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{{quote| ''"Magic. It is a sacred power.''<br />
''Magic. It is an adventure into the unknown.''<br />
''Magic...It is the proof of courage!"'' }}
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=== Recurring ''[[Super Sentai]]'' tropes: ===
* [[Abandoned Warehouse]]: The Magirangers take refuge in one during Stage 37, when they are being hunted down by the Hades God Cyclops.
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* [[Asskicking Pose]]: "''Magi Majin, on stage!''"
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Both [[Big Good|Magiel]] and [[Big Bad|N Ma]] are the most powerful beings of their respective domains.
* [[BFSBig Freaking Sword]]: MagiKing's King Calibur, with a touch of [[Reverse Shrapnel]] for the [[Finishing Move|final strike]].
* [[Boss Subtitles]]: The last [[Super Sentai]] to make use of this trope.
* [[Brought to You by The Letter "S"]]: "M" is for Magiranger.
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** [[Animal Mecha]]: [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons|Magi Dragon]], [[Hellish Horse|Varikion]], [[Unicorn|Unigoruon]], [[The Phoenix|Magi Firebird]], and [[King of Beasts|Magi Lion]]
** [[Transforming Mecha]]: Travelion can switch from train mode to giant robot mode.
** [[Combining Mecha]]:
*** Magi Garuda (Yellow) + Magi Mermaid (Blue) + Magi Fairy (Pink) + Magi Taurus (Green) = Magi Dragon
*** Magi Phoenix (Red) + Magi Garuda + Magi Mermaid + Magi Fairy + Magi Taurus = Magi King
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** [[Mecha Expansion Pack]]: Varikion and Unigoruon can be considered upgrades to Magi Phoenix.
* [[In the Name of the Moon]]: Magiranger had quite possibly one of the longest sequences at its time, roughly on par with Dekaranger. At least until [[Juken Sentai Gekiranger|two years later]]. But length-wise, it still outdraws the others due to having the ''largest'' roster in [[Super Sentai]] history.
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Isamu''': "The raging fire element! Heavenly Hero, ''Wolzard Fire''!"}}<br />
{{spoiler|1='''Miyuki''': "The sparkling ice element! The White Magician, ''MagiMother''!"}}<br />
'''Hikaru''': "The shining solar element! Heavenly Hero, ''MagiShine''!"<br />
'''Makito''': "The howling earth element! The Green Magician, ''MagiGreen''!"<br />
'''Houka''': "The blowing wind element! The Pink Magician, ''MagiPink''!"<br />
'''Urara''': "The swaying water element! The Blue Magician, ''MagiBlue''!"<br />
'''Tsubasa''': "The galloping thunder element! The Yellow Magician, ''MagiYellow''!"<br />
'''Kai''': "The burning flame element! The Red Magician, ''MagiRed''!"|All: "Our overflowing courage changes into magic! ''Mahou Sentai Magiranger''!"}}
** In addition, two of the Heavenly Saints also perform one of these speeches when they get to fight.
{{quote| '''Rin''': "The serene moon element! Heavenly Saint, Lunagel!"<br />
'''Snowgel''': "The sparkling ice element! Heavenly Saint, Snowgel!" }}
* [[Law of Chromatic Superiority]]: A mild example, as while Kai does have the occasional burst of power and two unique Mechs, his access to these is quite unreliable. Storywise though, he's always at the center of the resolution of each major story arc.
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* [[Two Girls to a Team]]: The main team consisted of two girls as usual, Pink and Blue, making Magiranger the fourth Sentai team to have a female Blue, as well as the second team where she was not the lone girl. Magi Mother joins her children towards the end of the series as well, serving as the team's third female member. Half of the Heavenly Saints were also women and all of them were in high positions of authority.
* [[Villain Teleportation]]: Provided by Wolzard and Meemy's magic, and in fact the only way for the vast majority of the Infershian forces to even reach the surface.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]:
** [[Magic Wand]]: The siblings' {{spoiler|and their Mother's}} MagiSticks.
** [[Morph Weapon]]: The brothers' MagiSticks are able to change into a different weapon for them to use.
Line 174 ⟶ 175:
* [[Automatic Crossbow]]: Vancuria uses a magic one twice, in Stage 9 and Stage 15.
