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** And then repeated almost verbatim in the [[Distant Finale|epilogue]] with [[She's All Grown Up|Shinobu]] mistaking potential new resident Ema for Su..
* One episode of ''[[Cyber Team in Akihabara]]'' featured the main characters, who interestingly enough only got this much dialogue in the particular episode, doing what sounds for the life of them to be a very half-assed recitation of the typical conversation. It ends with an exasperated Lampshade Hanging by one of the other characters that "Yup, we've done every cliche in a hot springs episode..."
* ''[[Ranma One Half½|Ranma 1/2]]'' has several very odd examples: When Ranma (in girl form) is first introduced to the Tendos Nabiki pokes her breasts twice (much to Ranma's repressed annoyance): once to demonstrate that yes, she is indeed a girl and the second time just to reinforce the point. Later on towards the end of the manga Nabiki gropes Ranma ''again'' and confirms that girl-Ranma's breasts have indeed grown ''[[Fan Service Pack|even larger]]'', in a scene many consider the biggest example of [[Les Yay]] in the manga (which is normally [[Unfortunate Implications|rather opposed to homosexuality]]).
** Akane also chastised Ranma twice by attacking [[Gender Bender|her]] in this manner. The second time (when she thought Ranma [[Accidental Pervert|wanted to grope]] the very buxom Miss Hinako) she grabbed and ''squeezed'' in a "How do ''you'' like it?" manner. The first time (to keep Ranma from picking on P-chan) it was more of a direct, nasty-looking, and completely uncalled-for, grab-and-crush that made [[Made of Iron|Ranma]] ''squeal in pain''.
*** Honestly, it wasn't pain so much as "I can't believe you just did that!"
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