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* In ''[[Mother 3]]'', the first three chapters are told from the viewpoint of three different characters. While it's undoubtedly an excellent storytelling choice, getting yanked away from the characters you've leveled up and gotten familiar with is a bit jarring. This comes to a head in Chapter 3, where you have to play as [[Joke Character|Salsa]] for the entire chapter, including fighting ''[[That One Boss|a freaking tank]]'' at the end.
* [[Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue|Hello Kitty Roller Rescue]]'s [[New Game+]] has this when you play as {{spoiler|Badtz-Maru}}. He has lower health than Kitty has--though by the end of the game he has ''more'' health than she does.
* As soon as the game gives control to the player, [[Resident Evil 2 (Video Game)]] throws zombies at you in nearly every direction from the very start. If playing on normal, you won't have enough ammunition to fight them all, forcing you to run. The controls have a definite learning curve to them; expect to die a lot in the early stages (if not the very first screen) if you're not well accustomed to "tank-like" movement.
* The hardest boss in the first ''[[Diablo]]'' is the Butcher, encountered at level 2 and quite capable of surviving all your mana potions and staff charges and killing you in two hits.
* ''[[Minecraft]]''. Entire guides have been written on how to survive the first full day, and what you should set about doing immediately. For the uninitiated, this is because the game starts you with nothing. No weapons, no tools, no food, and no real idea or explanation of how to get them. Just you, dumped into a random landscape, with ten minutes before nightfall, when the monsters appear. In that time you need to prepare some form of defense, even if it's just a basic shelter. The game gets much easier once you have a shelter, some cobble weapons (at least), and have learnt a few ways to craft all the stuff you'll need to survive against the enemies.
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