* [[Avenging the Villain]]: While Hades God Drake was already raring to go to the surface and rampage, the death of Hades God Gordon makes him even more so. [[Irony|Ironically]], it is [[Anti-Villain|Hades God Sphinx]] who callously dismisses his anger on Gorgon's behalf.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: {{spoiler|Hikaru, Isamu, Miyuki, and Sphinx.}} Vancuria is basically immortal and [[Death Is Cheap|comes back every time she dies]].
* [[Badass]]: Wolzard, in '''spades'''.
** [[Action Mom]]: Miyuki
** [[Badass Boast]]: Miyuki delivers one in a flashback in [[The Movie]], in order to convince [[Machiko Soga|Magiel]] to let her become a magician.
{{quote| '''Miyuki''': I am the Heavenly Saint Blagel's Wife! When it comes to courage, no one can outdo me!}}
** [[Badass Cape]]: For the ''third'' time in [[Super Sentai]] history.
*** When the core team uses Legend mode, however, they lose the capes. Also, MagiMother and {{spoiler|Wolzard Fire}} don't wear them.
Line 184 ⟶ 185:
** [[Badass Family]]: Five siblings, their teacher<ref>Even though ''much'' later, {{spoiler|Hikaru becomes their brother-in-law}}.</ref>, {{spoiler|and their parents}}.
** [[Badass Finger-Snap]]: Typically accompanies the declaration [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner|checkmate]].
** [[Badass Grandma]]: Not a literal example, but in addition to being the oldest of the Heavenly Saints, Snowgel also gave [[Action Mom|Miyuki]] her magic powers, making her something of a metaphorical grandmother to the Magirangers.
** [[Badass Long Robe]]: Blagel wears a fur lined one in his human form. {{spoiler|This gets passed down to Kai in the [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]].}}
** [[Heartbroken Badass]]: Tsubasa, {{spoiler|when Rei was turned to voice medicine}}.
*** {{spoiler|Snowgel also counts, though the badass part isn't evident until later.}}
** [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Invoked by Houka with "Version Up." Played straight with [[Mid-Season Upgrade|Magi Legend powers.]]
* [[Barehanded Blade Block]]: Kai pulls one against Wolzard in the first episode.
* [[Barrier Maiden]]: Lunagel
* [[Bad Boss]]: The Ten Hades Gods. Mostly to [[Amusing Injuries|Vancuria, Who gets stepped on even by the nicer ones.]] {{spoiler|The exception is Sphinx, which is probably a big part of the reason [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|they revive her after she's killed by Dagon.]]}}
* [[Bash Brothers]]: Not surprising considering the heroes are siblings, but there's a villainous example in Hades Gods Drake and Slepnir, [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|who are collectively known as]] [[Red Baron|The Two UltimateGods.]]
* [[Batman Gambit]]: Meemy pulls one off in Stage 33, provoking MagiShine to use Travelion's [[Kill It with Fire|Destruction Fire Reverse Spray]] against him so he can drain that power to create the [[Hybrid Monster|Gestalt Hades Beast Chimera]].
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* [[Blood Knight]]: Hades God Drake. Guy was itching for a fight, he even went off before it was his turn to take on MagiShine.
* [[Book Ends]]: The first scene of the family is everyone eating together, minus Kai who was late getting back. The same goes for the final scene, {{spoiler|with the addition of Hikaru as Urara's husband and Isamu restored to the family.}}
* [[Body Horror]]: [[Big Bad|N Ma]] emergence from [[Sealed Inside a Person -Shaped Can|Titan's body]] begins with his tentacles bursting out of his body.
* [[Bow Chicka Wow Wow]]: Houka creates this sort of music to set the atmosphere for Kai and Yamazaki. [[Hilarity Ensues|Kai was not amused.]]
* [[Boxing Lessons for Superman]]: Tsubasa teaches Kai how to box in order to fight the [[Monster of the Week]] in Stage 14.
