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User:Damian Yerrick/crosswick worksheet: Difference between revisions

Extracted my own edits from history on TVT
(...and done.)
(Extracted my own edits from history on TVT)
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These changes were made by [[User:Damian Yerrick|Damian Yerrick]] to the article [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Website/CRACKED Website/Cracked] on TV Tropes between June 2012 and November 2013. The changes have been extracted in PmWiki markup from [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/article_history.php?article=Website.CRACKED&more=t the TV Tropes article's history] and need to be integrated into the ''[[Cracked.com]]'' work page and crosswicked in the respective trope pages.
No mass crosswick is in progress at the moment.
# MediaWikify them
# Get them out of chrono order and into alphabetical order
# Merge them into [[Cracked.com]]
# Merge them into the respective trope articles
* TheCSIEffect: [[invoked]]Explained as arising from the misconception that government agencies are staffed by geniuses, according to "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_18960_5-things-tv-writers-apparently-believe-about-smart-people_p2.html 5 Things TV Writers Apparently Believe About Smart People]]".
* ToothyBird: The toothlike serrations inside a penguin's mouth, used to grip fish, are #3 of the [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19871_the-7-most-terrifying-mouths-in-nature_p2.html 7 Most Terrifying Mouths in Nature]].
* ParallelPornTitles:
** Video: [[http://www.cracked.com/video_16737_do-you-have-what-it-takes-title-porn.html Do you have what it takes to title porn?]]
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_16355_the-10-most-misleadingly-pornographic-movie-titles.html The 10 Most Misleadingly Pornographic Movie Titles]] lists movies that could be mistaken for their ''own'' parallel porn title. It even lists which scenes could be kept unchanged.
** ''Girth, Wind and Fire''. [[http://www.cracked.com/article_15830_15-most-sexually-unappealing-porn-titles.html An article about unappealing porn titles]] notes that a much better title would have been ''Sperm, Bend & Tie Her''.
* RulesOfTheRoad: Several in [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_390_32-alternate-interpretations-common-warning-signs/ 32 Alternate Interpretations of Common Warning Signs]]
* BeTheBall: The operation of the Morph Ball in ''VideoGame/{{Metroid}}'' is the #27 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* CriticalEncumbranceFailure: A human being able to lift 300 kg as if it were nothing but not 301 kg is the #12 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* ElementalEmbodiment: The #8 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]] represents them as hot chicks.
* EnhancedRemake: The #3 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]] is that "new 16-bit microscopes may prove existence of sub-pixel particles".
* FollowTheMoney: [[SelectiveGravity Levitating]] coins are explained as lighter-than-air currency in the #7 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* GoKartingWithBowser: Mario's numerous roles are evidence of a multiverse in the #15 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* GroundPound: Mid-air direction changes and surviving falls are the #9 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* HealThyself, etc.
** The #22 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]] is a medkit, and #9 is "Green Heart + Red Heart = Full Health".
** One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "first aid kits are absorbed through osmosis".
** A healing factor is portrayed as [[BlessedWithSuck undesirable]] in [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20241_6-awesome-superpowers-that-would-suck-in-real-life_p2.html 6 Awesome Superpowers (That Would Suck in Real Life)]] because the intense pain would lead to post-traumatic stress disorder.
* InUniverseGameClock: Taking 10 minutes to climb a stairway is the #11 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]], and accelerated crop growth as seen in farm simulation video games such as ''VideoGame/HarvestMoon'' series and ''VideoGame/{{FarmVille}}'' is #6.
* JumpPhysics: Mid-air direction changes and surviving falls are the #9 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* LimitBreak: The #5 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]] is that one in five men can transform under stress.
* MoneySpider: Monsters having internal gold sacs is one of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ 27 Science Lessons As Taught by Famous Video Games]] and one of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]].
* ParodyOfEvolution: The #14 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]] is an allusion to Rudolph Zallinger's illustration "The March of Progress" done with game sprites.
* RegeneratingHealth:
** The regeneration in first-person shooters since ''VideoGame/FaceBall2000'' is the #23 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
** One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is to "duck and cover and stay put until you are fully healed."
* SaveScumming: How time works with this in play is the #17 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* UniversalAdaptorCast: Mario's numerous roles are evidence of a multiverse in the #15 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* VideoGame3DLeap: Parodied as the #25 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]] which teaches that the third spatial dimension was discovered in 1996.
* WelcomeToCorneria: "Psychology: People tend to say the same thing over and over" is the #9 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games_p2/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* WhaleEgg: {{Pokemon}} coming from eggs is the #27 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_388_27-science-lessons-as-taught-by-famous-video-games/ Science Lesson As Taught by Famous Video Games]].
* AllJustADream: The article "[[http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/why-saved-by-bell-all-dream-conspiracy-theory/ Why 'Saved by the Bell' is All a Dream: A Conspiracy Theory]]" explains why ''Series/SavedByTheBell'' has to be an escapist dream of a character in ''Series/GoodMorningMissBliss'', using clues from the ExpositoryThemeTune.
* ArsonMurderAndJaywalking:
** "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_19957_8-mind-blowing-realities-our-future-full-old-people_p2.html 8 Mind-Blowing Realities of Our Future Full of Old People]]" describes a likely reaction to a proposed solution to the coming farm labor shortage.
-->Oh hey, let's import unwhites to do our labor! Why don't we bring back slavery and dial-up Internet service while we're at it?
** The lead of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20395_5-heartwarming-accomplishments-by-hardened-prison-inmates.html 5 Heartwarming Accomplishments by Hardened Prison Inmates]] claims that humans are "capable of some pretty terrible stuff, like robbery and murder and [[Music/{{U2}} Bono]]."
* BreadEggsMilkSquick:
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19957_8-mind-blowing-realities-our-future-full-old-people_p2.html 8 Mind-Blowing Realities of Our Future Full of Old People]]" compares making a home safe for senior citizens to childproofing.
