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* Subverted in Alan Dean Foster's ''[[Spellsinger]]''. When Jon-Tom, newly arrived in the Warmlands from our world, goes out to dinner with Mudge the otter, the entree is a large roast cut from a python. Rather than shy away or even comment, Jon-Tom tucks in immediately, as he's far more hungry than squeamish.
* In ''[[Shadows of the Empire]]'', while en route to Gall, Lando makes Luke and Leia some Giju stew. No one wants it; Luke compares it to [[It Tastes Like Feet|old boot plastic and fertilizer drenched in pond scum]]. Annoyed, Lando takes some to show them what they're missing; "The expression on his face went from irritated to amazed, slid to horror, then right into disgust". He decides that it was overspiced, and they're just going to open a packet of beans for dinner.
* In the ''[[Ring WorldRingworld]]'' novels, Louis Wu encounters hominids whose diets are nearly always more specialized than those of Earth's humans: herbivores, carnivores, scavengers, etc. This effectively inverts the trope, as there's bound to be something ''we'' eat that would squick out each and every Ringworld native. Even the omnivores call him out for eating cheese ("decayed food!").
* An inversion in the first book, Speaker to Animals can't eat with the humans, because their food "smelled like burnt garbage."
* In Somtow Sucharitkul's ''Mallworld'', an alien ambassador brings a live animal (considered a delicacy on his planet) to a diplomatic dinner with the humans. The animal looks like a vaguely humanoid rhinoceros beetle and is about the size of a howler monkey. The humans are appalled... APPALLED, I tell you... to find out that the "animal" is actually a child-stage member of the ambassador's own species. (Turns out the aliens aren't sentient until adulthood, breed '''very''' quickly and in copious numbers, and generally consider their own children vermin; any that manage to survive to adulthood are taught how to be civilized beings, but until they they are hunted and eaten by their own parents.
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