Line 217 ⟶ 218:
* [[Broken Faceplate]]: A variation on this in the last episode, where Kai manifests his helmet with the faceplate empty.
* [[Camp Straight]]: Houka's love interest and [[Spear Counterpart]] Tetsuya.
* [[Can You Hear Me Now?]]: On two separate occasions the Magirangers find themselves in a [[Pocket Dimension]] where their MagiPhones will not work.
* [[Cape Swish]]: The MagiRangers do this during their role call.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: Using magic beyond your abilities quickly drains your stamina, as seen with Kai in Stages 6 and 7, and {{spoiler|Miyuki in Stage 46.}}
* [[Catch and Return]]: Tsubasa thoroughly stomped Wolzard in Kai's dream in Stage 7, starting with a Hadouken-style return.
* [[Central Theme]]: Courage and family can overcome anything.
Line 242 ⟶ 243:
* [[Cool Train]]: Hikaru's mecha, Travelion.
* [[Cool Versus Awesome]]: Beyond the general premise of [[Fluffy Cloud Heaven|heavenly]] [[Magic Knight|magicians]] vs. [[Physical Hell|Infershia's]] [[Monster Mash|legions]], Stage 42 features a giant mecha centaur vs a giant mecha chariot.
* [[Corner of Woe]]: Kai ends up in one for Stage 14's [[Omake]], complete with [[Ghost Lights]].
* [[Crashing Dreams]]: Tsubasa invokes this after entering Kai's mind during his [[Angst Coma]] to get him to realize he's trapped in a dream.
* [[Creepy Twins]]: Nai and Mea; they don't seem like twins ({{spoiler|and they're not ''really'' twins at that}}), but they hit every other criteria on spot.
Line 267 ⟶ 268:
* [[Dirty Coward]]: Kai becomes one when [[Impossible Thief|Gaston the Thief]] steals his courage.
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: Branken.
** [[Disc One Final Boss|Disc Two Final Boss]]: Memmy
* [[Distant Finale]]: The final scene of Stage 49 takes place one year after the final battle.
* [[Divine Parentage]]: The Magiranger's father is a high ranking Heavenly Saint, the setting equivalent to an Arch Angel or Demigod.
Line 291 ⟶ 292:
** [[Lunacy]]: Rin/Lunagel, though only thematic and not personality-wise.
** [[An Ice Person]]: {{spoiler|Snowgel and Miyuki (though not personality-wise in the latter's case).}}
* [[Elite Mooks]]: High Zobils to the Zobils, the Solitary Confinement beasts to the regular Hades Beasts, the Hades Beastmen Hellish Kings to the regular Hades Beastmen.
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: Kai's first scene establishes both his good-hearted nature, and his reckless impulsiveness.
* [[Everything's Better with Sparkles]]: Both Rin and Hikaru's transformation sequences make extensive use of sparkles, and the Magi Shine suit is covered in glitter to make it, well, sparkle.
Line 297 ⟶ 298:
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: The Hades Gods simply do not understand the concept of bonds and courage against impossible odds. {{spoiler|Titan and Sphinx, along with Vancuria, try to figure it out, resulting in their [[Heel Face Turn]].}}
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Groom Do Bridon acts and fights like an evil version of Kai; the clincher is their mutual desire for Yuka Yamazaki.
* [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: Hikaru explains this to Tsubasa that no matter how well intentioned, [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique|using forbidden magic]] invariably leads to becoming [[The Dark Side|a dark magic user]].
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Nai and Mea, [[Narm|always trying too hard]]...
* [[Evil Weapon]]: {{spoiler|Shichijuurou's true form.}}
Line 321 ⟶ 322:
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Hades God Wyvern. Said to be the fastest by their leader, Dagon, but proves to be really bad at taking hits. {{spoiler|Wolzard demonstrates this twice, the second time leading to Wyvern's death.}}
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]]: Kai and Houka. [[Hilarity Ensues]] when Kai finds out that Houka had 15 dates that day. His solution? {{spoiler|Breaking up with them all at once!}}
* [["Friend or Idol?" Decision]]: A mild example in Stage 14, Kai has to choose between going on his date with [[School Idol|Yuka Yamazaki]], or finishing his [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] under Tsubasa to face the monster of the week.