-->Plugs have to be covered, gates erected, breakables moved, cabinets locked, knives dulled, bullets replaced with blanks, etc.
* BuddyCopShow Where TheyFightCrime
** ''[[http://www.cracked.com/blog/why-crimes-would-never-get-solved-at-a-tv-police-station/ Why Crimes Would Never Get Solved At A TV Police Station]]''
** Called an easy way to involve a TokenMinority in the #1 [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-4-weirdest-lessons-80s-movies-really-wanted-to-teach-us_p2/ Weirdest Lesson '80s Movies Really Wanted to Teach Us]].
* DoubleStandard: "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_19922_5-prejudices-that-video-games-cant-seem-to-get-over_p2.html 5 Prejudices That Video Games Can't Seem to Get Over]]" claims that video games allow lesbian subtext but no male gay subtext.
* FantasticRacism:
** J.F. Sargent calls the very existence of {{Fantasy Counterpart Culture}}s one of the "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_19922_5-prejudices-that-video-games-cant-seem-to-get-over.html 5 Prejudices That Video Games Can't Seem to Get Over]]".
* Monumental Damage: The Statue of Liberty is the #1 [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19924_5-iconic-building-that-were-barely-saved-from-destruction_p2.html Iconic Building That Was Barely Saved from Destruction]] because "when Lady Liberty gets destroyed, it means the apocalypse is here".
* SeriousBusiness: ''Film/{{Rad}}'', where the entire culture of a town is built around BMX, is cited in "[[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-4-weirdest-lessons-80s-movies-really-wanted-to-teach-us/ The 4 Weirdest Lessons '80s Movies Really Wanted to Teach Us]]" as the most ridiculous example of a hobby that saves the world.
* MundaneUtility:
** [[IronMan Tony Stark]] using his repulsor ray to toast bread of all things is one of several [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_116_idiotic-real-world-uses-awesome-fictional-technology/ Idiotic Real World Uses of Awesome Fictional Technology]].
** A later Photoplasty added more. [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_673_22-terrible-ways-we-would-use-sci-fi-technology/ 22 Terrible Ways We Would Use Sci-Fi Technology]] include using a ''Franchise/StarWars'' lightsaber to chop a cucumber, or using [[ComicBook/SpiderMan Doc Ock's tentacles]] to serve food to customers at a restaurant.
* TechnologyMarchesOn: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19325_6-technologies-conspicuously-absent-from-sci-fi-movies.html 6 Technologies Conspicuously Absent From Sci-Fi Movies]] explores technologies widely available when several well-known science fiction films were first published that would have completely [[TropeBreaker broken]] their plots: bicycles, night vision goggles, unmanned combat vehicles, Wi-Fi, GPS, and cell phones.
* AudienceSurrogate: "Make Them Look and Sound Like the Audience, Against All Logic" is #4 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19183_6-tricks-movies-use-to-make-sure-you-root-right-guy.html 6 Tricks Movies Use to Make Sure You Root for the Right Guy]].
* MisaimedFandom: [[invoked]] [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19183_6-tricks-movies-use-to-make-sure-you-root-right-guy.html 6 Tricks Movies Use to Make Sure You Root for the Right Guy]] lists tools used to [[AvertedTrope prevent]] this reaction.
* PetTheDog: "Give Them a Dog" is #6 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19183_6-tricks-movies-use-to-make-sure-you-root-right-guy.html 6 Tricks Movies Use to Make Sure You Root for the Right Guy]].
* RaceLift:
** "Make Them American, Even if They're Not" is #3 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19183_6-tricks-movies-use-to-make-sure-you-root-right-guy.html 6 Tricks Movies Use to Make Sure You Root for the Right Guy]].
** In [[http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/the-5-most-insulting-defenses-nerd-racism/ The 5 Most Insulting Defenses of Nerd Racism]], J.F. Sargent defends the practice of sacrificing fidelity to the source comics in superhero films.
* RockBeatsLaser: "Make Them Technologically Inferior" is #5 of the [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19183_6-tricks-movies-use-to-make-sure-you-root-right-guy.html 6 Tricks Movies Use to Make Sure You Root for the Right Guy]].
* CityInABottle: An article lists [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19976_6-isolated-groups-who-had-no-idea-that-civilization-existed.html 6 isolated groups who had no idea that civilization existed]].
* TreeTopTown: The Korowai tribe of Papua New Guinea live in tree houses 100 feet up to escape floods and predators, according to [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19286_9-houses-you-wont-believe-people-actually-live-in_p2.html 9 Houses You Won't Believe People Actually Live In]] and [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19976_6-isolated-groups-who-had-no-idea-that-civilization-existed.html 6 Isolated Groups Who Had No Idea That Civilization Existed]].
* IronicHell: [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_427_16-appropriate-punishments-everyday-annoyances/ 16 Appropriate Punishments for Everyday Annoyances]]
* AwesomeButImpractical:
** The ball tank, #2 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19914_6-utterly-insane-innovations-history-was-sure-were-coming_p2.html 6 Utterly Insane Innovations History Was SURE Were Coming]] and #2 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_17366_7-wtf-military-weapons-you-wont-believe-they-actually-built_p2.html 7 WTF Military Weapons You Won't Believe They Actually Built]].
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_16983_the-11-most-retarded-fictional-weapons.html The 11 Most Retarded Fictional Weapons]], including the Klingon bat'leth.
* ToughActToFollow: [[invoked]] "[[http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-works-art-so-good-they-ruined-their-whole-genre/ 5 Works of Art So Good, They Ruined Their Whole Genre]]" calls ''Film/TwoThousandOneASpaceOdyssey'', DavidBowie's ''The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust'', ''Film/FightClub'', two BobMarley albums, and ''Film/AnimalHouse'' tough acts to follow in their respective genres.
