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* ''Almost'' averted in ''[[Love Hina]]''. Even the [[Distant Finale|day before the wedding]] of Keitaro and Naru, Suu and Shinobu both admit they still have it ''bad'' for the former... and when Motoko chides them for their fixation, Shinobu pulls out Motoko's latest bodice ripper manuscript which involves a swordswoman cutting down the bride at a wedding and ordering the groom to "Take me now!" Fortunately, they all are willing to [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy|let the happy couple be]].
** On the other hand, {{spoiler|"Character C" Mutsumi goes the "wanting Character A to be happy" route - in a way - earlier in the series (Chapter 82 and 83)... by revealing that she's equally in love with Keitarou ''and'' Naru, and wants to make them both happy by helping them get together, thus stepping aside from her own interests to play matchmaker for them instead, ultimately lumping her in with the rest of the group's mutual satisfaction for the happy couple.}}
* By the end of the manga of ''[[Ranma One Half½|Ranma 1/2]]'', {{spoiler|when Ranma and Akane look set to finally marry each other when Akane's dad blackmails Ranma into marrying Akane, Akane's three major competitors have been [[Last-Minute Hookup|paired off]], with varying degrees of success: Ryoga has chosen [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy|to stand aside]] while he pursues a relationship with Akari. Ukyo had a suitor in the form of Konatsu. Shampoo has Mousse as a suitor.}} However, only the Ryoga instance is in any way successful, as they went on to summarily ignore their "consolation prizes" and Shampoo outright attacked the bride at her own wedding {{spoiler|though Ranma got in the way entirely by accident and Ukyo may have been attacking Ranma not Akane.}} Even Ranma and Akane don't get anywhere romantically; not only does Akane never explicitly admit, even to herself, to being in love with Ranma, Ranma denies it when Akane asks if she heard him declare that he loved her, at that time (Ranma has accidentally told her that earlier in the manga when he didn't know it was her and the manga is unclear as to whether or not he did say it in the last arc, it looks more like he was thinking it while yelling Akane).
** Ranma blows chances to do this quite often. He refuses to throw a fight to Mousse to get rid of Shampoo and in another storyline goes out of his way to ruin Kuno's chance with the one girl that actually liked him. [[What an Idiot!]].
*** Neither of those would have really changed the status quo if he '''had''' gone along with it. Shampoo only declared she would go on a date with Mousse if Ranma lost to him, not that she would marry him or something like that; having never thought of him as a love interest in the first place, she would have put up with having to go out with him once and then gone right back to chasing Ranma, with the only difference being that Mousse would be even more pissed off by it than usual. And Kuno never was interested in Mariko in the first place... not to mention that she got over him without the slightest effort after seeing him beaten and, evidently, realizing what a lustful idiot he is.
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== Video Games ==
* Fans of [[Golden Sun]] have to wait until the 3rd game to confirm the romantic relationship between Isaac and Jenna.
** [[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn|Not anymore...]]
* In [[Final Fantasy II]], Scott tells Firion and friends to not tell Hilda about his death, as she deserves to fall in love again.
* [[Final Fantasy VI]] has a revived Rachel telling love to stop tormenting himself over her death and find someone to be happy with.
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