* [[From My Own Personal Garden]]: A heroic example played for mild laughs, Makito's "big brother salad" is made with vegetables he grows himself.
* [[Functional Magic]]: A combination of inherent gift (Only heavenly saints, those descended from heavenly saints, or those chosen by heavenly saints can wield magic), rule magic (good magicians must have courage, evil magicians must swear themselves to N Ma), and device magic (most magicians use phones or other tools to assist in their spell casting).
* [[Funny Background Event]]: During Stage 13, as Makito and Urara argue about money woes in the foreground, Tsubasa chases Kai with a broom in the background while Kai uses Mandora Boy as a shield.
* [[Gag Sub]]: [[The Movie]], re-imagined as [https://web.archive.org/web/20100823051603/http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/comedy/watch/v158356834GaeCwxr Steedergon Fury IGNITES!!]
* [[Gatling Good]]: The Exploding Turret Gun of Destruction, featured in Stage 16.
* [[Generation Xerox]]: [[Machiko Soga|Magiel]] notes that the Magirangers are just like their parents.
Line 331 ⟶ 332:
* [[Genie in a Bottle]]: Smoky, a [[Mega Neko|cat-djinn]] in a lamp.
* [[Genius Loci]]: The Heavenly Saint Chronogel transfered his being into a mountain.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: When Vancuria descends down into Infershia in the first episode, the tunnel she passes through has a decidedly [[Vagina Dentata|unusual appearance due to the milling around of the zobils]].
** The whole [[Freaky Friday Flip]] debacle.
{{quote| '''Houka''' (in Kai's body, "feeling around"): "Nothing, nothing, ''something''..."<br />
'''Kai''' (following suit): "Something, sorta something, ''nothing''!" }}
** Near the end of Stage 8, Urara tells Kai not to hide magazines under his bed. He chokes on the juice he was drinking.
* [[Giant Mook]]: The Hades Beast Troll, which is larger than the average monster of the week, but smaller than a giant monster.
* [[Girls' Night Out Episode]]: Stage 8, complete with the girls having to rescue the boys.
* [[Golem]]: The Hades Machine Beast Golem, which required a soul over 300 years old to fuel, {{spoiler|much to Bururatesu's horror.}}
** MagiShine's [[Cool Train|Travel]][[Transforming Mecha|ion]] can also be considered one.
Line 359 ⟶ 360:
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: Machiko Soga plays the leader of the Heavenly Saints.
** Reversed in which many of the Magiranger actors (specifically, the core team of five) would go on to star the Sentai [[Affectionate Parody]] ''[[Cho Ninja Tai Inazuma]]''.
** You can catch Isamu in ep 43 of [[Kamen Rider Kuuga]] as one of Ichijo's colleagues.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: One of the songs in the soundtrack is performed by [[Mika Kikuchi]], or Umeko/DekaPink from the previous season.
** Also, Smoky shares his voice with [[Slam Dunk|a certain redheaded basketball player...]]
Line 395 ⟶ 396:
* [[Insubstantial Ingredients]]: One potion required, among other things, the honey of a queen bee that gathers no honey.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: {{spoiler|The siblings' father, Isamu, is a Heavenly Saint, and their mother is just a human magician.}}
** {{spoiler|Same deal with Hikaru and Urara, who get married towards the series' end.}}
* [[Invisibility]]: Warning, requires the [[Nice Hat|Magi Hat]] and [[Glamour Failure|you can still be seen in mirrors.]]
* [[Ironic Echo]]: {{spoiler|Wolzard repeating Blagel's words after Makito invokes them in an [[Rousing Speech]].}}
Line 438 ⟶ 439:
* [[Magic Music]]: The Hades Beast Manticore creates music with its body to compel its victims to dance until they are exhausted, and then into its mouth.
** Nai and Mare also do this to lull their victims into a daze, allowing them to convert them into vampires.
* [[Magic Wand]]: In the shape of cellphones.