* RealityIsUnrealistic:
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19999_5-true-stories-cut-from-movies-being-too-unrealistic.html 5 True Stories Cut from Movies for Being Too Unrealistic]] lists "mind-blowing moments from real life that Hollywood decided were too fantastic", such as John Dillinger taking three people hostage in ''Film/PublicEnemies'' but 17 in RealLife.
* TrumanShowPlot: ''Film/TheTrumanShow'' is called one of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20031_6-movies-that-accidentally-recreate-real-mental-illnesses.html 6 Movies That Accidentally Recreate Real Mental Illnesses]] because its plot resembles the real-life delusion that one's life is a reality show, a mental illness investigated by doctors Joel and Ian Gold.
* FunSize: Calling tiny, [[AllHallowsEve trick-or-treat size]] candy bars "fun size", or calling any sort of eating "fun" for that matter, is one of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-stupidest-lies-advertisers-expect-you-to-believe/ The 5 Stupidest Lies Advertisers Expect You to Believe]]. It compares the practice to little people demanding to be called "fun size".
* ConLang: A Northern California argot called [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boontling Boontling]] is one of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20110_5-secret-languages-that-stuck-it-to-man_p2.html 5 secret languages that stuck it to the man]]. It uses English grammar but replaces many of the content words.
* CrappyHolidays: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20092_5-everyday-things-that-can-literally-drive-you-crazy_p2.html 5 Everyday Things That Can Literally Drive You Crazy]] links seasonal affective disorder in part to "three straight months of Christmas music."
* CrazyCatLady:
** Parodied by Christina H., whose column is called "Let Me Tell You About My Cats."
** Pets are #5 of the [[http://www.cracked.com/article_16220_6-things-you-didnt-know-you-could-get-addicted-to.html 6 Things You Didn't Know You Could Get Addicted To]], and this article links it to ''Toxoplasma gondii'' parasites.
** Photoplasty [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_581_17-famous-images-as-seen-from-different-angle_p2/?view=article Famous Images, As Seen From a Different Angle]] shows a dozen cats on the side of the room that we don't see in James McNeill Whistler's famous portrait of his mother.
* ThrowItIn: [[invoked]] [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20096_6-iconic-movie-scenes-that-happened-by-accident.html 6 Iconic Movie Scenes That Happened by Accident]] cites Viggo Mortensen's broken toe in ''Film/TheLordOfTheRings'', among others.
* PornStash: Stashes of erotic magazines and VHS tapes are one of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19753_7-ridiculously-outdated-assumptions-every-movie-makes.html 7 Ridiculously Outdated Assumptions Every Movie Makes]].
* DumpsterDive: It's a way of life in Manshiyat Naser, whose residents live off Cairo's garbage, making it one of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19590_the-6-weirdest-cities-people-actually-live-in.html The 6 Weirdest Cities People Actually Live In]].
* EarWorm: Discussed in [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19590_the-6-weirdest-cities-people-actually-live-in.html The 6 Weirdest Cities People Actually Live In]], after a bit about a city whose residents live off the capital's garbage: "Great, now we have the ''Series/SanfordAndSon'' theme stuck in our heads."
* AttentionDeficitOohShiny: #6 on ''Website/{{Cracked}}'''s [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_259_if-everything-got-adorable-mascot_p2/ If Everything Got An Adorable Mascot]] is Addie the ADHD tornado. "Let us help you learn to cope with... Ohh!!! Shiny!!!"
* MethodActing: [[invoked]] [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20172_the-5-craziest-ways-famous-actors-got-into-character.html The 5 Craziest Ways Famous Actors Got into Character]] mentions Adrien Brody, Tom Cruise, and more.
* CommieNazis: An alliance between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia was narrowly averted according to "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_20192_5-insane-what-if-scenarios-that-almost-changed-everything_p2.html 5 Insane 'What If' Scenarios That Almost Changed Everything]]".
* TheDungAges: Debunked in "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_20186_6-ridiculous-myths-about-middle-ages-everyone-believes.html 6 Ridiculous Myths About the Middle Ages Everyone Believes]]" and "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_20615_5-ridiculous-myths-you-probably-believe-about-dark-ages.html 5 Ridiculous Myths You Probably Believe About the Dark Ages]]".
* DarkerAndEdgier:
** "[[http://www.cracked.com/blog/3-movies-they-dont-make-anymore-but-really-should/ 3 Movies They Don't Make Anymore (But Really Should)]]" decries the trend of "taking popular, existing properties and bringing out the darkest and grittiest aspects they can find" seen in ''Film/HanselAndGretelWitchHunters'', among other movies.
** In "[[http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/4-bizarrely-specific-rules-fairy-tale-adaptations-all-follow/ 4 Bizarrely Specific Rules Fairy Tale Adaptations All Follow]]", David Christopher Bell claims that all film adaptations of fairy tales invoke this to invert {{Disneyfication}}.
* ObviousRulePatch: Plenty of them resulted from events described in Xavier Jackson's [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20717_5-dumb-ways-people-have-won-at-sports.html 5 Dumb Ways People Have Won at Sports]].
* DolledUpInstallment: "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_20187_5-little-known-sequels-that-ruined-iconic-stories.html 5 Little-Known Sequels That Ruined Iconic Stories]]" explains that Charles Webb admitted that his novel ''Literature/HomeSchool'', the sequel to ''Literature/TheGraduate'', had the old characters shoehorned into a new story.
* NiceGuysFinishLast: Being too nice is one of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20197_5-innocent-things-that-science-says-make-people-hate-you_p2.html 5 Innocent Things That Science Says Make People Hate You]].
* PoesLaw: [[invoked]] [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20203_the-5-most-epic-backfires-in-history-bad-jokes.html The 5 Most Epic Backfires in the History of Bad Jokes]]. From the lead: "The problem with sarcasm is that you can do it so well (or so poorly) that people don't realize you're joking."
* StealthParody
** Cracked has done some of their own. For example, Robert Brockway's "[[http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-you-learn-from-lifetime-screwing-up/ 5 Things You Learn From a Lifetime of Screwing Up]]" is probably a parody of David Wong and John Cheese articles.
