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Phlebotinum Killed the Dinosaurs: Difference between revisions

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* In ''The Science Of [[Discworld]]'', the Terribly Dull Lizards -- like many organisms from other time periods, very nearly including us -- were indeed wiped out by a random and cataclysmic meteorite impact. It's still [[Phlebotinum Killed the Dinosaurs]], because the reason there are so many rocks drifting around the solar system to ''become'' meteorites is because the UU student body had been tossing them at "The Target" (= Jupiter) as part of a cross-cosmic video game, and they never bothered to sweep up their unused ammunition.
* In Kage Baker's [[The Company Novels]], a defective Immortal claims to have wiped out the dinosaurs through his abuse of time travel. However, he's also quite clearly insane, so it isn't certain if he's telling the truth.
* In the [[Star Trek: theThe Lost Era]] novel ''The Buried Age'', the Permian extinction event is chosen instead - it was a consequence of an artificially-induced galaxy-wide disaster. The [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] known as Manraloth accidentally caused the entire galactic population to [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]], releasing terrible amounts of energy which irradiated planets. In the aftermath, the artificialy maintained habitats of the Manraloth degraded, destabilizing stars, among other dangerous side-effects. The galaxy was an irradiated hellhole until sapient life evolved again millions of years later.
* In ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'', obviously dinosaurs conflict with the Earth's true ten million year age. In the novels it's mentioned by Slartibartfast that fake fossils were installed during the planet's construction. This could either have some vital purpose to the intended function of the planet, or the Magratheans could just be [[Doing It for the Art]].
* In ''[[Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency]]'', it's not the dinosaurs whose extinction is blamed on phlebotinum, but that of the dodo. A time-traveler indirectly caused it to be wiped out because he'd meddled with prehistory to save the coelacanth.
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