* [[Massive -Numbered Siblings]]: At the low end of this trope, there are five Ozu siblings.
* [[Master Apprentice Chain]]: Blagel was Hikaru's mentor, and he in turn becomes the mentor for the Magirangers.
* [[Master of Illusion]]: Belbireji the Incubus specializes in this, while Hades God Gorgon dabbles in it.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Quite a lot, in fact. They can also double as [[Theme Naming]].
** The whole Ozu family, for one thing.
*** "Kai" means "first" or "leader," and it's written with the Japanese character for "fire", of course his leadership skill is somewhat [[Idiot Hero|poor]].
Line 449 ⟶ 450:
*** Houka, [[The Chick]] of the group, means "fragrance."
*** Makito, an earth magic user as well as a farmer<ref>Turns out his farm is the sole source of income for that [[Big Fancy House]], in fact.</ref>, means "sower." "Maki" refers to "firewood," linking him to [[Green Thumb|his element]].
*** Finally, take the first syllable of each sibling's name in order of birth<ref>'''Ma'''kito, '''Ho'''uka, '''U'''rara, '''Tsu'''basa, '''Kai'''</ref> and you get "''Mahoutsukai''"<ref>Magician</ref>.
*** And their mother? Mi'''yuki'''<ref>Snow</ref>.
*** They are all technically "Ozu no Mahotsukai"; "Wizard(s) of Oz."
Line 457 ⟶ 458:
*** '''Sun'''gel and '''Hikaru''' both have something to do with light.
*** '''Luna'''gel is obviously the Heavenly Saint of the Moon.
*** '''Rai'''gel, the Heavenly Saint of Lightning <ref>''rai'' is an alternate reading of the kanji ''ikazuchi'', which means "thunder"</ref>.
*** '''Snow'''gel, the Heavenly Saint of Ice.
*** '''Chrono'''gel, the Heavenly Saint of Time.
*** {{spoiler|Isamu's Saint name is '''Bla'''gel, the Blazing Fire Heavenly Saint. Furthermore, Isamu means "Bravery", and he's universally acknowledged as the bravest of the Heavenly Saints.}}
** Hell, even the villain of [[The Movie]] gets in on this. His desire is to marry Yamazaki, and his name is Groom Do Bridon.
* [[Meaningful Rename]]: The Heavenly Saint Raigel renames himself as the Dark Priest Memmy upon being revived by N Ma.
* [[Merlin and Nimue]]: Hikaru and Urara.
* [[Meteor Move]]: Hikaru's Prominence Drop
* [[Mind Control Eyes]]: Those under Vancuria's control gain vertical slits in their eyes.
* [[Mind Rape]]: The Hades God Cyclops pulls the mundane version on Tsubasa, N Ma the supernatural variety on {{spoiler|Magi Shine}}
* [[Moment Killer]]: Hikaru and Urara were interrupted twice. One when the siblings disturbed their alone-time in one episode and the other when Lunagel {{spoiler|interrupts their wedding kiss}} to tell them that {{spoiler|N Ma has destroyed Magitopia.}}
* [[Monster Mash]]: The leaders of Infershia follow this general motif.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]
Line 497 ⟶ 498:
* [[Not Distracted by the Sexy]]: [[Elegant Gothic Lolita|Nai and Mare]] attempt to use their [[Zettai Ryouiki]] against Kai and Makito. They respond by invoking their love interests.
* [[Not Quite Dead]]: {{spoiler|Isamu, Miyuki and Raigel.}}
** Also, Vancuria at the end of Stage 12 (refer to [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] earlier).
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: While trying to find the temple in Houka's memory, Urara mistakes Hikaru of kissing Houka and practically zoomed to Kyoto and almost [[Dynamic Entry|drop kicked]] Hikaru for it.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Subverted, as Blagel's Heavenly Saint form is reminiscent of most popular depictions of Satan, while [[The Starscream|Raigel]] looks very similar to the obviously holy Sungel.
* [[Ocular Gushers]]: Urara has these shortly after obtaining her [[Super Mode|Legend Mode]] powers.