* LyricalDissonance: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20195_the-5-most-insane-teams-in-history-sports.html The 5 Most Insane Teams in the History of Sports]] describes an incident in the 1990s when the Canadian Football League was attempting to expand into the United States. At one game, the Canadian national anthem was sung to the tune of "O Christmas Tree".
* RivalsTeamUp: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20195_the-5-most-insane-teams-in-history-sports.html The 5 Most Insane Teams in the History of Sports]] calls the Steagles, an alliance of longtime rival NFL teams from Pennsylvania when most of their regular players were drafted to fight WorldWarII, "too stupid even for a sports movie".
* Required Secondary Powers
** Implied by [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20241_6-awesome-superpowers-that-would-suck-in-real-life.html 6 Awesome Superpowers (That Would Suck in Real Life)]]. For example, being able to throw lightning would require immunity to effects on sight and hearing similar to those of stun grenades, and force fields would need immunity to NotTheFallThatKillsYou.
* StockholmSyndrome: ''Cracked'' accuses ''Disney/BeautyAndTheBeast'' of this in [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_528_23-romantic-movies-revised-honesty/ 23 Romantic Movies Revised for Honesty]] and [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19285_5-romantic-movie-gestures-that-were-actually-dick-moves.html 5 Romantic Movie Gestures That Were Actually Dick Moves]].
* BungledSuicide: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20236_6-insane-disney-comics-you-wont-believe-are-real.html 6 Insane Disney Comics You Won't Believe Are Real]] shows some 1930 [[MickeyMouseComicUniverse Mickey strips]] where breaking up with Minnie causes him to attempt suicide several ways but fail each time.
* FurryConfusion: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20236_6-insane-disney-comics-you-wont-believe-are-real.html 6 Insane Disney Comics You Won't Believe Are Real]] shows panels from an educational comic in an issue of ''Look'' magazine showing Dr. [[MickeyMouseComicUniverse Mickey Mouse]] testing sulfa drugs on common mice.
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20236_6-insane-disney-comics-you-wont-believe-are-real.html 6 Insane Disney Comics You Won't Believe Are Real]] shows panels from a 1953 ''[[ComicBook/TheLifeAndTimesOfScroogeMcDuck Scrooge]]'' comic book where what at first looks like a fight between Goldie and Scrooge (given the sound effects and smoke emanating from the cabin) [[DestructoNookie turns out to be something]] "not a hangin' offense in Langry, Texas, or anywhere else".
* FlashMob: In "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOfOIQ5ayzI College of DuPage Flash Mob Dance and Pep Rally]]", one of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-videos-that-will-brighten-your-day/ 5 Videos That Will Brighten Your Day]], a half dozen people perform rehearsed dance moves, and then someone outside the group spontaneously joins in the dance fever. "Oh, [[MusicalWorldHypotheses life is a musical now]]? OK, I'd better adapt!"
* LiesDamnedLiesAndStatistics: ''Website/{{Cracked}}'''s [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20318_the-5-most-popular-ways-statistics-are-used-to-lie-to-you_p2.html The 5 Most Popular Ways Statistics Are Used to Lie to You]] covers some fallacies commonly used to lie with statistics.
* TheBeastmaster: In Photoplasty contest [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_553_28-inspirational-image-memes-revised-honesty/ 28 Inspirational Image Memes (Revised for Honesty)]], #5 is "If at first you don't succeed, command an army of birds."
* FauxtivationalPoster: Photoplasty contest [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_553_28-inspirational-image-memes-revised-honesty/ 28 Inspirational Image Memes (Revised for Honesty)]] parodies Successories and other inspirational glurge posters.
* EvilHand: Somatoparaphrenia, or the delusion that someone's limb is not his own, is discussed in [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19369_the-6-most-mind-blowing-ways-your-brain-can-malfunction.html The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Ways Your Brain Can Malfunction]]. It results from damage to the homunculus, the part of the brain that tracks where each body part is.
* LoadsAndLoadsOfRoles: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19369_the-6-most-mind-blowing-ways-your-brain-can-malfunction.html The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Ways Your Brain Can Malfunction]] mentions the "Fregoli delusion" that several distinct people that someone meets are one person who quickly changes clothes, named after a stage actor famous for quickly changing into different costumes.
* MirrorRoutine: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19369_the-6-most-mind-blowing-ways-your-brain-can-malfunction.html The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Ways Your Brain Can Malfunction]] mentions a mental disorder called mirrored-self misidentification, in which someone looking into a mirror believes that the [[MirrorMonster monster in the mirror]] is an intruder performing a Mirror Routine, not oneself.
* BleepDammit: The titles of articles about [[http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/5-meteor-videos-that-prove-russians-dont-give-f2340k/ meteors]] and [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-video-game-endings-that-are-clearly-f234025ing-with-us/ video game endings]] jarringly [[SymbolSwearing grawlix out]] a certain word starting with F that article bodies use uncensored all the time. Yet [[http://www.cracked.com/article_18380_the-6-most-statistically-full-shit-professions.html an article about so-called experts]] gets away with an S-bomb in the title.
* DistractedByTheSexy: Men make more short-term-oriented decisions after exposure to sexual stimuli, as explained in #3 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20332_5-unrealistic-movie-cliches-that-are-scientifically-accurate.html 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate]].
* DuetBonding: #2 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20332_5-unrealistic-movie-cliches-that-are-scientifically-accurate.html 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate]] points out a study finding that people singing together end up synchronizing their brainwaves.
* HumanoidAliens: Some xenobiologists argue that convergent evolution to a humanoid form is more likely than StarfishAliens, according to #1 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20332_5-unrealistic-movie-cliches-that-are-scientifically-accurate.html 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate]].
