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** The True Victory Party was a political party comprised of radical Bothans who wished to continue ar'kai (i.e. "genocidal warfare") against the Yuuzhan Vong.
** The POWER Party (that's [[Fun with Acronyms|Preserve Our Wild Endangered Resources]] Party) of the planet Telos IV was an organization created in opposition to the Telosian government granting a [[Mega Corp]] control over the planet's national parks and sacred lands for the mining of resources, which the POWER Party believed should be illegal.
* In the [[Star Trek Novel Verse]], the Parliament Andoria is split between the Visionists (who are conservative and somewhat isolationist), and the strongly pro-Federation Modern Progessive party (liberal). On planet Mestiko, meanwhile, there's the Payavist Inward Party, which objected to alien interference in the world's rebuilding following the "pulse" disaster. It eventually overthrew the ''Zamestaad'' government in a coup (see [[Star Trek: Mere Anarchy]]). Finally, on Kropasar, the two major parties are named "Agreement" and "Consensus".
** Some of the non-canon earlier novels also mention the Revanche Party on Cardassia, who are militarists who want to restore the glory days of Cardassian power. After the Dominion War there is Alon Ghemor's Reunion Party, which seeks to restore the original foundations of the Cardassian Union.
* The Industrial Radical Party in the [[Steampunk]] story ''[[The Difference Engine]]'', who believe in scientific endeavor, industrial progress, and meritocracy, appointing peerages to "savants". [[Lord Byron]] is Prime Minister. So yeah.
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