Line 513 ⟶ 514:
* [[Our Angels Are Different]]: They're not called angels, and they don't have wings, but otherwise, the Heavenly Saints are classic biblical angels.
* [[Our Gargoyles Rock]]: The Demon Gate Guard Gargoyle.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: {{spoiler|Rei}} is trapped in the world of the living by a powerful monster.
* [[Our Ghouls Are Creepier]]: The Solitary Confinement Beast Ghoul, who can stretch his arms great distances and turn his fists giant.
* [[Our Gods Are Greater]]: The Infershia Pantheon is extremely powerful, but is bound by the Dark Precepts, preventing its members from attacking the surface all at once.
* [[Our Monsters Are Weird]]: The Hades Beast Worm is a mass of giant worms shaped like a hydra...which fires laser beams.
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: The Zobils.
* [[Out of Sight, Out of Mind]]: On multiple occasions the Magirangers will hit the enemy with a powerful attack that sends them flying off camera, and then they act as though the battle was already won. The most notable example of this is {{spoiler|the final battle against N Ma.}}
Line 539 ⟶ 540:
* [[Power of Love]]: Invoked by [[Team Dad|Makito]] in front of [[Love Interest|Eriko]]. [[Defrosting Ice Queen|She is not impressed.]]
** Played straight in Stage 28, where Tsubasa's love for Rei allows him to {{spoiler|free her soul from the Hell King Neries and let her move on to the afterlife.}}
* [[Precursor Heroes]]: Blagel, Sungel, and Lunagel. Also Raigel, {{spoiler|before he betrayed the first three}}.
* [[Present Absence]]: The repercussions of Miyuki's defeat in Stage 2 are keenly felt throughout the series.
* [[Pure Magic Being]]: The Heavenly Saints.
Line 547 ⟶ 548:
* [[Reality Subtext]]: According to [http://community.livejournal.com/magiranger/25135.html this interview], Houka's actress wanted to be MagiRed, while Kai's actor never expected to be chosen for the part. Puts the two-parter where they [[Freaky Friday Flip|switch bodies]] into a whole new light, doesn't it?
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Houka. In case you wonder, she's gone as far as to juggle with at least 15 boyfriends at a time.
{{quote| Houka: "Aww, she gets to wear a wedding dress..."<br />
Kai: "IIRC, Houka has been in a wedding dress one time."<br />
Tsubasa: "And there will be many more times." }}
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Hikaru and the other Heavenly Saints are implied to be at least a whole lot older.
Line 574 ⟶ 575:
* [[Sdrawkcab Name]]: Neries from Act 28, who is a Siren (which is pronounced ''seiren'' in Japanese).
* [[Sealed Army in a Can]]: The whole of Infershia, [[The Movie|Groom Do Bridon's soul berseker army]].
* [[Sealed Inside a Person -Shaped Can]]: {{spoiler|After the second time Blagel seals N Ma, he takes his soul within his body to make sure he can't revive again.}}
* [[Secret Identity]]: It isn't even apparent that this is in effect until Stage 5, seemingly for the sole purpose of creating a [[Loves My Alter Ego]] scenario between Kai, MagiRed, and Yuka Yamazaki.
* [[Secret War]]: The great battle between Magitopia and Infershia 15 years ago happened without any humans being aware of it, except for Miyuki who was married to Blagel.
Line 586 ⟶ 587:
** Stage 15 features the [[Elite Mook|Solitary Confinement Hades Beast Skeleton]], which has a red skull and can reassemble itself after being destroyed indefinitely. [[Castlevania|Sound familiar?]]
** [[Our Genies Are Different|Smoky]], upon being released by the Magirangers, introduces himself with a [[Aladdin (Disney film)|big, bombastic song and dance number.]]
** The end of Stage 33 is one giant reference to [[Star Wars]], mixing pivotal scenes from [[The Empire Strikes Back]] and [[Return of the Jedi]].
* [[Shy Finger-Twiddling]]: Kai does this on occasion when the subject of [[Love Interest|Yuka Yamazaki comes up.]]