* {{Lunacy}}: #5 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20332_5-unrealistic-movie-cliches-that-are-scientifically-accurate.html 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate]] explains moon fear as the result of a rise in lion attacks on the first few days after the full moon once the lions have become hungrier.
* SmartPeopleWearGlasses: #4 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20332_5-unrealistic-movie-cliches-that-are-scientifically-accurate.html 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate]] points out a study finding that intelligence and education are somehow correlated with nearsightedness in real life.
* TruthInTelevision: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20332_5-unrealistic-movie-cliches-that-are-scientifically-accurate.html 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate]] explores the real-life counterparts of five tropes that are more realistic than they [[RealityIsUnrealistic may sound]].
* TheWatson: #4 of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-realizations-that-will-ruin-science-fiction-you/ 4 Realizations That Will Ruin Science Fiction for You]] is that science fiction needs a "straight man" to whom the setting's rules are explained.
* OrangeBlueContrast:
** [[http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/why-new-hunger-games-movie-orange-blue/ Why the New 'Hunger Games' Movie Is Orange and Blue]] discusses this color scheme in the second ''Hunger Games'' film.
* BreadEggsBreadedEggs:
** [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-animals-that-could-take-over-world-if-they-wanted-to/ Animals that could take over the world if they wanted to]]
** "So when a [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-superpowers-everyone-thinks-they-secretly-have/ camera, or a phone, or a camera phone]] doesn't heed our commands..."
** In [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-terrible-things-we-only-know-because-internet/ 5 Terrible Things We Only Know Because of the Internet]], Felix Clay describes the Internet as "full of hilarious gifs and cats and gifs of cats."
** Cities that get a lot of tourism are characterized using this in [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-stupid-travel-myths-everyone-believes/ 5 Stupid Travel Myths Everyone Believes]].
--> By simply walking around, you'll ... see the way they drive (manically), the way they urinate in the street (freely), and the way they urinate while they drive (frothily).
* PercussiveMaintenance: "I've even seen people who insist that their televisions or vehicles require [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-superpowers-everyone-thinks-they-secretly-have/ a special touch that only they know]], a touch that usually turns out to be a pretty substantial punch or kick, which I guess makes their superpower physical abuse?"
* AutopsySnackTime: #4 of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-bizarrely-specific-rules-that-exist-in-movie-universes/ 4 Bizarrely Specific Rules That Exist in Movie Universes]] mentions cases in ''Film/GoneInSixtySeconds2000'', ''Series/{{Scrubs}}'', and others where it appears a coroner ''can't'' [[Memes/{{Nintendo}} enjoy]] his [[YMMV/FurAffinity sandwich]] without a corpse in the room. It even links to the page on That Other Trope Wiki.
* FetishFuel: #3 of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-emotions-invented-by-internet_p2/ 6 New Kinds of Anxiety the Internet Gave Us]] is "The Confusion/Disgust/Arousal of Stumbling Upon Someone Else's Sexual Fetish".
* FifteenMinutesOfFame: #1 of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-emotions-invented-by-internet_p2/ 6 New Kinds of Anxiety the Internet Gave Us]] is "The Shock of Instant, Unintentional Fame".
* FlameWar: #2 of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-emotions-invented-by-internet_p2/ 6 New Kinds of Anxiety the Internet Gave Us]] is "The Dread of Stumbling into a Hornet's Nest".
* MeanCharacterNiceActor: Johnny Depp and others in [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20413_5-heartwarming-stories-to-restore-your-faith-in-celebrities_p2.html 5 Heartwarming Stories to Restore Your Faith in Celebrities]].
* PinkGirlBlueBoy: It used to be [[InvertedTrope inverted]]. #5 of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19780_5-gender-stereotypes-that-used-to-be-exact-opposite.html 5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite]] is that pink being for girls is a [[NewerThanTheyThink recent idea]].
* LifeImitatesArt
** And comic books too. [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20379_5-important-things-you-wont-believe-comic-books-invented.html 5 Important Things You Won't Believe Comic Books Invented]] shows how Music/ElvisPresley's appearance, ''VideoGame/{{Minecraft}}'', and even ankle bracelets for monitoring criminals came from old comic books.
* DeconReconSwitch: [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/3-reasons-its-so-hard-to-make-superman-interesting_p2/ 3 Reasons It's So Hard to Make Superman Interesting]] spends a page deconstructing the Boring InvincibleHero and then another reconstructing a hero faced with the SadisticChoice of whom to save at any given moment.
* UnacceptableTargets: [[invoked]] One of the [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-reasons-no-one-laughed-at-your-joke/ reasons no one laughed at your joke]] is "It Was About Something They Won't Laugh About, Ever".
* ViewersAreGeniuses: One of the [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-reasons-no-one-laughed-at-your-joke/ reasons no one laughed at your joke]] is "They Didn't Have Enough Information to Get It". It states that the best practice for an InsideJoke that relies on knowledge of something obscure like ''Film/{{Rocky}} IV'' or ''Series/BattlestarGalacticaClassic'' is to find a discreet way to [[DontExplainTheJoke explain the reference]] in the setup.
* NotTheNessie: Photoplasty [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_581_17-famous-images-as-seen-from-different-angle/?view=article Famous Images, As Seen From a Different Angle]] depicts an elephant swimming and putting its trunk above the water as a snorkel, forming the famous photo of the Loch Ness monster.
* ButchLesbian: Photoplasty [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_581_17-famous-images-as-seen-from-different-angle/?view=article Famous Images, As Seen From a Different Angle]] has the linked-Venus lesbianism symbol on [[WrenchWench Rosie the Riveter's]] bicep.
* TheScream: Photoplasty [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_581_17-famous-images-as-seen-from-different-angle/?view=article Famous Images, As Seen From a Different Angle]] shows what the figure in Edvard Munch's painting was screaming at: Franchise/{{Superman}}.
* SeenItAll: Losing the ability to be surprised by entertainment is one of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-warning-signs-that-youre-finally-getting-older_p2/ 5 Warning Signs That You're Finally Getting Older]]. Entertainment will ruin your life [[TVTropesWillRuinYourLife with or without TV Tropes]].
