up to the kiss is almost identical.
* Voldemort (in the Zefron poster) shouts "You gotta get'cha head in the game, Weasley!" which is a reference to a ''[[High School Musical]]'' song, "Getcha Head In the Game". And no, I am not ashamed to know that.
* "How many times do I have to kill you, boy?" from their second confrontation is a direct quote from ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]''.
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* [[Jurassic Park|"Dragons don't wanna be fed, they wanna hunt!"]]
* Goyle's big scene is a shout-out to ''[[Billy Madison]]'': "Oh, Goyle rules!"
* When questioned about Snape, Dumbledore recites a variation of what the soldiers in ''[[The Manchurian Candidate (novel)|The Manchurian Candidate]]'' were programmed to say about Raymond Shaw.
* [[Word of God]] says that "Voldemort is Going Down" was originally meant to be modeled after "Now or Never" from ''[[High School Musical]] 3'', complete with basketball showdown. The creators have said they are [[High School Musical]] fans.
* And, of course, a lot to the ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' books, specially bits and characters that aren't really in the Musical.
* {{spoiler|Dumbledore}}'s will also contains shout outs to ''[[Charlie and the Chocolate Factory]]'' and ''[[Who Framed Roger Rabbit?|Who Framed Roger Rabbit]]'', played strictly for laughs.
* "Because I'm worth it." (Lóreal.)
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* One Death Eater's nickname for Dumbledore is Bumblesnore, which sounds suspiciously like "[[Pokémon|Bulbasaur]]".
* Harry and Ginny's {{spoiler|and Ron and Hermione's in AVPS}} romance is compared to [[Spider-Man (film)|Spider Man]] and Mary Jane.
* The guitar intro to "Granger Danger" is exactly the same as the intro to the [[Suzanne Vega]] song "Marlene on the Wall".
* Several times, you can hear lines sung to tunes from ''[[Wicked (theatre)|Wicked]]''. "Different As Can Be" gives us the lines "We share some hands and fingers" "and yet, the feeling lingers" lines sound very much like part of "What Is This Feeling". Arguably, even, Voldemort and Quirrell could be seen as Elphaba and G(a)linda. "To Dance Again" gives us the line "And when I'd start to sway/I'd get carried away", which is a near quote from "Wonderful".
** The melody of "To Dance Again" is also identical in tune to "Wonderful" at the beginning of their chorus part.
{{quote| '''Wizard of Oz''': Won-derful.<br />
'''Voldy''': To dance agaaaaaiiiiin. }}
* "Never tell a girl you like her, it makes you look like an idiot" could be a reference to line by Daniel Desario in an episode of [[Freaks and Geeks]].
* When Cedric is introduced he pushes the Trio+Ginny to the floor, parodying the scene in ''[[Harry Potter (Franchise)/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (novel)|Goblet of Fire]]'' where Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny crash to the ground after using the portkey and Cedric lands perfectly like the perfect Mr. Perfect he is.
* "[[Napoleon Dynamite|It's probably the best I've ever done]]"
* Ron eating in every scene is reference to the 2001 version of ''[[Ocean's Eleven|Oceans Eleven]]'', where Rusty is eating in every scene.
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* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'': Lucius telling his son {{spoiler|that banishment was too merciful (Day of Black Sun Part 2)}} and Hermione telling Draco that {{spoiler|she can't forgive past him but can forgive future him (The Southern Raiders)}}.
** "That's rough, buddy."
* "Get those happy thoughts ready and don't cross the streams!" is another ''[[Ghostbusters]]'' reference.
* When Umbridge reads {{spoiler|Dumbledore's}} note to her:
{{quote| '''Umbridge:''' Dear Umbridge... [[All That|That's me!]]}}
* Although he doesn't make any direct references, Lucius Malfoy appears to be modelled on Jareth from ''[[Labyrinth]]''.
** [[Word of God]] says this was an intentional reference
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* Scarfy sounds a lot like Paul Lynde.
* Umbridge tells Harry to [[Happy Days|"Sit on it, Potsie!"]], though in this case, she's telling him to sit on a knife.
* Calling Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans "candy beans" is a reference to [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrdEXDW8m0c this scene] (among others) from ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]''.
* In "Harry Freakin' Potter," when the cast sings the word "superstar," they all fall to one knee and throw the peace sign in the air with both hands, much like [[Superstar|Mary Katherine Gallagher]].
* One from the other musical [[Team Starkid]] did, [[Me and My Dick]], when at the end {{spoiler|Sirius says he's always wanted to see Venice, just like The Old Snatch, the character Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia played in the other musical.}}
** Also: The pizza box with a hole in it? Anyone else getting MAMD Flashbacks?
* The paintings on the third floor. "The dogs playing poker peed on the carpet! The screaming man has never looked so terrified! It took the entire last supper to calm him down!"
* Also, am I the only one who thinks that the scenes where Lupin walks around naked is a [[Take That]] to ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]''? The werewolves in ''Twilight'' are hunky, muscular Native Americans who often go shirtless. While Lupin isn't ugly in the slightest, he's very pale, only wears tighty-whiteys after transforming back into a human, coated in blood after said transformation, and he does humiliating things while naked. If that isn't a [[Take That]], I don't know what is.
* Possibly a coincidence, but the central plot is rather similar to the 2009 ''[[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek]]'' film. A villain who has lost everything travels back in time with his followers to when the heroes first met, planning to exact revenge. Meanwhile, one of the good guys, who is the hero's enemy in the past, travels back as well and helps thwart the bad guy.
* When Harry says that "you can't have more than two friends", it's very similar to a line said used [[Freaks and Geeks|Sam Weir]] to justify not wanting to be friends with Cindy after she initially appears to reject him.
* Arthur Weasley at calls non-magical people [[Final Fantasy|Moogles]].
* Neville claims the doe Lupin killed was [[Bambi (Disney film)|Bambi]]'s mom.
* [[Helen Reddy|I AM WOMAN... HEAR ME]] SMASH!!
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