* [[Sibling Team]]: As they are all siblings (except for Hikaru).
Line 604 ⟶ 605:
** [[Serial Escalation|And then]] Meemy starts using [[The Dark Side|forbidden magic]] - that's magic so bad that ''[[Even Evil Has Standards|even the legions of Hell won't go near it]]'' - to create his monsters.
** ''[[Oh Crap|And then]]'', once Meemy is defeated, the true bad guys are revealed as the [[God of Evil|Pantheon of Hell]], a [[Standard Evil Organization Squad|team of]] ten [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|giant monsters]] - meaning they start big and [[Incredible Shrinking Man|shrink to human size]], not [[Make My Monster Grow|the other way around]] - who [[Apocalypse How|play a few games with the mortals.]]
** '''[[Despair Event Horizon|And then]]''' at the end, all of the above leads to releasing [[Eldritch Abomination|Great]] Beast [[Bigger Bad|Emperor]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|N. Ma]] from the [[Sealed Evil in a Can|Hades Gate]] to [[Omnicidal Maniac|destroy all the magic in the world.]] He pretty much utterly rapes the rangers, and they have to [[Gondor Calls for Aid|call in every ally they made across the entire series.]] {{spoiler|Including their [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|mother]] and [[Heel Face Turn|father]].}}
* [[Spear Counterpart]]: Tetsuya, Houka's love interest in stage 15, is basically the male version of her.
* [[The Speechless]]: The Hades Beasts are pretty much animals, and only grunt and growl.
Line 621 ⟶ 622:
* [[Stealth Mentor]]: {{spoiler|Wolzard. He was so damn good at it, even '''he''' didn't know he was doing it.}}
* [[Storm of Blades]]: MagiKing's Phantom Illusion attack.
* [[Super Senses]]: There is one spell that enhances the rangers' sense of smell, to the point that they could actually ?see? the trail.
* [[Swiss Army Tears]]: {{spoiler|Kai's tears are what ultimately return Wolzard back to Blagel.}}
* [[Take a Third Option]]: {{spoiler|Instead of leaving Hikaru or Tsubasa to die from using Chronogel's forbidden spell, Wolzard blasts Chronogel and completely cancels the dangerous side effect.}}
Line 628 ⟶ 629:
* [[Take That]]: In the opening fight of ''Magiranger vs. Dekaranger'', Ban shows up in a [[Power Rangers SPD|Battlizer]]...and proceeds to horribly screw up, healing the enemy and let it escape with Urara. Whoops.
** In stage 27, Kai finds that contrary to what many anime series might lead you to believe, high school students can't rent their own apartments.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: Urara does this to save Kai in Stage 4, resulting in her [[Taken for Granite|being turned to stone]]
** She repeats this in Stage 38, only with an actual bullet. In stage 48, the favor is returned by Smoky.
*** And then Miyuki [[Serial Escalation|almost immediately right after Smoky.]]
Line 649 ⟶ 650:
* [[Time Travel]]: Possible, but only through [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique|a forbidden spell]].
* [[Tomes of Prophecy and Fate]]: The Book of Prophecy that [[Elegant Gothic Lolita|Nai and Mare]] discover after N Ma is sealed once again.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: What do you call having soccer balls shot at you at around 200 km/h so that you can learn how to dodge a monster's punches?
** Something that should've killed him or at least given him massive internal bleeding. Hope he was wearing a cup.
* [[Tragic Keepsake]]: Miyuki's [[Magic Wand|MagiStick]] and her compact. {{spoiler|Subverted when the siblings find out she was alive all along.}}
* [[Trash of the Titans]]: Houka's room.
* [[Two Scenes, One Dialogue]]: In Stage 46, with Titan to Houka and Makito, Dagon and Wyvern, [[Up to Eleven|and Sphinx and the rest of the Magirangers.]]
* [[Unspoken Plan Guarantee]]: The first two times Houka tries to help Kai woo Yuka Yamazaki, she outlines exactly how her plan should go. [[Subverted Trope|The third time she just skips straight to the action, and still fails.]]