* ShopliftAndDie: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is to avert this by putting a basket on the shopkeeper's head. "Robbery is easier than you think."
* TwentyFourHourArmor: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "real men sleep in their armor."
* TacticalSuicideBoss: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "it may take a few tries, but life gets easier once you figure out the patterns." The example is from ''VideoGame/PunchOut''.
* PowerUpFood: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "weakling + ''Amanita'' mushroom = bodybuilder."
* PoliceAreUseless: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that police cars in a BeatEmUp are just for decoration. "Only trust your fists; police will never help you."
* OneHitKill: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "no matter how strong and powerful you are, some scrub will take you out with a death spell."
* HyperactiveMetabolism:
** One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "eating food you find in the trash is good for you."
* HorseOfADifferentColor: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "if you have the right saddle, you can ride on freaking anything."
* HighPressureBlood: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "a person's volume of blood often exceeds 78 liters."
* HeroesGoneFishing: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "[[DamselInDistress your princess]] can always wait a little longer" to complete a FishingMinigame.
* FastballSpecial: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "your unborn children make awesome weapons." The example given is from ''VideoGame/YoshisIsland''.
* DreamApocalypse: In an episode of ''Series/StarTrekTheNextGeneration'', via ''Website/{{Cracked}}'''s [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20470_5-horrifying-implications-star-trek-universe.html 5 Horrifying Implications of the 'Star Trek' Universe]], Picard is playing holodeck when one of the characters asks him: "When you're gone, will this world still exist? Will my wife and kids still be waiting for me at home?"
* ConcealmentEqualsCover: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "bullets can't pass through wood or cars."
* ClothesMakeTheSuperman: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] uses Mario's suits to make the point that "there is no problem that a change of wardrobe won't solve."
* ColorCodedArmies: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "somebody being the wrong color is a perfectly okay reason to attack them."
* ChainmailBikini
** One of the "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_19922_5-prejudices-that-video-games-cant-seem-to-get-over.html 5 Prejudices That Video Games Can't Seem to Get Over]]".
** One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "the less it covers, the more it protects."
* ActionGirl: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_586_31-life-lessons-you-can-only-learn-from-video-games/ 31 Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From Video Games]] is that "every sexy girl is a ruthless killer."
* CoveredUp: [[invoked]] One of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20403_6-famous-songs-written-by-last-person-youd-expect_p2.html 6 Famous Songs Written by the Last Person You'd Expect]] is "Red Red Wine", written and originally recorded by Music/NeilDiamond and popularized by Music/{{UB40}}'s cover.
* ComeForTheXStayForTheY: In-universe. [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20464_5-words-you-use-every-day-with-shockingly-dark-backstories.html 5 Words You Use Every Day With Shockingly Dark Backstories]] links the word "fornication" to prostitutes finding clients in bakeries. It gives as an example the novel ''Literature/{{Satyricon}}'' by Gaius Petronius, which "talks about bakers tricking clients into coming for the bread and staying 'thither for the base gratification of wantonness.'"
* ExactlyWhatItSaysOnTheTin:
** In [[http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/6-ridiculous-tumblrs-that-yahoo-just-paid-241-billion-for/ 6 Ridiculous Tumblrs That Yahoo Just Paid $1 Billion For]], Alex Hanton claims that [[http://brucespringsteenscrotch.tumblr.com/ Bruce Springsteen's Crotch]] and many other Tumblr blogs "stand up for truth in advertising. You click on this, you know exactly what you're getting."
** Readers retitle several movies in this manner in [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_130_if-movie-titles-were-honest/ If Movie Titles Were Honest]].
* NoBudget: A Photoplasty considers what would have happened [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_622_if-40-famous-movies-had-2450-budgets/ If 40 Famous Movies Had $50 Budgets]].
* GroundhogDayLoop: [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/10-life-lessons-that-tetris-can-teach-you/ 10 Life Lessons That 'Tetris' Can Teach You]]
* DiscreditedTrope: Several articles discuss tropes deemed discredited. These include [[http://www.cracked.com/article_17392_6-sci-fi-movie-conventions-that-need-to-die.html 6 Sci-Fi Movie Conventions (That Need to Die)]] and [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20467_5-overused-twist-endings-its-time-movies-to-retire.html 5 Overused Twist Endings It's Time For Movies to Retire]].
* TheAgeless: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20055_6-unassuming-animals-that-are-secretly-immortal.html 6 Unassuming Animals That Are Secretly Immortal]] lists animal species that don't die of old age, such as lobsters and turtles.
* TheAristocrats: The #3 [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_615_33-plot-twists-cut-from-disney-movies_p2/ plot twist cut from a Disney animated movie]].
-->So what do you call your act?
* ActionSurvivor: One of [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20504_the-5-most-badass-ways-people-escaped-from-slavery_p2.html The 5 Most Badass Ways People Escaped from Slavery]] is how Eliza Harris carried several children across a river while jumping from one [[FloatingPlatforms moving ice platform]] to another as if it were a ''[[Franchise/SuperMarioBros Mario]]'' game. This is the true story ''Literature/UncleTomsCabin'' was based on.
* HumanMail: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20504_the-5-most-badass-ways-people-escaped-from-slavery.html The 5 Most Badass Ways People Escaped from Slavery]] relates the story of Henry "Box" Brown, an African-American slave in Virginia successfully escaped to Philadelphia inside a crate and later bragged about how he did it. Slavery opponent Frederick Douglass was infuriated because he wanted this escape method to be kept secret so that other slaves could use it.
* IJustWantToBeNormal: Not everyone does. One of [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-things-movies-always-get-wrong-about-awkward-people_p2/ 4 Things Movies Always Get Wrong About Awkward People]] is that people with NoSocialSkills necessarily want to be cured.
