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* [[Warhammer 40000]] gives us the normal variant of undead, Undead Daemons created from the souls of those killed (NOT turned into the undead) by the undead plague, undead statue robots (wraithguard and wraithlords) Undead Wizard Statue Robots (Wraithseer and Warlock Titans). Undead Robots (necrons) and Undead Mecha (Dreadnoughts to a degree and Nurgle Titans). Surprisingly no Undead Dragons (then again, [[Warhammer|their fantasy counterpart]] fills in whatever holes it has).
* ''[[Shadowrun]]'' has a number of metahumans affected by HMHVV (Human Meta-Human Vampiric Virus), its equivalent of undead. They include the banshee (former elf), goblin (former dwarf), wendigo (former ork) and dzoo-noo-qua (former troll).
** It should be pointed out that HMHVV infectees are not actually undead. They are mutants, yes, but not undead. [[Magic aA Is Magic A|As one of the fundamental laws of magic in Shadowrun is that you cannot raise the dead]], "True" undead do not exist. Most undead are either dead bodies animated by magic (Think fleshy, magical robots), or possessed by something. The Sheddim (Corpses possessed by spirits from the far planes) are one such examples. As are Zombies (Corpses animated by mages). Cyberzombies are people kept artificially alive through cybernetics, magic, drugs and spirits. Their body is technically "dead", all that mojo is needed to keep it going. Note that all the above can be metahuman, or not.
* In the [[Yu-Gi-Oh (Tabletop Game)|Yu-Gi-Oh! card game]], there are quite a few non-human undeads, including the variants of legacy cards (i. e. Summoned Skull -> Archfiend Zombie Skull, Red Eyes Black Dragon -> Red Eyes Zombie Dragon, etc.). Early non-human cards classed as zombies included dragons, ''boats'', and clowns (what?).
* ''[[GURPS]]'' has the Zombie Vehicle spell which is designed with spaceships in mind.
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