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Fitzcarraldo: Difference between revisions

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* [[Downer Ending]]: {{spoiler|The plan to move the boat is a success, but the Indians betray him and Fitzcarraldo is lucky to keep his life and the boat after the rapids}}. He seems happy at the end, though.
** What? How can this possibly be a [[Downer Ending]]? {{spoiler|Fitzcarraldo SUCCEEDED in his original objective, to bring opera to Iquitos, when he found out that the opera company was available and needed transport. See above under [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].}}
* [[Enforced Method Acting]]: The rapids the boat was saling on with Kinski on it? All real.
* [[Fingore]]: During the filming of the rapids scene, one of the crewman on the boat fractured some of his fingers.
* [[God Guise]]: Subverted. In order to get the manpower to drag the boat up the mountain, Fitzcarraldo and his crew try convincing a bunch of natives who conveniently have a legend about a divine power with a white vessel that Fitzcarraldo is a God. The natives inform them that they weren't born yesterday, but decide to help out anyway in exchange for ice.
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