* IntimateHealing: [[http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/5-doctors-who-just-gave-worlds-worst-medical-advice/ 5 Doctors Who Just Gave The World's Worst Medical Advice]] retells a [[http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2013/05/17/sacramento-doctor-reprimanded-for-suggesting-oral-sex-to-patient/ CBS13 Sacramento story]] about a doctor who saw a woman with an oversensitive gag reflex and prescribed giving fellatio to her husband. [[Memes/{{Nasuverse}} PONOS to MOOTH]], indeed.
* BoxAndStickTrap: #13 of Photoplasty [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_520_18-things-you-never-noticed-in-famous-pictures-part-2/ 18 Things You Never Noticed in Famous Pictures (Part 2)]] takes Kevin Carter's Pulitzer-winning photo of a vulture stalking a crouching Sudanese child and adds a ray of hope by having the child bait a vulture into such a trap. A kid's gotta eat somehow.
* OlderThanTheyThink: {{In-universe}}
** Discussed in [[http://www.cracked.com/article_18631_7-modern-conveniences-that-are-way-older-than-you-think.html 7 Modern Conveniences That Are Way Older Than You Think]], which mentions Persian air conditioning, Roman shopping malls, Neanderthal medicine, and more.
** [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-forms-modern-depravity-way-older-than-your-grandpa/ 6 Forms of Modern Depravity (Way Older Than Your Grandpa)]] shows late medieval Scottish rap battles, Japanese Edo period celebrity culture associated with the Kardashians, the FurryFandom in ancient Rome, medieval Catholic acceptance of gay marriage, and late medieval treehuggers in India.
* Zombie Apocalypse
** Deconstructed in David Dietle's [[http://www.cracked.com/article_18683_7-scientific-reasons-zombie-outbreak-would-fail-quickly.html 7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly)]]. For one thing, maggots and gut flora would devour the undead.
* DancingBear: Felix Clay in [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-horror-mashups-just-crazy-enough-to-be-awesome/ 6 Horror Mashups Just Crazy Enough to Be Awesome]] calls ''Film/{{TheHumanCentipede}}'' a "Shlock shock horror movie that was made solely for the sensationalism of saying it was actually made [...] The novelty of this movie ended with the idea of it."
* IgnorantOfTheirOwnIgnorance: Gladstone lists [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-douches-who-amazingly-dont-seem-to-know-they-suck/ 4 Douches Who Amazingly Don't Seem to Know They Suck]]. These include people who use a handicap tag for parking without actually needing one, people who grow weary of their customer service job, drivers who honk at other drivers merging onto a highway, and people who overreact to minor inconveniences.
* DavidVersusGoliath (no, not Wong): ''Cracked'' cites a few cases.
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article/93_the-7-most-badass-man-vs.-beast-showdowns/ The 7 Most Badass Man vs. Beast Showdowns]] includes a man driving a bear by kicking in the face and a women driving a way hippo by hitting in the head with a stick.
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19565_9-old-timey-animal-photos-you-wont-believe-are-real.html 9 Old Timey AnimalPhotos You Won't Believe Are Real]] has another case with man named Gus Waldorf going into a boxing match against bear, and as they put it "[[WorfHadTheFlu Since they followed boxing protocol as opposed to the bear's preferred combat style of straight up mauling everyone, its teeth and claws were restricted with a muzzle and boxing gloves. And even though the bear went into the ring severely handicapped,]] [[RealityEnsues Waldorf still lost the fight]] [[PunyHumans due to the handicap of not being a bear]]."
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20468_the-6-most-mismatched-battles-ever-won-by-underdogs.html The 6 Most Mismatched Battles Ever Won by Underdogs]] relates victories by severely outnumbered forces in Persia, the Ottomans, Korea, Hungary, and the Mongols.
* BlatantLies: "America's Only Humor & Video Site, [[AnachronismStew Since 1958]]". This date refers to [[Magazine/{{Cracked}} Cracked's beginning as a magazine]] rivaling ''Magazine/{{Mad}}'' in 1958.
** By 2013, the "Since 1958" had disappeared from the front page. But stories still refer to it occasionally, such as "[[http://www.cracked.com/article_20601_6-ridiculous-myths-you-believe-about-stuff-you-use-every-day_p2.html 6 Ridiculous Myths You Believe About Stuff You Use Every Day]]" which states that locking refrigerators were banned in the United States around the time ''Cracked'' first appeared on newsstands.
* {{Retronym}}: One of Winston Rowntree's [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-4-reasons-we-fall-in-love-with-piece-pop-culture_p2/ The 4 Reasons We Fall in Love With a Piece of Pop Culture]] is that it's "porn", which he defines as any cultural work "that you seek out to animalistically fill a specific need." He runs through a bunch of [[ItsNotPornItsAnIndex things jokingly called porn]], coining the retronym "Sex Porn" in the process.
* TheRuleOfFirstAdopters: One of ''Website/{{Cracked}}'''s [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_673_22-terrible-ways-we-would-use-sci-fi-technology/ 22 Terrible Ways We Would Use Sci-Fi Technology]] is using a ''Franchise/StarTrek'' replicator to make a sex toy. It wouldn't be a stretch from [[http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/scanning-the-future-of-3d-printed-sex-toys-nsfw real-life 3D printed sex toys]] though.
* BlindWeaponmaster: One of Jorden Weir's [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20653_5-people-whose-major-disabilities-only-made-them-stronger.html 5 People Whose Major Disabilities Only Made Them Stronger]] is a blind sharpshooter.
* DisabilitySuperpower:
** One of Jorden Weir's [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20653_5-people-whose-major-disabilities-only-made-them-stronger.html 5 People Whose Major Disabilities Only Made Them Stronger]] is a mixed martial artist missing half of one forearm, making him a lot harder to grab.
* HandicappedBadass: Among Jorden Weir's [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20653_5-people-whose-major-disabilities-only-made-them-stronger.html 5 People Whose Major Disabilities Only Made Them Stronger]] are a legless mountain climber and a blind pilot.