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: Makito declaring that he won't be distracted by Nai and Mare's "Venus Flytrap".
Line 660 ⟶ 661:
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Mandora Boy's "de gozarimasu desu" which, considering its length<ref> It's a combination of "''de gozaru''", "''-(i)masu''" and "''-desu''", which, [[Department of Redundancy Department|in their own ways]], ''are'' applicable [[Verbal Tic|Verbal Tics]].</ref> , borders on parody.
** Smoky has this by way of being a Cat Person.
{{quote| [[Crowning Moment of Funny|"Nyaamen."]]}}
* [[Villain Song]]: Nai and Mea have "Bloody Friday Nightmare" in Stage 11, which they use to hypnotize people so their [[Monster of the Week]] can turn them into vampires ({{spoiler|though it's them, rather than the monster, who do it to Houka}}, which extends the episode's plot into the next one). Listen to it [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGHU-5H16SU here].
** Later at a certain point, they even consider making another gig ({{spoiler|after Meemy's defeat and Infershia's apparent destruction, before they meet the Pantheon}}).
Line 667 ⟶ 668:
* [[Wartime Wedding]]: {{spoiler|Urara and Hikaru marry just before N Ma takes the war to Magitopia.}}
* [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World]]: Kai is the only one of the five siblings who still studies. At least, during the series' run; it's unknown if he stayed in school after {{spoiler|becoming a liaison between Infersia and the overworld at the end}}.
* [[Wedding Smashers]]: Lunagel interrupts {{spoiler|Hikaru and Urara}}'s wedding, but she had a ''very'' good reason.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Stages 33, 34, and 35.
** Stage 33: {{spoiler|1=Wolzard is in fact Isamu/Blagel, the Magirangers long presumed dead father.}}
Line 678 ⟶ 679:
** Also, during the movie, {{spoiler|1=Yuka Yamazaki finds out that Kai and MagiRed are the same person.}} In the end, nothing comes of this.
** Also, in the first episode, we can see flying minions in Infershia. They are never used or seen again.
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: Stage 45 introduces the idea that not everyone in Infershia is [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]], which Makito stubbornly resists well into Stage 46.
* [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]]: {{spoiler|Kai is an envoy to Infershia, Urara lives in Magitopia with Hikaru, Makito studies overseas, Tsubasa is a boxer, and Houka lives with Isamu and Miyuki.}}
* [[White Void Room]]: All interior architecture in Magitopia is like this. Also, the [[Pocket Dimension]] that Lunagel seals the Magirangers into in Stage 17.
* [[Whole-Plot Reference]]: Stage 28 (see [[Heartbroken Badass]] entry above) to the '80s Hongkong [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|period/horror/romance]] ''[[Chinese Ghost Story]]''.
* [[Wholesome Crossdresser]]: Hikaru with Tetsu in the Deka vs Magi team up.
Line 696 ⟶ 697:
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]: Miyuki [[It Runs in The Family|and Urara]].
* [[You Are Not Alone]]: [[Team Mom|Urara]] Receives one to show her that she doesn't need to take on all the responsibility of taking care of the family herself.
* [[You Are Not Ready]]: Miyuki refused to give Kai magic at first on the grounds that he was too reckless and did not understand what true courage was. He becomes ready when he performs a [[Barehanded Blade Block]] against [[Black Knight|Wolzard]] to defend his siblings.
* [[You See, I'm Dying]]: {{spoiler|Tetsuya}}
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: This gets played with, as while all the prophecies mentioned on the show, {{spoiler|including the one about how if the surface world fights against the Hades Gods both Magitopia and the surface world will be destroyed}} do come to pass, their consequences can still be undone.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: In Stage 3, a [[Elite Mook|High Zobil]] flees battle and returns to Infershia, only to be skewered by Branken for his troubles.
* [[Your Days Are Numbered]]: Victims of the [[Black Spot|Red Skull curse]] have only a week to live before [[No Body Left Behind|vanishing, never to be seen again.]]
** When N Ma is reborn, Snowgel declares that the whole world has only three days left before he destroys everything.
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