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* ''[[Marvel Ultimate Alliance]] 2'' starts with Nick Fury invading Latveria illegally, which leads to the Registration act coming into effect. A super hero [[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]] breaks out... for three missions. Then it is dropped for {{spoiler|The Fold, a sentient network formed from nanites injected into super villains in order to control them. As the world descends into chaos, everyone, naturally, stops caring about whose side they are on, and both forces unite to defeat The Fold. Afterwards, the Registration Act is pretty much made redundant and void by the Government. Despite the fact that no one actually dies because of their conflict, and neither side really does anything incredibly bad to the other, Cap and Iron Man feel that their team won't be quite the same as it was before the war. But they still are happy to work with one another again.}}
* ''[[Disgaea]]''. The first half of the game focuses on Laharl's quest to claim his throne. After he succeeds, the second half, a [[Space Opera]] spoof, focuses on the human world. When the mastermind behind the {{spoiler|invasion}} is revealed, it leads to a [[Rage Against the Heavens]] story, and the two stories intertwine together.
* The whole Blorbs disease in ''[[Mario and& Luigi: BowsersBowser's Inside Story|Mario And Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story]]''. It was at the start an important issue alongside the whole 'Fawful taking over the kingdom' thing, but very quickly got dropped and rarely ever mentioned again (the last reference is how the Miracle Cure cured all cases of the disease in the kingdom, just as it smashes down the Dark Star barriers).
* ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' tends to do this a lot, beginning the plot with the heroes rebelling against [[The Empire]] and escalating it to averting an [[Apocalypse How]] caused by an [[Omnicidal Maniac]]
** ''[[Final Fantasy IV]]'' begins with a rogue knight rebelling against his kingdom when he realizes the monarch has gone mad with power and is trying to conquer the world. At some point it becomes about fighting the monarch's airship general who wants to go to the moon to release the [[Sealed Evil in a Can]] there.
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** Mostly averted in ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'', where the overarcing plot is always the pilgrimage to destroy Sin. Once Seymour is revealed as an antagonist, rebelling against Yevon and uncovering the secrets of the organization becomes another major plot point, but it never overtakes the fight against Sin as the game's focus.
* [[Oddworld]]: Stranger's Wrath starts off with The Stranger as a [[Bounty Hunter]] who's earning money for an unspecified operation needed to save his life by capturing outlaws until he's finally captured and stripped of any upgrades he has. His captors soon find out that {{spoiler|The Stranger is actually a Steef, a species that have been hunted to near-extinction and the operation is an attempt to transform him into a true bipedal creature. With this revelation, The Stranger is now hunted down by everyone, including the Clakkerz he used to do business with. However, he soon comes across the Grubbs, the oppressed indigenous population who worship Steefs and eventually takes up the mantle of their protector and fights to bring down [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] Sekto. This affects the gameplay as well since although Stranger has now lost any health upgrades he previously bought, he later gains access to upgraded versions of his ammo and now that he is no longer a bounty hunter, he no longer needs to take enemies alive.}}
* In [[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn]] the children of the last two games heroes go on a quest to investigate mysterious Psynergy sucking vortexes. This gets derailed by the appearance of villains, war hungry countries, xenophobic semi-human cities, and so much else. {{spoiler|After about a quarter of the game, you hear nothing about them until the Mother of all Vortexes appear at during the ending, [[Oh Crap]].}}
* ''[[Perfect Dark]]'' switches half-way from [[Cyberpunk]] to [[Space Opera]].
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'''s Vashj'ir zone. In the wake of the Cataclysm, a new island is formed several miles off the coast of Stormwind. Both factions begin sending troops, with the Alliance seeking to secure Stormwind's coast and the Horde wanting the island as a staging point for an attack. However, on the way there, the [[Player Character]]'s ship is attacked and destroyed by the [[Kraken and Leviathan|Kraken-like Ozumat]], and from then on Vashj'ir is about helping the Earthen Ring fight Ozumat and the Naga. Exactly what happened to the island is never explained, and while you can travel to it, other than a flightmaster there's nothing there.
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