* ScunthorpeProblem
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20562_6-spectacularly-failed-attempts-to-be-politically-correct.html 6 Spectacularly Failed Attempts to Be Politically Correct]] tells how Microsoft banned an Xbox 360 user from Xbox Live for being from Fort Gay, West Virginia.
** Seen on ''Cracked'' itself in the comments section...
* UnfortunateImplications: [[invoked]] [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20562_6-spectacularly-failed-attempts-to-be-politically-correct.html 6 Spectacularly Failed Attempts to Be Politically Correct]] gives a bunch of examples of how attempts to avert MonochromeCasting by including Black people in promotion campaigns ended up tripping over stereotypes about fried chicken, watermelon, and wanting to be white.
* WhatDoYouMeanItWasntMadeOnDrugs: [[invoked]] In [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-most-aggressively-crazy-websites-internet/ The 5 Most Aggressively Crazy Websites on the Internet]], Mark Hill compares ''Boohbah'' to "the findings of a scientist adding LSD to baby food."
* UsefulNotes/TheBechdelTest: Luke [=McKinney=] points out in [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-4-best-moments-in-worst-movies-ever-made_p2/ The 4 Best Moments in the Worst Movies Ever Made]] that the movie based on the video game ''Franchise/DeadOrAlive'' "physically beats the shit out of the Bechdel test" "within the first 10 minutes".
* AppropriatedAppellation: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20679_5-famous-symbols-that-were-created-to-be-horrible-insults.html 5 Famous Symbols that Were Created to Be Horrible Insults]] explains how the gay-pride pink triangle came from the Nazis, the donkey came from political cartoons dissing President Andrew Jackson, and "Yankee" came from a song written by a British army physician claiming that the rebels were aspiring to a social class they did not deserve.
* BrownNote: According to [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20678_5-bizarre-animal-chain-reactions-our-daily-lives-are-causing.html 5 Bizarre Animal Chain Reactions Our Daily Lives Are Causing]], humans' ships' sonar gives squid fatal seizures.
* ChangingClothesIsAFreeAction: In real life it isn't, according to [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-video-game-strategies-that-are-way-less-useful-in-reality/ 5 Video Game Strategies that Are Way Less Useful in Reality]].
* DeathBySex: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20657_the-6-most-bizarre-ways-to-lose-popular-video-games.html The 6 Most Bizarre Ways to Lose Popular Video Games]] describes an odd NonstandardGameOver in ''VideoGame/MassEffect2''.
* TheSmurfettePrinciple:
** Most of the videos on the site have a single female.
** [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20657_the-6-most-bizarre-ways-to-lose-popular-video-games.html The 6 Most Bizarre Ways to Lose Popular Video Games]] describes a pub in the game ''VideoGame/{{Dishonored}}'' as containing "Havelock the leader, Piero the geeky inventor, and Callista the woman."
* ThePollyanna: What Pollyanna calls "the glad game" and others call "counting their blessings" is a coping mechanism that Felix Clay calls "trivializing adversity" in [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-ways-we-dont-realize-we-suck-at-coping-with-adversity/ 4 Ways We Don't Realize We Suck at Coping With Adversity]].
* SpringtimeForHitler: [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20660_5-classic-movies-made-by-people-who-wanted-them-to-fail_p2.html 5 Classic Movies Made by People Who Wanted Them to Fail]] mentions the 1955 romantic dramedy ''Film/{{Marty}}'', starring Creator/ErnestBorgnine, which was expected to fail (and save the studio a bundle on income tax) but when its ugly actors ended up resonating as more authentic to viewers, it ended up winning four Academy Awards and a Palme d'Or. The article describes its production as having "literally started out as the plot of ''Film/TheProducers''."
* EverythingsBetterWithMonkeys:
** M. Asher Cantrell's [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-10-biggest-password-mistakes-people-make/ The 10 Biggest Password Mistakes People Make]] cites a study claiming that half a percent of English-speaking Internet users have "monkey" as a password on an online account and suggests it may be related to the word's status as an InherentlyFunnyWord.
* ThePasswordIsAlwaysSwordfish: Not always, but [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-10-biggest-password-mistakes-people-make/ The 10 Biggest Password Mistakes People Make]] lists a few that several "million uncreative bastards" end up thinking of under [[LineOfSightName time pressure]].
* WhatCouldHaveBeen: Invoked in Photoplasty [[http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_707_21-real-deleted-scenes-that-completely-change-famous-movies/ 21 Real Deleted Scenes That Completely Change Famous Movies]].
* HaveAGayOldTime: In [[http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-most-absurd-superhero-names-all-time/ The 5 Most Absurd Superhero Names of All-Time]], Maxwell Yezpitelok mentions the World War II-era comic book examples of ''The Gay Ghost'' as well as "hav[ing] never felt so queer" in ''Flick Falcon''.
* NotMakingThisUpDisclaimer
** From [[http://www.cracked.com/article_20556_5-animal-rights-campaigns-that-managed-to-screw-over-animals.html 5 Animal Rights Campaigns That Managed to Screw Over Animals]], about the dogs rescued from Michael Vick's dogfighting ring:
--> One of the survivors was put in a program called Paws for Tales, where kids too shy to read aloud to human audiences practice their reading skills in front of dogs. No, really. That's not a sarcastic fake program we made up. (And that's not a stock image. That's Jonny Justice, the actual dog we're talking about.)
* AntiHumor: In [[http://www.cracked.com/article_19213_7-animals-that-are-evolving-right-before-our-eyes.html 7 Animals That Are Evolving Right Before Our Eyes]]
-->'''Q:''' What did the elephant say to the poacher?
-->'''A:''' Dear God in heaven, please don't kill me for my ivory.
-->Sorry about that. Sometimes we get "joke" mixed up with "tragic imagined dialogue that could be happening at this very second if elephants had the power of speech."
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